Meditation for non-hippies. N-word for Whites. Central banking. RS-virus in children: Vitamin D!
Meditation utan flum. Kul med ord. Hur man centralbankar. RS-virus hos barn, så D-vitamina!
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska vov-vov video 🐶
Today’s post-running🏃♂️ English video
#meditation #Erdogan #Vanguard #covid19 #vaccines
According to Naval (, meditation is about letting your mind do what it wants to do. Just let it think about whatever. You can take a walk, lie in bed or just do a failed nap like Kronblom above.
Notice how it’s the 13th of November - Scaring people well in advance, and then they don’t have to take responsibility for the decision if they eventually don’t decide to go through with it. Don’t get fooled! Do not consent!

The Vanguard minions are badly mistreating girls (fighting all early covid treatments) just to make covid fear porn while covering up all vaccine deaths. Monsters!

The vaxx is so safe and effective that you aren’t allowed to look at the data:
A hero 16-year old girl fighting what adults should fight
The Grace Smith story is confirmed by Ron Paul, but it was in Wyoming, and not in Arizona as I said for some unknown reason.
What did that child actor Greta do when she was 16? Going around playing theatre and living a fancy life paid for by the puppet masters.
Columbus Day vs indigenous people’s day
If you don’t want to celebrate Columbus Day because he was a bad person, why do you want to celebrate people who practiced human sacrifice?
Erdogan, the globalists’ favourite punching bag
Erdogan is showing exactly how to not fight globalism:
Erdogan is right about that high interest rates lead to inflation, but he can’t just lower the interest rate to magically increase the confidence in the TRY/Lira. A central bank should give out a currency and peg (tie) it to some assets, and guarantee that anyone owning the currency always can get those assets instead while not meddling with the interest rate. This is how the Swiss Central bank operates; it’s basically a mutual fund that owns bonds, stocks, gold and other assets, and a Swiss Franc is a share in those investments. Erdogan on the other hand tries to win a game rigged by the globalists. That can’t be done, and the lira and Turkey will be crushed and bought up.
We haven’t see so much excess death due to vaccinations in EuroMOMO, but this looks bad:
I might be wrong:

🇸🇪 Vänster och höger är bara två olika smaker av skit - Går bara att använda som gödning

AMLO är Mexicos “vänster”-president som faktiskt verkar bry sig om folket och vilja göra ett bra jobb i stället för att vara en total sadist som Boris Johnson, Macron eller Trudeau.
Skumt på Twitter: Varför får Vanguard ett speciellt V efter sig (men inte i importen ovan)
Höger 💩 Vänster 💩 💩

RS-virus hos barn - Glöm inte D-vitaminen, dagliga 100 IE/kg!

Säkert och effektivt? Sjukvård och media mörkar:

Globalisterna skiter i om det är låga skatter eller höga, bara de får in skattepengar till sina globalistiska organisationer och ni är duktigt hjärntvättade. Men dieselpriset är faktiskt enbart regeringens fel, så det är inte trams att beskylla dem för det: