UAP vaccine. AI-brain, IA-brain. Dangerous pardons. Hasbara and infuriating propaganda. Seeing art
UAP-vaccin. AI-hjärna, IA-hjärna. Farliga benådningar. Hasbara och upprörande propaganda. Se konst!
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Thank you, Truth Troll!
The climate vaccines like Bovaer are already here, so time to reject this insanity!
An AI-connected brain will not work without the AI
Grek Isenberg posted: Just had a fascinating lunch with a 22-year-old Stanford grad. Smart kid. Perfect resume. Something felt off though. He kept pausing mid-sentence, searching for words. Not complex words - basic ones. Like his brain was buffering.
Finally asked if he was okay. His response floored me. "Sometimes I forget words now. I'm so used to having ChatGPT complete my thoughts that when it's not there, my brain feels... slower."
He'd been using AI for everything. Writing, thinking, communication. It had become his external brain. And now his internal one was getting weaker.
Made me think about calculators. Remember how teachers said we needed to learn math because "you won't always have a calculator"? They were wrong about that. But maybe they were right about something deeper.
We're running the first large-scale experiment on human cognition. What happens when an entire generation outsources their thinking? Don’t get me wrong, I’m beyond excited about what AI and AI agents will do for people in the same way that I was excited in 2009 when the App Store was launched.
But thinking out loud you got to think this guy I met with isn't the only one that's going to be completely dependent on AI.
So… Better get your own AI!
NVIDIA Introduces $249 Jetson Nano Super!
A compact AI computer capable of 70-T operations per seconds and designed for robotics and LLM AI models.
Told this was on the way. Wait till the summer. Full video models LOCALLY!
Own Your
Own AI
Or It Will
Own You.
Brian Roemmele: I “listen” to and “watch” over 275 podcasts/videos per day, but I never actually see or hear them. YOUR AI sees them and creates a 15-20 minute max cut and synopsis. My goal is to get it to 700+ per day. This is how we do Intelligence Amplification. IA Not AI.
The Danger Of White Knight Pardons: Biden Could Fundamentally Change Presidential Power
Ironically, preemptive pardons would do precisely what Biden suggests that he is deterring: create a dangerous immunity for presidents and their allies in committing
“Every totalitarian system first goes bankrupt and then it goes to war! So does the European Union!“ — Grzegorz Braun in the EU parliament
Temple of Solomon - By Dr Jacob Nordangård, interviewed by Ivor Cummins.
John Dee and much more…
Ian Carroll about “Hasbara” and The Jerusalem Post’s Top 50 Most Powerful Jews List
Candace is fun:
Netanyahu is the real antisemitism 14:00
How Netatanyahu sees USA as the dumb idiots they are who always support Israel no matter what, so he doesn’t have to give a shit about his well spanked horse that he rides. Candance Owens and Bibi himself explain in 2 minutes. Jeffrey Sachs about how Israel has driving Israel’s war on Tucker Carlson.
When you notice you will get enough: They passed a special law make our children study the holocaust, but they don't need to study the Great Leap Forwards(50 million dead), Stalin's death camps( 20 million ), Cambodian genocide, Armenian genocide, Ukrainian genocide, Rwandan genocide.
Every Single Time
Miriam Hollstein has not read Revelations, not what Jesus did to the Pharisees selling their scams.
Zionist Grok refuses to make Jesus flip the table - They need their toxin into the Amalek:
Palantir is problematic:
Trump: And then I said “Meloni… “ and my wife shouted “My name is Melania, are you thinking about Elon’s girlfriend again?!?” (Video)
Sword Road on Iceland
Video: Driving through the Avenue of the Baobabs under the morning sun, Madagascar. These trees are cool: Grandidier's baobabs
If you are in a good place in life, you see everything as art.
Jan Gunnholt: Här är de regler som gäller vid försäljning av opastöriserad mjölk i Sverige:
Opastöriserad mjölk som levereras direkt till konsument får endast lämnas ut på gården eller produktionsplatsen. Den får inte levereras till detaljhandeln eller säljas via REKO-ring. För att sälja mjölk via en REKO-ring måste mjölken vara pastöriserad.
Mjölken ska tappas upp i samband med överlåtelsen till konsumenten. Det är alltså inte tillåtet att tappa upp mjölk i förväg.
Bonden får lämna ut max 70 liter opastöriserad mjölk i veckan. För varje leverans ska bonden löpande dokumentera datum och levererad mängd mjölk.
I många länder skrotas nu det här förlegade kravet. Förhoppningsvis i Sverige också, så vi kan få det som på Irland och Gleann Bui Farms, där bilden kommer ifrån.