Covid ~= zinc deficiency. 2 weeks to peak the curve! Andreas Backhaus shows how to not think
Covid är väldigt likt zink-brist. 2 veckors covid-media-panik. Dataanalytiker har fel om covid
Dagens svenska hundvideo (ingen svensk text idag, testa automatöversättning!)
Covid and zinc deficiency share many symptoms
A lot of deficiency diseases through history from scurvy to vitamin B3 deficiency have been blamed on a non-existent germ. And a lot of poisoning has also been blamed on a germ. But I trust for example Dr VA Shiva on this ( he got a call from someone who didn’t believe in the germ theory at all 1 hour into the program): There are still germs (viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites and other stuff), but if you’re dying from deficiencies or poisoning, don’t blame the germs for taking advantage of that, and it’s never wrong to focus on the terrain (nutrients and lack of poisons).
The “germ theory is wrong” people have to give us a better model than that there are both terrain problems and germs. They can’t because there are diseases that you can’t get twice, while you will get scurvy every time you eat too much carbs without any vitamin C.
I might have missed something though because I haven’t read up on alternative explanations instead of viruses and all kinds of virus diseases:
Dr. Zelenko Goes Head To Head With Australian Politicians
The interesting thing is that Robert Malone seems to lead the call, but I haven’t found the entire video somewhere.
They need to maintain the Emergency, otherwise the EUAs go away
The Emergency Use Authorization for the poison jabs in USA expires on Jan 15 and they need an “emergency” to keep the EUA in place, so expect massive media panic for 2 weeks now. I don’t see how they could fail in keeping the EUA though as they are throwing every dollar they can find on keeping it.
French Tennis Star Benoit Paire Rages After Testing Positive For COVID For "250th Time"
“Honestly I can’t deal with this Covid s*** anymore.”
How to fail on some thinking:

This is what Backhaus is missing:
It is Pfizer who has to prove the jabs are safe and effective, not the other way around. All evidence of safety and efficiency that I’ve seen can be explained away with suppression and manipulation, and that the jab simply kills the weak so that they can’t get covid.
Hospitals are treating unpoisoned patients worse
People who distrust the medical establishment have less good health in general in USA (many black and poor people), but the RCTs showed that deaths of all causes increased with 43%.
Backhous is also using sneaky propaganda:

Here Backhaus assumes that restrictions work. Restrictions are mostly non-sensical bullshit that targets small businesses that do not spread much viruses, so here he clearly shows that he believe wrong about viruses, medicine and epidemiology

Define “unvaccinated”, you stupid twat! (See why I got suspended from Twitter) These are likely recently double jabbed people, and all the ones who already died of the jab are of course not in the ICU or they are in the ICU “for other reason”. Where is the ALL CAUSES ICU data? Not there, and you know why!

Bhakdi is defending the Israeli people against its worse-than-Nazi regime that does medical experiments on the people, and Backhous thinks that is “antisemitic” because which is shitty vulnerable narcissist behaviour as he goes after a person instead of their data and science.
Notice however: 99% of the critics of Backhaus get things even more wrong than him as they have even less imagination to find alternative explanations to explain the data. That is why I bother to critice Backhaus, as that is a good starting point, while there is no use to critizice someone who doesn’t get anything.
We are still waiting though:

CIA Experimented On 100s Of Orphans, Torturing Them To Reveal Psychopathic Traits; Report
Hundreds of Danish orphans were unknowingly used in experiments backed by the CIA...
Do you think CIA ever stopped?