Bleeding nose. Salt against sniffles. Help bureaucrats! Better AI. Hunting Vaxxers. Billionaire fun
Näsblod. Salt mot snuva. Byråkrathopp. Iran-krigshets. AI allt bättre. Vaxxare jagas. Miljardär-kul
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska näsblodsvideo. Inget på svenska idag förutom Tweetet och länken till SwebbTV-diskussionen som fick Joakim bannad ifrån Facebook. Se automatöversättningen.
Today’s bloody English video
Dr Eric Berg: Rid Respiratory Mucus with SALT
Worked well against my morning running and swollen nose some day ago, and I don’t think the salt water worsened the nose bleeding, quite the opposite. I might also have a problem with too dry air during the night, and that is really bad for the mucus membranes so that you either have a running nose or a too dry nose. Having some plants or at least water on the radiator during the winter really helps.
You can often fix some problems by just letting the ones responsible know about them!
You might think the city departments or agencies are a huge bunch of corrupt, insane and useless idiots, but some almost never get an email from the public, so when a concerned citizen does email them and have a good point, they are often happy to do something useful. And an email doesn’t cost you anything, and might be more effective than whining about it on social media - Which you have to do if it doesn’t get fixed, but maybe not start there.
Right before the cyclist there used to be a 3 step stair, so to bike here one needed to find the stroller ramp, but with some snow, darkness and new students that didn’t know there were stairs there, it ended badly. So my friend emailed the city road department, they looked in horror at the dangerous stair that student were biking up and down, and the stairs were gone a day later which has saved hundreds of students from injury by now.
It is much harder to break through with information when it comes to something like vaccines or vitamin D that some masters of propaganda have huge financial interests in.
Warmongering about Iran
The clowns really want a war with Iran:
Which countries are OK with a war against Iran, can almost be explained with this map of who voted at the United Nations to condemn human rights violations in Iran:
• Blue, for
• Red, against
• Yellow, abstention
Saudi Arabia would strongly be against a war against Iran as that would devastate the kingdom, but MbS is feeling that he has pissed off USA enough by now, and also wants to distract from Saudi Arabia’s own problems with human rights.
I asked to make an image of “my friend playing heavy metal” and got this:
There are long hair and guitars, but where on Earth did the the AI get the idea that playing heavy metal is done in ice hockey gear? But I have to admit that it’s really smart to use those gloves so that you don’t hurt your fingers from the guitar strings… 😆
But AI is getting smarter and more importantly, people are getting better at using it for productive stuff. Here is an example of something more useless, but
They are missing art, entertainment, news, education, medicine, governance… Your near future will be talking to machines that either solve your problems or control you.
Vaxxers are getting hunted
And the vaxx monsters’ delusions are unsafe on Twitter too:
I am a nurse, unvaccinated. One of the few. It is clearly the vaccinated who burden healthcare. Lots of young people also. All with one thing in common. Cancer with total spread, heart problems ALS, the list goes on and on. You with your attitude should not receive healthcare
They are killing children - Beg for forgiveness and soften the punishment!
Sanity4Sweden lists good Irish people and idiot Irish when it comes to the vaccines - Do we have the same Swedish accent? I don’t think so, but maybe.
But my friend got suspended from Facebook for posting a 🇸🇪link to this video🇸🇪 about the vaccine corruption in Sweden/EU and the medical facts about the mRNA injections as an expert sees them. Didn’t Facebook read Twitter to realize that they are soon forced to lay off even more sadist narcissist useless wankers, and this censorship will only make it worse?
😂😆🤣 Best sport to watch:
Multibillionaires trash-talking each other!
It’s hard to go back to watch boring politicians insult each other, or the more physical sports after getting this entertainment (that soon will be replaced with AI, unless Elon has already done that):
The reaction from all Elon Musk fans:
Thanksgiving parade
A turkey that was not pardoned and instead sent to Ukraine:
Snoopy is thankful that he got the vaccine before Thanksgiving and all the long rubber bands in his body that killed him before the cancers:
Sorry for thinking that Snoop Dogg was a cartoon dog!