AI monster factories. Mossad gets IDs from X? Greenhouse hole. Waldemar Baerbook. CCVIOSs and Grok
AI-monster-fabriker. Mossad tar ID av X? Hål i växthuseffekten. Waldemar Baerbock. RICO-SD+S. CCVIOs
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video. (Bitchute, Rumble, 𝕏)
🇸🇪 En svensk artikel längst ner, men inget översatt 👇
Today’s English video on Rumble, 𝕏, Bitchute
The common hornbeam (🇸🇪 avenbok) isn’t even supposed to grow here in Linköping:
I failed to look up what those things are, but this large-leaved lime/linden (Tilia platyphyllos, 🇸🇪Bohuslind) seems to be OK despite these things on its leaves.
AI hardware is getting extremely much better
NVIDIA’s AI chip have become 1000 times faster the last 8 years.
If that isn’t creepy enough, what about a biocomputer with human braincells, organoids, in it? You can buy remote access to these moist computers right now. The organoids are made from stem cells live for 100 days now, but they will eventually become bigger and live longer, so when are they basically humans with chips instead of bodies?
Democrats do not realize that their smearing is advertising. It is like running around screaming about how powerful NVIDIA’s and organoid chips are - That will be great for their sales.
Often conservatives get amazed when some leftist describes the conservative view perfectly, and the conservative, surprised over that the message got through, said “Yea, that is exactly my view!”. But the leftist can’t even imagine how anyone could have that view, and thought they were exaggerating it wildly.
X sending your ID to a Jewish supremacist and Mossad is worrying X users.
Dr. Eli David Is Connected to X’s New ID Verification System? | The CEO of AU10TIX
Jake Shields has his home address on his ID and he gets weekly death threats from Israel:
They follow the Talmud and the Protocols of the madmen of Zion.
How much does Mossad want to kill Trump on a scale from a lot to absolutely?
Viktor Orbán explains Loxism and the Protocols of Zion’s effects (without words like that)
The protocols:
For you how are new: Loxism means Jewish hatred for Europeans.
How the cabal failed in Russia in 2003
Lord Jacob Rothschild was a secret holder of the large state in the oil company Yukos that was previously hold by Mihkail Khodorkovsky, the chairman.
Rothschild is the new power behind Yukos (2003)
There is no "greenhouse effect"! That was debunked 124 years ago.
Gases spread heat via convection so even if the atmosphere would let all the radiation from the Sun through and none of the radiation from Earth back, the wind would take the outgoing heat to space anyway.
I guess I have to debunk this for 124 more years…
You hear the truth from children, drunks and fools
German Foreign Minister Annalena Bärbock seriously stated at the Green party congress that her grandparents gave peace in Europe a second chance. Only her grandfather was not at all in the peacekeeping detachment, but, like a true Nazi, bravely defended the interests of the Third Reich.
Annalena Baerbock's grandfather, Waldemar Baerbock, was awarded one of Hitler's highest military honors, the War Merit Cross with Swords in 1944. He died in 2016 at age 103.
Waldemar Baerbock was a German engineer in a unit that repaired anti-aircraft guns and was noted to be an ardent supporter of the Nazis
Waldemar was protecting German cities from the carpet bombing genocide!
Soon there will be Collateralized Climate Vaccine Insurance Obligations (CCVIOs) approved by the Media Trust and Safety Independent Democracy Foundation.
Grok has heard about Collateralized Climate Vaccine Insurance Obligations (CCVIOs). They are a novel financial instrument designed to mitigate climate change risks and support global health initiatives. CCVIOs are structured securities that pool insurance premiums to fund climate change adaptation and mitigation projects, as well as provide insurance coverage for climate-related health risks, such as infectious diseases exacerbated by climate change. The premiums are invested in a diversified portfolio of assets, including green bonds and sustainable infrastructure projects. The returns from these investments are used to pay interest to investors and cover the costs of the insurance coverage.
CCVIOs are designed to align the interests of investors, insurers, and society by providing a financial incentive to reduce carbon emissions and support climate change mitigation efforts. They also provide a means to transfer climate-related risks from individuals and businesses to the financial markets, thereby increasing the resilience of the global economy to the impacts of climate change.
The concept of CCVIOs is still in its early stages, but it has the potential to play a significant role in financing the transition to a low-carbon economy and protecting vulnerable populations from the health impacts of climate change.
Grok missed the part about vaccines, but that is fine. We don’t want to talk too much about those!
Vanessa Kerry is the lady in the middle, hard to recognize her when she is herself.
I for one am in favour of Mexico’s new president despite that she does seem to have some mobility problem in her arm, just like me, to lift it high enough:
Claudi Sheinbaum won about 60% of the votes in the Mexican presidential election.
Ships sunk during WW-II
Conspiracy nuts: Why weren’t ships traveling around Antarctica when that was the safest ocean!!! They are hiding safe shipping lines from us!!!
🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪
Är S och SD ett litet steg närmare regering?
Alla sossar är ju redan vana att kalla det SD-regeringen, så…
Göran Eriksson 2024-06-01: Socialdemokraterna har anslutit sig till Sverigedemokraternas förslag om att införa så kallade rico-lagar i Sverige, för att komma åt gängledarna. I USA används samma lagstiftning mot Donald Trump och Rudy Giuliani.
Det är inte RICO-lagarna det är fel på, utan att totalt korrupta domstolar fantiserar ihop att Trump och Giuliani konspirerar med Hitler, Caesar och Sauroman. Grok förklarar:
RICO-lagarna har använts för att rikta in sig på Donald Trump. År 2023 åtalades han i Georgia för att ha brutit mot delstatens Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act som en del av en bred konspiration för att försöka omkullkasta valresultatet 2020. I åtalet anklagas Trump och hans medanklagade för att ha ingått i ett kriminellt företag som olagligen försökte ändra valresultatet till förmån för Trump. Det här fallet är anmärkningsvärt för att RICO, en lag som vanligtvis förknippas med organiserad brottslighet, används för att åtala påstådd valpåverkan.
Rudy Giuliani har åtalats för brott mot Georgias Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act som en del av en bred konspiration för att försöka ändra 2020 års valresultat i Georgia. Åtalet, som lämnades in 2023, markerar en viktig händelse där RICO-lagarna, som Giuliani själv hade använt i stor utsträckning under sin karriär som federal åklagare mot organiserad brottslighet, vändes mot honom. Åtalet grundar sig på anklagelser om att Giuliani och andra, inklusive den tidigare presidenten Donald Trump, deltog i en kriminell verksamhet för att ändra valresultatet till förmån för Trump.