Hire the enemy for the win: Turkey+NATO, Ukraine+Hungary, RFKjr+CIA, Elon+WEF, me+my troll...
Fibio räddade mig! Allianser med fienden verkar populära: Turkiet+NATO, RFKjr+CIA, Ulf+vindkraft...
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video. (Bitchute)
🇸🇪 Om snälla Fibio, korkade Ulf och giriga Arga Andersson längst ner 👇
Today’s English video (Rumble)
Why Erdogan despite his failures wins the election
A poll found that 90% of people in Türkiye see the US as an enemy that attacks their country (but 60% still want to be a part of NATO - keep your enemies close?)
72.8% favor good relations with Russia (24.2% see Russia as hostile)
48.3% of Turkish citizens blame the US/NATO for the war in Ukraine, while 33.7% blame Russia
A “Turkish Joe Biden” opponent who gets a lot of support from all the lying toxic western media will fail with these numbers. And Erdogan gets away with his propaganda-driven economic and diplomacy with Turkey’s neighbours - Just because his opponent allied with the worst globalist shits.
Hungary Outraged By Leaked Ukrainian Plans To Blow Up Vital Oil Pipeline
“How is it possible that Ukraine is plotting against a NATO country??”
What is the deep state’s next move? Tricking Hungary to call for Article 5 and war with Ukraine (that will ally with Russia) and then they get their WW-III.
Robert F Kennedy JR has (“former”) CIA support
In his speech today announcing his run for the presidency, RFK Jr. reveals that former CIA officer Amaryllis Fox (who also happens to be his daughter-in-law) is "one of the top officers on [his] campaign."
Without insider knowledge from CIA, there is no way to become the president of USA. If you think Trump did it without help from the spooks, I can only say that I’m sorry media did that to you.
Trump vs Kennedy
“Trump Vows to Release All JFK Assassination Files If Reelected” - If you really want to defeat an enemy, join it! Would you vote for Trump or RFKjr to get to CIA?
Alex Jones agrees with my take on Linda M(Y)accaroni
Very fun to see see Alex Jones replace Steven Crowder, and of course we should not trust Alex Jones, Elon Musk or anyone, but “hiring the enemy” seems to be a winning strategy. Or join the enemy like the Nazis who took over the US MIC (and a some of the Soviet one too).
Was I banned from Twitter for my insult or?
Only the Saggy Turk, honoured be his name, likes that Tweet that everyone hates - That is my troll (from Elftown.eu that is now working again) logging into Twitter just to make me feel bad about that I can’t write a book…🥰 I want to write a book of the third or forth way of looking at everything, but mostly for myself and my followers that want a signed copy I guess.
So Jeremy Corbyn stands up against the racism against Nazis and peaceful Zionism?
Of course not! This is whining about the past, empty phrases and exactly who should run the Palestinians?!? Their criminal rulers, what Hillary Clinton rigged to win (That might actually have been a great idea - Morally horrible as a Clinton it was) or what else? The solution is a process, and all smart persons will stay away from taking sides in that unless they are personally involved.
Tyr is King of Kings, and Gab calls him Jesus
Gab writes: In contrast to Twitter, platforms like Gab have shown that taking a firm stance against government censorship is a winning strategy for preserving free speech. Gab has consistently refused to comply with demands from governments, such as the UK and Germany, to censor political content.
You are welcome to call Tyr what-ever you want - He doesn’t care about pronouns or names. Well done Gab!
I do find some interesting ideas on Gab, but I’m not good enough to use the platform due to too little practice.
Twitter is fighting back against censorship though, and is exposing some governmental influence, but that backdoor from the US government is still there.
If the censorship is transparent and we know which government is censoring exactly what, the censorship tyrants just lose power?
When Ukraine attacks, Russia retreats = Fast advance and few Russian causalities
When Russia attacks, Ukraine stays = Slow advance and high Ukrainian causalities
Youtube channel “Weeb Union” is putting the finger on the issue while citing the best sources from both sides. He did didn’t say exactly the headline but I made it a little wrong to make you think.
But the main take-away is that Ukraine that is clearly ruled from Washington DC doesn’t give a shit about “their” soldiers dying - Radiation Spike In Ukraine After Russian Missile Hits Ammo Depot – Depleted Uranium!. The commanders are fighting to make Russia lose, not to make Ukraine win - Like NATO and USA have lost every main war since WW-II. It’s about the Cantillon effect - destroy all threats to the hegemony to be able to control the currency.
(Today the Northern Citadel in Bakhmut has fallen, and the rest will fall this week.)
Zelenskyy just returned to Kyiv after his funding tour through Europe. Maybe to gather support for a final take-down of USA and UK in EU? (very unlikely) What if Zelenskyy gets all that money and weapons and just turns around and point them at the Biden crime family? Trump has already said that he will end the war in 24 hours, so everyone is positioning themselves for that.
AI expert Brian Roemmele and Jordan Peterson
You can find hidden secrets in the language people are using, and if you can think like the enemy, you know how and where they are having secret bases. The full 2 hour discussion.
Brian: AI (LLM) is Intelligence Amplification (28minutes) - It helps people to reason.
Somone commented: It only predicts the possibility of the next word in a sentence. It's an autocorrect on steroids.
Brian: In some ways. It is also a inference engine. In fact humans create many conversations based in assemblies of next word. Thus not surprising this is how it became so useful.
Scott Adams advertises his upcoming book Reframe Your Brain, but he is right:
Reframes for humans are like super prompts for AI. They both use words as program elements. Put the right words in the right order to reprogram the intelligence, either digital or organic.
Brian: “Ask the same thing over and over again in a different way” - Yes, that is exactly how you break someone down to you will - either an AI, human or actually any physical problem.
I have followed Brian for some time, but I neither expected him to look like that nor am I the slightest surprised as he somehow has a look that fits what he is saying about ALL THE STUFF.
Comment: Dude, what’s with the hair ? 
Brian: It is a bad wig. I will buy a new one soon.
Comment: Go ahead and rock the bald. I've been doing it for a decade... ever since I realized coloring would only make my hair orange.
Brian: Ha, I hear ya. Sadly the hair is real and just my nerd humor. But will consider it. Obviously it is low maintenance for me and serves as antennae at times, especially in static electricity day.
I actually cut my hair in 2000 just because I wanted to try something new and see if I attracted other women - I did.
Fibio 🥰👍
Jag visste inte riktigt vad jag beställde, och fick alldeles för lång bindningstid och ingen möjlighet att testa nätet som jag trodde.
Men Fibio bestämde sig ändå för att skrota vårt 24-månaders-avtal så behöver ni mobilt bredband så kan jag verkligen rekommendera dem så länge du inte har servrar som behöver kommas åt utifrån som jag.
Såhär fungerar det med att få publikt IP hos Bahnhof (genom Utfors stadsnät):
Och nu kommer alla åt elftown.eu (, och jag kommer åt min dator via ssh (fjärrinloggning) ifrån hela världen.
Tuffe-Uffe har lärt sig energisystem i sandlådan
Vindkraften producerar el när elen är som billigast, men inget när elen är som dyrast, så den lönar sig inte, samt gör mer variabel elproduktion mindre lönsam.
Och “oppositionen”:s Arga Andersson får prestigeuppdrag i WEF
Finansminister Magdalena Andersson (S) valts in och tackat ja till att delta i en styrgrupp för Världsekonomiskt forum (WEF).
– “Vanliga löntagare får inte se någon standardförbättring samtidigt som de rikare drar ifrån.” säger Arga Andersson med sin lön på hundratusentals kronor i månaden då hon anser att hon behöver konspirera bättre emot det arbetande folket som betalar hennes lön och som hon verkligen inte vill prata med.