Beard problem. Modern fallacies. AI blockchain governance. Biden's effect on Dems. Have sex with Ore!
Samnytt betald av kriminella. Skäggproblem. Moderna fallasier. AI-blockkedje-lagsystem. Pippa malm!
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video. (Bitchute)
🇸🇪 Ingen text översatt idag, men de svenska nyheterna längst ner 👇
Today’s English video (Rumble)
“@prince_of_fakes” asked asked GPT to come up with 10 logical fallacies that humans were unaware of.
Stone tablets with laws are a form of AI, so if we could develop AI to govern our societies, this would be a form of more advanced law systems.
It would have been better if the government was self-driving.
NyTimes is wrong as usual. RFK JR, pro-vaxxer, Zionist and globalist, (and not anti-vaxxer, anti-semite and racist as he is accused of) is accused of something called "misinformation" = "spreading true facts that the state disapproves of"
Taking political propaganda, incompetence and corruption to a new level.
David Sacks: I suspect most establishment politicians looking at the Joe & Hunter Biden arrangement are quietly thinking “Wow this was really brazen. I can get away with a lot more than I thought.”
Oh! I didn't see that until now:
To put a total overtly complete idiot in the government cabinet is standard Swedish practice. You want someone to take the heat away from the all corruption and stupid shit the others do.
But putting the criminal and idiot as president & vice - You can blame the Democrats for a lot, but they do innovate! Like children can castrate themselves, if they mind-read you then you did a crime, but locking up rapists is just racist, unless he just thought about raping.
Select your hole and have sex with ore!
Pippa Malmgren “@DrPippaM” posted the image above and wrote
Psyche: Asteroid With $10 Quintillion Worth of Metals (Gold, Iron, Nickel, Silicon, Lithium, etc) Edges Closer to US Reach. The NASA Psyche Mission is less than 100 days away. Psyche is scheduled launch atop a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket from Space Launch Complex 39A at Kennedy Space Center at 10:38 a.m. EDT (7:38 a.m. PDT) on Thursday, October 5, 2023. The launch window stretches to Wednesday, October 25, 2023.
😂🤣🤣😂😅🤣😂 No, no... I can't read this... Pippa 🤣🤣😂😅🤣 had a point?!? With two big holes?
This is a very Swedish 🇸🇪 problem. "Malmgren" (Ore Branch) is a very typical Swedish name. "Pippa" means "fuck"/”fornicate”/”screw”/”to have sex”. She is called Fuck with Ore!
Frihetsnytt: Sanningen om Samnytt och bluffannonserna
Samtidigt som Samnytt anklagar L M Ericsson för att ha "stött ISIS" (Ericsson köpte in tjänster av Cargo Iraq som kanske har betalt för beskydd av ISIS - Se min senaste Substack för länkar) så stödjer Samnytt bevisat kriminella via underleverantör. 🤡
Polis betyder övervakare. Inget samhälle mår bara av en och endast en övervakare!
Ju fler poliskårer, desto mer transparens. Kanske inte effektivare, men om det bara finns en polis, hur kan du veta om den är bra? Självklart ska vi ha lokal polis och detta fungerar i USA bra mycket bättre, inte alltid, men oftast bättre än det nu bevisat kriminella FBI som skiter i grundlagar och sedan länge gett sig själva rätten att begår brott (sting operations)
Så de där ifrån MI6 och CIA som är hyrda för att attackera Wallenberg med rena tramslögner om stöd till ISIS, vad tycker de om en mer demokratisk polis närmare folket? De är förstås emot allt som liknar Common Law och att vanligt folk ska få mer att säga till om i stället för dyrka dem som De Kloka som säger “hemligheter”.
För er som trodde "De Fria”, Q och liknande inte är falsk opposition
Lokal demokratisk polis är något som ska hånas tydligen: