Live 1 PM EST! Autophagy spikes! Canada-Ukraine. Omicron smarter than Bill Gates. Reframing. Fun
Ät upp spikarna med autofagi! Kanada-Ukraina. Virus & katter smartare. Ominramningar. Skoj. Snö
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Smiling ensilage in Ljusdal
Medical Doctor is fleeing from Canada
Heavily-Armed Ottawa Police Arrest At Least 70 'Freedom Convoy' Protesters, Will Run "24 Hours A Day" To Clear City
Horse-Mounted Canadian Police Prepare To Storm Bouncy Castle
Almost like this is a report from the Babylon Bee. But this is how the castle looked like when Viva Frei arrived at it on Friday:
And Ottawa police horses trample protestors increasing tensions:
While the globalists try to blow up Ukraine and the news cycle:
Powerful Gas Pipeline Explosion Rocks Eastern Ukraine
Hawkish Senator Rubio immediately proclaims: "Russia just blew up an important gas pipeline..."
Politicians who quickly with confidence state shit that follows the official narrative without any proof should never ever be trusted with anything.
Ukrainian Separatist Leaders Declare 'Full Military Mobilization'
President Zelesnky meanwhile traveled to the Munich Security Conference despite Biden officials urging him to stay in Kiev amid the crisis...
President Zelesnky must know that it’s the UK that desperately do not want friendly relationships between Russia and Germany, and that Ukraine will be sacrificed in this process.
Füllmich'es had an export on yesterday talking about this.
None news: Where are the mass shootings and terror attacks?
I mentioned Kazakhstan where nothing seems to happen now, but there is also very quiet about terror attacks, mass shooting and that sort of thing. Have covid1984, “cyber attacks”, risk of war with Russia, genocidal plans of the WEF and other fear narratives outcompeted those events? They might still happen, but media doesn’t blow them up?
More non-news: To early to say crash
It’s too early to say that Moderna and Pfizer stock prices have collapsed as Moderna is still at the level from a year ago, and Pfizer is still clotting along pretty well despite a fall from the top.
“owner of billions” retard speaking
Bill Gates: "Sadly the virus itself particularly the variant called Omicron is a type of vaccine, that is it creates both B cell and T cell immunity, and it's done a better job of getting out to the world population than we have with vaccines."
Of course you are thought to assume that Bill Gates meant that the injections are so much safer than omicron… Yea, if that would have been the case, then he would make some sort of sense. More on Zerohedge.
Big risk for me being wrong, but statements like this is why I think Bill Gates isn’t in control. Someone, just a few people, in the organizations are developing new pathogens and viruses at the same time with the sole goal of keeping people sick and to be on a subscription service for the immune system. I don’t mind the idea to pay a subscription for a immune system that works great, but we still haven’t found a single vaccine that causes less disease in general.
And as Robert Malone explained: While he was working in the virus lab, he didn’t understand what the economic goal of the research was: To make and keep people sick and addicted. That wasn’t his and most researchers’ goal, but that was what the money and general sadist human behaviour lead it.
My point: The actual problem for us is that we don’t understand the system of corruption, and some billionaires might be just symbols and fronts for what-ever is feeding them information, just like many 16- to 19-century “absolute” monarch who on God-given-relics had all the power, but others had the actual power. We can see some patters on how the shaddows operate though:
Epstein "Pimp" Jean-Luc Brunel Found Hanged In Paris Prison
Spike proteins spread from the mRNA injected
The mRNA injections from Moderna and Pfizer deceive the body into producing the toxic spike protein, and when the injector's own immune system is not able to take care of it quickly, the spikes spread. These are significantly worse than spikes that are on viruses, as they are much smaller and can penetrate and destroy more, but on the other hand, the spikes can not multiply in an uninjected body.
In addition to try to get hold of non-existent suramin and expensive ivermectin, and for example silver, star anise, and chlorine dioxide that can help break down the spike protein, fasting and hot baths help, as they trigger autophagy and the body's immune system starts cleaning up proteins that go around spiking.
So do hot bath / sauna and fasting if you are worried that you have just gotten too much spikes. Antihistamines (and food free of histamines) and low doses of fluvoxamine perhaps - but nothing beats fasting, heat and oxidation in the short run to get rid of harmful proteins.
Sooner or later, uninjected people who have never had natural immunity to the spike protein will get antibodies too, so this should be a temporary problem for them. mRNA-injected, which may forever produce the spike protein, have contracted a chronic disease that we can hopefully alleviate, if not cure in the future.
A thought on pre-history
So it takes less than 2 years to walk that distance, but some archaeologists still think that there weren’t adventurous nomads 4000-60000 years ago who did this at least every hundred years over and over again?
The data from far in the past is distorted so that it looks like there were no sudden changes like in the recorded history, but that is just because time has eaten away for example a people moving totally away from a land and then came back 500 years later, and a few adventurers from Siberia who went to South Africa, are extremely unlikely to be found as fossils, and they might have returned back to Siberia while leaving too little DNA i Africa to be found in the population there.
Meditation masters 😼 😺 😸 😹 😻 😽
And the meditation competition ended: 👳♂️ Gurus 1 - 😸 Cats 9
🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪
mRNA-injicerade sprider spikprotein
mRNA-injektionerna ifrån Moderna och Pfizer gör att kroppen luras att producera det giftiga spikproteinet och när den injicerades eget immunförsvar inte snabbt klarar av att ta hand om det, så sprids spikarna. Dessa är betydligt värre än spikar som sitter på virus, då de är mycket mindre och kan ta sig in och förstöra mer, men å andra sidan kan spikarna inte föröka sig i en ioinjicerad kropp.
Förutom att försöka få tag på icke existerande suramin och dyrt ivermektin, samt att t ex silver, stjärnanis och klordioxid kan hjälpa till att bryta ner spikproteinet, så hjälper fasta och varmbad, då de triggar autofagi och kroppens immunförsvar går runt och städar upp proteiner som ligger och spikar.
Så varmbad/bastu och fasta om du är orolig för att du just fått i dig för mycket spik. Antihistaminer (mat fri ifrån histaminer) och låga doser fluvoxamin kanske - men inget slår fasta, värme och oxidering i det korta loppet för att bli av med skadliga protein.
Förr eller senare kommer oinjicerade som aldrig fått naturlig immunitet emot just spikproteinet att få det, så detta borde vara ett övergående problem för dem. mRNA-Injicerade som kanske för alltid kommer att producera spikproteinet har fått en kronisk sjukdom vi förhoppningsvis kan mildra om än inte bota i framtiden.
Alla som inte är helt hypnotiserade i vården ser nu vad som händer
Är det "bara en slump" att folk nu dagligen bokar tid för vaccinbiverkningar på min mottagning också?? Att jag dagligen träffar människor med andningsbekymmer, kronisk huvudvärk, värkproblematik, mensrubbningar, allergiska reaktioner efter sprutorna men det värsta av allt....extrema cirkulationsrubbningar enligt min metod.
Vet ni.... jag har aldrig skådat något liknande. Har låtit det gå några månader för att kunna utvärdera detta. Men kan idag med säkerhet säga att cirkulationen blivit mycket påverkad hos de flesta vaccinerade jag möter på min mottagning.