5 psychology experiments that explain the world. EU energy crisis. Vitaminized cooking
5 psykologiska experiment som förklarar världen. Energikrisen. Vitamin-kokning
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska psykologiska video. Lite på svenska längst ner.
Today’s English psychological video.
As Europe Implodes, It Plans "Radical Intervention" Including Price-Setting, Suspending Derivatives Markets And Europe-Wide Margin Call Bailouts
Just when you thought it couldn't get any more idiotic, Europe will propose i) capping the price of gas; ii) putting a price ceiling on gas imported from Russia; iii) price setting on the electricity market; iv) an urgent Europe-wide credit line support for market participants faced with very high margin calls.
There is no crisis big government can’t make worse, and EU is lead by complete morons. You don’t have to read this article to know that Europe's Energy Crisis Was Created By Political Interventionism.
And now Russia has decided to force Europe to a total surrender:
I doubt the current figureheads are capable of admitting defeat, so expect governments to be falling like bowling pins.
British Troops Join Training Drill With Swedish And Finnish Forces
Exercise Vigilant Knife... intended to further strengthen the interoperability of the three armed forces... I guess the armies are training to shoot starving and freezing Germans. Not that UK is much better off with its imploding “economy”: '20 Quid For A Pint!?' UK Pubs Forced To Hike Prices Or Die
5 Psychological Experiments That Explain The Modern World
Great article explaining how people can be tricked by group think and propaganda, and be herded like sheep.
Does any of those experiments explain why when the energy crisis is devastating Europe, a few percent of the Swedish people think: “We need more of that!”
How to cook vegetables without destroying their vitamins:
Fast, hot bu no burning, little water, no stirring and use a lid:
Bitchute and Saturday problem
Bitchute really loves the Tobin tax so it took me three tries to upload this, and why do I keep calling Saturday Sunday?
Well, I know why: All the weeks of the day are called almost the same in Swedish and English except Saturday = "lördag":
Måndag - Monday (The moon’s day)
Tisdag - Tuesday (The God of war Tyr’s day)
Onsdag - Wednesday (The God of wisdom Odin’s day - Oden, Odin, Woden)
Torsdag - Thursday (Thor’s day)
Fredag - Friday (The god of fertility and farming Frej’s day)
Lördag - Saturday (The day of bathing vs The day of Saturn the god of time, generation, dissolution, abundance, wealth, agriculture, periodic renewal and liberation - There is no Norse equal to that as far as I know)
Söndag - Sunday (The Sun’s day)
By the way: There have been very many calendars, but the week days have been running every week since at least 3500 years without missing a day, and they have only changed the names of the week and what to do on that day in different cultures. Lithuanian in their poetic language decided to name the days of the week “firstday” (Monday) … “Seventhday” (Sunday):
So happy first day everyone, except you who have a language that is so boring that you call it the first day!
The Dutch Vikings: Frisians Full History
(Listen to the last minute first if you’re uncomfortable with this pro-pagan content! Pagan isn’t anti-Christian - It’s anti authoritarian and chaotic in a bad and great way)
He only has a bad point about that leaders from free societies are good and just leaders - They aren’t, but forced to behave like that by their ungovernable people.
We know damn well what happens if you take rulers from a free society and put them in a culture that want to be free and trust them: The rulers of the freer countries will create a terror state as the Vikings did in France -> England, and then England/UK in many places (like India) they went, and Belgium's King in Kongo... Same when the Western rulers got their hands on Soviet in 1991 - total plunder and destruction, and now Poland is trusting UK AGAIN to fail them, as they pick a fight with Russia and then Germany (Hint: Read the book/film Hellstorm - Maybe Poland should help UK to pay Germany reparations, before demanding it from Germany?)
I want anyone to question my factoids, but my point is that no great culture is defined by great leaders. A great culture is defined by not trusting the leaders. When England was at its best, they only had common low and no state police. (Legal Systems Very Different from Ours - Book by David D. Friedman, David Skarbek, and Peter Leeson)
What kind of “pagans” and what kind of “Christians” were the good and the bad? Arian Christians enslaved societies? Of course not. And Swedish pagans sacked France? No, generally not. It was the most toxic ones on either side that were allowed to gain power out of their people’s fear of the other side.
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När Europa kollapsar planerar man "radikala ingripanden", inklusive prissättning, avbrytande av derivatmarknader och räddningspaket med marginalkrav i hela Europa.
Precis när man trodde att det inte kunde bli mer idiotiskt kommer EU att föreslå i) ett tak för gaspriset, ii) ett pristak för gas som importeras från Ryssland, iii) prissättning på elmarknaden, iv) ett brådskande stöd via en kreditlina i hela Europa för marknadsaktörer som står inför mycket höga marginalsäkerheter.
Det finns ingen kris som en stor statsapparat inte kan förvärra, och EU leds av kompletta idioter. Du behöver inte läsa en artikel för att veta att Europas energikris skapades av politisk interventionism.
Och nu har Ryssland beslutat att tvinga Europa till en total kapitulation:
The Sirius Report rapporter:
Nu börjar Ryssland vrida på skruven.
Moskva har förklarat att gasleveranserna till Europa inte kommer att återupptas fullt ut förrän västvärlden häver sanktionerna mot Ryssland.
Jag tvivlar på att de nuvarande galjonsfigurerna är kapabla att erkänna sig besegrade, så förvänta er regeringar som faller som käglor.
5 psykologiska experiment som förklarar den moderna världen
Bra artikel som förklarar hur människor kan bli lurade av grupptänkande och propaganda, och hur de kan bli vallade som får.