Potassium. Food problems. China civil war? Clowns. No lockdown Tegnell has no vaxx deaths either?!?
Kalium. Matförsörjning. Inbördeskrig i Kina? Blodproppar & blödningar relaterade till skottskador?
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska deklarations-video i skuggan av bang-bang-bang. Svensk text och länkar längst ner, men den mesta engelska texten är bara förklarad i videon.
🇸🇪 Gårdagens direktsändning om Mitt första-maj-tal. Era kommentarer och vad missar folk i höger-bubblan. Ukraina och clownerna
Today’s English chewing stick video among some bangs
There are much more to learn about how to get the right amount of POTASSIUM: The Most Important Electrolyte / COMPLETE GUIDE - Dr. Berg
Best way to get potassion is from vegetables that are well blended, and then you get the magnesium and more rare minerals in a pretty good mix. Nothing beats a smoothy to cure a hangover, that you also might get from sweeting too much. Note that magnesium and potassium deficiencies might feel the same with cramps, but if you take magnesium supplements, your potassium deficiency will get worse.
Dailyexpose: “in many US states, authorities have now begun testing wildlife for Covid-19”
Authorities are testing wild animals to protect you? If you believe that, you should give me $1000 to buy the railway bridge in Akymivka.
Here in Sweden I just bought locally produced 15 medium eggs for 20 SEK (normal price is 50-80% higher), which is $0.13 USD per egg, so no egg problems here due to the bird flu state sponsored terrorism. Yet…
Awaken With JP: They’re Causing Food Shortages?!
Informative, but also fun video. It is really clear that the shitheads are doing everything to attack the food supply as the British Empire and their communist regimes have done for 400 years.
Food shortages in six months: Globalists are telling us what happens next
Interesting ideas about how CCP might benefit from their terror lockdowns. There is a real fear among CCP members according to serpentza because CCP really care about the perception of the people (unlike the unhinged Western politicians that only care about what media says), but CCP can not let people understand that the Party is unable to do anything useful against any little sniffle.
But the lockdowns are a good test to see what will happen when the world shuts China off due to an invasion of Taiwan.
Why China is Starving Citizens in Shanghai
China expert Steven Mosher offers a harrowing possibility.
Half Of France's Nuclear Reactors Are Shutdown Amid Energy Crisis
France's nuclear problems are "going to last beyond this year and likely into the year after."
Hungary Throws EU Neighbours Under The Bus, Says 10 Nations Technically Buying Gas-For-Rubles From Putin
"This apparent legal loophole significantly clouds the picture over the true nature of compliance with Putin’s demand."
And the ones who aren’t buying Russian gas from Russia are buying Russian gas from other countries.
New COVID Bill Fines Parents For Unvaxxed Kids And Doubles Income Taxes
"The reason I introduced the bill is we have a crisis with the pandemic."
The radical leftist Rhode Island Senator Samuel W. Bell himself tweeted out the overly kind and friendly letter that he had received. What happens if Twitter doesn’t hid him from the answers that Zerohedge will be sending him?
Bell should sign the pledge below or he will be the antivaxxer:
Rocket Twitter speed!
Twitter has suspended @MikeJLindell after just 2 hours!
Sweden’s state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell said “No one has died of the vaccine” (He meant the bioweapon injections)
Tegnell should contact Steve Kirsch with proof of that claim! But Tegnell doesn’t even have proof that less than 10 000 Swedes more than usual died due to the injected bioweapon.
Tegnell was famous for being right about that lockdowns and testing people without symptoms doesn’t work, asymptomatic spreading isn’t relevant, masks are more problems than good, being outdoors is great and other things that only a completely insane demon would disagree with. But he just had a better plan to inject people with the biowweapon than the other satans.
I you want to practice Swedish swear words, see the video below where Mikael Nordfors is angry.
Tomorrow's news:
Tegnell died of blood clots and haemorrhage. Wild conspiracy theories are now being spread by the anti-people media that this was due to the 7 harmless bullet holes Tegnel received in his chest the day before, but there is no proof of that.
Editor's note: Tegnell's body has already been cremated to ensure that fear of shots do not threaten national security. Given how tragic this death is, no questions will be asked of anyone involved.
The Public Health Agency is now warning the public that bulletproof vests can cause both abrasions and head injuries. Studies show that bulletproof vests drastically increase the risk of being shot in the head, which the entire Brandon Administration strongly suggest isn’t something that already has happened to them. Except Joe Biden, who vaguely said: “Shot in the head? Come on man! I faadjfo forshuta Hunter about and then, you know the cock Cheney... hahaha!”. Problably the funniest joke since this epic clown fell down the stair in the wrong direction.
🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪
Mikael Nordfors sa mer än detta…
Rep och liknande var involverat.
Framtida nyhet:
Tegnell dog av blodproppar och blödningar. Vilda konspirationsteoriers sprids nu av folkfientlig media att detta skulle bero på de 7 ofarliga skotthålen Tegnel fått i bröstkorgen dagen innan, men det finns inga bevis för detta.
Redaktörens anmärkning: Tegnell’s kropp är redan kremerad för att säkerställa att skotträddhet inte hotar rikets säkerhet. Med hänsyn till hur tragiskt detta dödfall är, så kommer inga frågor att ställas till någon inblandad.
Folkhälsomyndighetern varnar nu allmänheten för att skottsäkra västar kan orsaka både skavsår och huvudskador. Studier visar att skottsäkra västar drastiskt ökar risken för skott i huvudet, vilket Ygeman dementerar att han fått.
Niklas Andersson skrev:
Hoppas alla maskfanatiker är jävligt duktiga på att källsortera för att kompensera detta ohyggliga bidrag till jordens förorening.
1000 tals ton av pandemirelaterat avfall har hamnat i världens hav. Till vilken nytta?
Men alla maskfanatiker är ju jävligt duktiga på att källsortera för att kompostera!!! Ah... Masker som i munskydd! Nej, de ska inte ges till maskar, utan sorteras tillsammans med använda kvicksilverbatterier, misslyckade biovapen, de som tillåtit covid-injektioner av barn och lågaktivt kärnkraftsavfall.