Sunday live: Dog sniffing. Overwhelming to control. Buying crypto tokens for a service
Direktsändning: Nosande hundar blir trötta. Mental överbelastning för att kontrollera. Hur köpa krypto-tokens för en tjänst
🇸🇪 Lite svensk text längst ner, men om krypto bara på engelska. Jag kommer att direktsända kl 21:00 på (Sändningen på Swebbtube)
I’m live in English about 21:30 Swedish time (3:30 PM EST) on (The broadcast on Odysee)
I’m not always insightful. Sometimes I'm wrong on purpose in a try to provoke anyone of my followers into being the great saviour that saves me from being so full of my own shit that I grow tomatoes that have the taste vegan cannibalism.
Dogs sniffing
Apparently not all dog owners know this, but many dogs need to sniff more than to walk, and they want to sniff interesting stuff. Sniffing their own yard isn’t interesting, but going out and sniffing where other dogs and other animals have been is both really interesting and exhausting for a dog, so don’t think that your dog needs to move to get exercise, because sniffing stuff is like for a human being in a heated debate, playing chess or watching an exiting match.
Mentally overloading makes mammals compliant
So if you take your dog to an unknown dog park where there are 1234 new smells, after that the dog will be pretty much out of brainpower which means that it will rely on its human to think for it.
You can do the same with humans, and if you teach them a lot of new things, or worse, tell them stories that triggers their imagination, while never going anywhere, they will also be more susceptible to like, Subscribe and make a donation.
As the mammal brain for what-ever reason get overwhelmed with stuff to process, it will then be more likely to leave the thinking to the overwhelmer. Of course most people will feel this, and just run away from you if you do this in an obvious way by for example bombing them with facts, so you have to be very simple at first.
Men don’t really care, but we have to hear about how a man treats a woman when they are alone together and vice versa. But women have no clue how their female friends who “tell them about everything” behave when they are alone with a man. And only stupid men will tell women about how other women behave in that situation.
When a man and a woman are together, the only possible feminist then, is the man…
I bought a few LBRY tokens for Odysee
The reason to buy LBRY tokens is that my videos will be more visible on Odysee, but I’m unsure how well it works. You buy (or earn) tokens, and then you put them like beacons on your or someone else’s content to say that this is important stuff. You will keep the tokens (you can also give me tokens, of course), and can then move them to The Next Current Thing, that you think is important (like the current video).
The LBRY tokens might go to zero or increase in value.
So here is how to do it:
Get an account on Binance, Bitpanda, Coinbase etc, where you can submit your Euro or Dollars.
Buy some XLM (Stellar) - Do it on the “professional” exchange not at the Buy-Fast-Now place, and then you only pay 0.2% or less in trading fee.
Create an account on which is based in China and doesn’t give a shit about your tax authorities nor KYC (So you only have to submit your/an email address, and use for example Google Authenticator, so Google will have some clue about what you’re doing, but not what you’re doing on the exchange). CoinEx has been running since 2017, but I wouldn’t store much value there.
On Coinex you sell your XLM for USDT, and then you buy “LBC” for the USDT.
Then you transfer the LBC to your Odysee account (go to your Odysee wallet, and then “receive” (🇸🇪 “ta emot”)), and you get LBRY tokens to keep and support my or your content or to give away to great creators.
The reason to use XLM to transfer value is that it’s really fast (seconds) and it costs almost nothing, and transferring the LBRY-tokens costs $2/10000 USD.
But how could I know that I should buy “LBC” and where?
You go to Coinmarketcap and search for the token you want to buy for what-ever service you’re interested in. In my case “LBRY”.
Then you click “Markets” (filled in blue below"), and there you see that LBC/USDT is traded on CoinEx, so that is what the token is called there, and were I have to go.
I tried doing the KYC on Bittrex, but the process never accepted the image of my ID with my face.
General advice: Make sure you know about the transfer fees on the network you’re using! If you want some tokens on Ethereum, and you just want to buy for about $10, and then it turns out that the transfer costs are higher than that, and that the exchange doesn’t allow you to buy for less then $10 of anything…
Do you American workers understand how screwed they have been by the central bank and government since 1973?
And there are sources:
But… Of course the data is misinterpreted by Warren Gunnels, as the worker in 1973 didn’t earn $873 a week, but less than $4 and the graph above is adjusted to prices at that time:
So it’s more like this, but it’s still that workers aren’t earning more, and the increased wealth goes to the friends of the central bank via the Cantillon-effect, while small business and workers are getting crushed under regulations:
Conspiracy hypothesis: Ukraine’s oligarch Kolomoisky is behind Trump raid
This if for you with too much time:
12 minutes into: 8/26/2022 Prather Point: Jeffrey Prather ft. George Webb <= Brighteon is banned to link to from Twitter, for example.
George Webb is overloading you with information, so you need many big breaths before diving into that…
🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪
Jag är inte alltid insiktsfull. Ibland har jag fel med flit för att försöka provocera någon av mina anhängare att bli den stora frälsaren som räddar mig från att vara så full av min egen skit att jag odlar tomater som smakar vegansk kannibalism.
Hundar som sniffar
Det är tydligen inte alla hundägare som vet detta, men många hundar behöver sniffa mer än att gå, och de vill sniffa intressanta saker. Att sniffa på sin egen gård är inte intressant, men att gå ut och sniffa där andra hundar och andra djur har varit är både riktigt intressant och ansträngande för en hund, så tro inte att din hund behöver röra på sig för att få motion, för att sniffa på saker är som för en människa i en hetsig debatt, spela schack eller titta på en spännande match.
Mental överbelastning gör däggdjur följsamma.
Så om du tar med din hund till en okänd hundpark där det finns 1234 nya dofter, kommer hunden efter det att vara ganska slut på hjärnkapacitet, vilket innebär att den kommer att förlita sig på att människan tänker åt den.
Du kan göra samma sak med människor, och om du lär dem en massa nya saker, eller ännu värre, berättar historier som väcker deras fantasi, samtidigt som du aldrig går någonstans, kommer de också att vara mer benägna att gilla, prenumerera och göra en donation.
När däggdjurshjärnan av vilken anledning som helst blir överväldigad av saker att bearbeta kommer den då att vara mer benägen att överlåta tänkandet till den som överväldigar. Naturligtvis kommer de flesta människor att känna detta och bara springa ifrån dig om du gör detta på ett uppenbart sätt genom att till exempel bomba dem med fakta, så du måste vara väldigt enkel till en början.
Män bryr sig egentligen inte om det, men vi tvingas ofta ändå höra hur en man behandlar en kvinna eller vice versa när de är ensamma tillsammans. Men kvinnor har ingen aning om hur deras kvinnliga vänner som "berättar allt för dem" beter sig när de är ensamma med en man. Och det är bara dumma män som berättar för kvinnor om hur andra kvinnor beter sig i den situationen.
Vid situationen då en man och en kvinna privat är tillsammans är den enda möjliga feministen mannen...
Centerpartiet går upp
Centerpartiet går upp på en centerpartist när han ser ett barn…
Dåligt skämt å sido, så finns det väl viss logik ni kanske inte tänkt på när det gäller att rösta på C: Man får Magda som statsminister regerande på en M-budget.