Associate the guilty with the bad! Clownery and presidents. Do and grow; drop the feelings!
Associera de skyldiga med det dåliga! Clownerier och presidenter. Gör och väx; skit i känslor!
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video. (Bitchute, Rumble, 𝕏)
🇸🇪 På svenska längst ner, se bilderna på vägen 👇
Today’s English video on Rumble, 𝕏, Bitchute
All my 2023 videos in a spreadsheet
Propaganda tip about Talking about horrible stuff
If you talk about victims of crimes that your policies would have saved, you will be emotionally associated with badness. My tip: Show the policy makers and victims together! Again and again!
This is Assange and UK's Swedish (and way smarter than their English one) minister of defense Pål Jonson, that is brainwashed at King's Collage, Atlantic Council and all that Mike Benz has explained.
This is how happy Sweden is when it joined NATO
UK’s Swedish defense minister Pål Jonson, energy minister Ebba Busch and the Liberal giant Johan Pehrson, labour and integration minister who will integrate the NATO workforce into Sweden, I guess.
Not one single leader in the EU believe that Russia is a threat.
Easy to understand if you look at their actions. If they did, they would NOT demilitarize Europe by giving all their weapons to Ukraine. They would keep everything to themselves and start an arms race. Fact.
Tire Separates From Boeing 777, Crushes Cars In San Francisco Parking Lot
Airbus continues to take market shares despite that Boeing has increased the funding of the DEI department.
Male Soldiers In Spain Changing Genders To Receive Better Benefits And Higher Pay
“For changing my gender, I have been told that my pension has gone up because women get more to compensate for inequality. I also get 15 percent more salary for being a mother.”
President Biden Delivers The "Darkest, Most Un-American Speech Given By A President"
Tl;dw: Biden's Speech tonight ...
Fund Ukraine.
Trump is threat to democracy and America itself.
Abortion is good.
American Economy is stronger than ever.
Inflation wasn't Biden's fault.
Illegals are Americans too.
Republicans are responsible for the border crisis.
Trump is bad.
Biden stands with trans-children.
J6 was the worst insurrection since the Civil War.
92% of the Nikki-supporters think this sounds great.
Trump is getting roasted in the comments for writing this on Truth Social.
Alex Jones: I love Trump but this is bull shit! The so called vaccine is a biological weapon! Good news is people are awake and not even 45 can sell it.
Why children never grow up
You develop confidence and strong mental health by doing things, not by thinking or via therapy.
Lessons from my no Internet-day yesterday
Rumble uploads from the mobile browser very seldom work, not even now when I have WiFi. Uploads to Odysee are not possible. The apps are better, I guess.
I can easily turn my phone into a hotspot, so I can share my mobile Internet via wifi, but I still haven’t figured out how my router could use my mobile phone’s Internet. Maybe next time my Internet goes down, but it happens only every 3 years, or so.
I could access my mobile phone via the wifi, but my mobile phone could not access my computers. But using an SSH-server on my phone created files that the apps couldn’t find until I restarted the phone.
Video: Building a house with Lego-like blocks.
🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪
Propagandatips om att prata om hemska saker
Om du pratar om brottsoffer som din politik skulle ha räddat, kommer du att bli känslomässigt förknippad med ondska. Mitt tips: Visa beslutsfattarna och offren tillsammans! Om och om igen!
Se bilden ovan på Assange och Storbritanniens svenska (och mycket smartare än deras engelska) försvarsminister Pål Jonson, som är hjärntvättad vid King's Collage, Atlantic Council och allt det där som Mike Benz har förklarat.'
Varför barn aldrig blir vuxna
Du utvecklar självförtroende och stark mental hälsa genom att göra saker, inte genom att tänka eller via terapi.
Lärdomar från min internetfria dag igår
Rumble-uppladdningar från den mobila webbläsaren fungerar mycket sällan, inte ens nu när jag har WiFi. Uppladdningar till Odysee är inte möjliga. Apparna är bättre, antar jag.
Jag kan enkelt förvandla min telefon till en hotspot, så att jag kan dela mitt mobila Internet via wifi, men jag har fortfarande inte kommit på hur min router kan använda min mobiltelefons Internet. Kanske nästa gång mitt internet går ner, men det händer bara vart tredje år, eller så.
Jag kunde komma åt min mobiltelefon via wifi, men min mobiltelefon kunde inte komma åt mina datorer. Men när jag använde en SSH-server på mobilen skapades filer som apparna inte kunde hitta förrän jag startade om mobilen.