AI girlfriends are great for your son? "Occupied" on 𝕏. Bovaer/Arla boycott. Fever thoughts
AI-flickvänner är bra för din son? "Occupied" på 𝕏. Bovaer/Arla-bojkott. Feber-tankar
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AI girlfriends - Might be great!
Boys unable to get real girlfriends will get a better life and maybe even use the AI-girlfriend to get a human one - just like we use dogs to pick up women (or friends).
“Occupied” released for free on 𝕏
No Friday love here, but it’s free to watch now, and the first 10 minutes are brutal facts: OCCUPIED WORLD PREMIERE: WARNING! Sensitive Content, Viewer Discretion is Advised
Let the cows burp! You can actually make energy by sucking up the burps!
Don’t add this #Bovaer toxin - I don’t care how many corrupt agencies say it’s safe and effective. Stop this bullburp!
Wow - Such safe and efficient! writes:
The exact composition of Bovaer is: Silicon dioxide (60% w/w). Propylene glycol 3-nitrooxypropanol (10% w/w). Do you want any product from cows that are fed this Bill Gates backed chemical additives? I certainly do NOT.
And now Arla Foods stopped you from being able to comment on that post, so I can’t even comment on Robin.
A study in shitty behavior, buffalo runs and a dead Rothschild
Maybe Will faked his own death - Such things are always possible. But the neighbours liked him, and have identified him.
Evil, but this plan might work!
He was great at chess, but liberalism destroyed the brain of Kasparov
Ilhan Omar in love with Trump?!?
Trump’s thanksgiving dance for the Democrats:
Why is Ilhan Omar so happy when she see Trump dance?
Redheads - we tend to see them more than others, so either they are retarded or very smart
There are no wise redheads. Many smart ones, many insane ones, many mediocre ones. But when you look so different, other people will treat you as if you are some sort of extremist, and you will become one.
It's time to make yellow, red and silver hair wise again!
Smart, not wrong, but provocative:
Brutal, Keir Starmer is put on notice
Cernovich: Keir Starmer has been reading the tea leaves and is beginning to understand that we Americans don’t see the UK as an ally, and we see the British people as being under a hostile regime. We should free them. Using military force if necessary. Diplomacy first tho.