Neocons who have never won a war, think they are winning? Don't fight them, avoid them!
Krigshetsarna som aldrig vunnit ett krig tror de vinner? Undvik dem i stället för attack! Gbg-Jobb
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video. Lite på svenska längst ner.
Today’s English video
Where countries should rebuild Ukraine?!?
Ukrainian prime minister speaks to the Davos gang and apparently Sweden and Poland will help Russia rebuild eastern former Ukraine for those $750 billion. Or do they actually believe their own technocrat nightmares where 1 million Ukrainians appear with the NATO guns and ammo that don’t exist?
Just a reminder: Wars that the neocon/neolibs have won since WW-II: ““
Unless you call grifting tons of money while losing the war “winning”.
What Russia is doing now is using 25% of their military and extremely small forces to disturb, and drones to spy on the Ukrainian forces, and then massive artillery and targetting military assets far from the frontlines. When the fortified Donbas is taken care of, there is nothing in Ukraine and even Europe that can stop the Russians. Russia doesn’t have the assets to occupy even Ukraine, but regime change or splitting it into small pieces should be enough.
But don’t expect anything to change because of the leadership in London:
But Bojo’s fall is a sign that the system is crumbling, so even if the new puppet has the same policies, it will be weaker.
Good things?
When something is so obvious that even the European Commission gets it:

Are the clowns getting scared after seeing Bojo being treated as he deserves?
Birth rates plummet in Hungary due to mass covid “vaccinations,” says MP
And what Pierre Kory and many others are saying: All kinds of medical doctors and staff are seeing huge amount of vaccine damages now.
And what the F has happened in South Korea the last 5 years, even before the bioweapon injections?!?
Better to avoid the technocrats than fighting them
You don't "fight" cancer. You build up your body and its immune system, and you stop feeding the cancer with sugar and inflammatory #omega6 fatty acids
You don't "fight" #globalists and #technocrats. You stop taking their orders, buying their products and paying their taxes.
Mattias Desmet interview with Ivor Cummins
Mattias: If you replace the ruling elite in totalitarian state, nothing will change except that an exactly the same ruling elite will replace it.
Compare with the framing I did yesterday to what Mattias says about free floating anxiety, loneliness etc: When people care about their social status more than being useful, they turn into miserable monsters. They do become great at climbing in big organizations, but if you spot them and their WEF clown show, just avoid them, their taxes and their products!
Clown world, European Championship
The EU parliament of clowns can't even end Daylight Saving Time, but they have time to tell USA to stop giving the power of abortion legislation to the states?!? Note: Basically all EU states have more restrictive abortion laws than most states in USA.
What if we just stop caring about what clown parliaments say and do? The European Commission already does, so I guess the peoples don’t have that much to say…
Bättre att undvika teknokraterna än att bekämpa dem
Man "bekämpar" inte cancer. Man bygger upp sin kropp och sitt immunförsvar och slutar att mata cancern med socker och inflammatoriska omega6-fettsyror.
Man "bekämpar" inte globalister och teknokrater. Du slutar att lyda deras order, köpa deras produkter och betala deras skatter.
Känner du någon som verkligen vill jobba i Göteborg?
Och Pontus läser fel: Det räcker med att kunna kommunicera på svenska ELLER engelska.

Jag ser två anledningar, som Jenny båda nämner med andra ord:
Det uppenbara att ungdom utan jobb är värdelösa skitar som enbart ser värde i status gentemot andra posörer.
Men det är också så att unga driftiga personer inte vill jobba som slavar för att ge bort större delen av sina inkomster till en stat som ser folket som fienden.