Fascist globalists won't stop at banning Russian propaganda. If crisis: Cut politicians' salaries!
Rysk propaganda är inte det sista fascistglobalisterna förbjuder. Vid krisläge: Sänk politikerlöner!
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska solskenshistoria. Tack för den värmande donationen! 🥰
🇸🇪 Varje gång politikerna säger det är någon kris, kräv att de offrar en del av sin lön om det nu är sådan kris att vi måste offra något! Östgötsk text längst ner.
Today’s sunny carrot and tog of war video
Because of CLIMATE EMERGENCY… COVID-19… OK, because of RUSSIA!!!
Most leaders: “Shut up while we take your freedoms, health and wealth away! Just look at our amazing excuses!!!”
Your response should always be: “You start with lowering your salaries, then we can talk about what to do with the alleged crisis!”
Russian wheat and energy exports at record high, but the only one truly happy about high energy prices and broken supply chains is Scheißekopf MPA Doktor Ingenieur Herr Klaus Martin Schwab.
Oh, look! An excuse to crush freedom of speech!
The fascist globalist Ursula von der Leyen said also the EU will ban “the Kremlin’s media machine. The state-owned Russia Today and Sputnik, as well as their subsidiaries, will no longer be able to spread their lies to justify Putin’s war and to sow division in our union.”. No word on if she would carve out the parts of her own brain that is filled with Russia’s climate emergency lies.
Also as expected: Hungary - for now - has said that it won't supply arms to Ukraine. Maybe it will arm the 160 000 Hungarians in Ukraine?
But who needs Russian propaganda, when we can make our own?
ECB's Lagarde Urges Immediate Crypto Regulation To Stop Putin Evading Sanctions
So people who want to go around the Russian government and banks should be attacked?!? Fascists are going to fascist, and grab all power they can.
Video: Russia Expert Leo Zagami Predicts Putin Is Just Getting Started
Leo Zagami isn’t stuck in the narratives and have written about secret societies in Italy with inside information. Main points:
Putin was a member of Young Global Leaders like Angela Merkel (a former Stasi agent), and Schwab is very happy about the sanctions that are crippling the world economy.
Moldova and then the Baltic states are next.
Luhansk and Donetsk are called “People's Republics” just like China which is an obvious Marxist idea, and Putin is trying to build a nationalist Russian Church approved communist Soviet.
2014: George Soros admits responsibility for coup and mass murder in Ukraine. (predicted outcome when an expert in spotting irrational prices in financial markets try to build a society. George could just as well tried to design a new iPhone, because he just doesn’t get what motivates people except money, which unfortunately Klaus Schwab does as sadist narcissism is a part of what motivates people.)
People from libtard universities don’t realize why it’s important to keep treaties (or any promise - Just change the history or lie about the reality, and then do what you want as long as it’s according to the narrative.)
“Zelensky is a comedian who is supported by an oligarch who is a friend of George Soros.”. My point is that it’s really bad argument to praise Reagan and then dismiss Zelensky just because he has also been an actor.
Russia Today’s main points
Not barking propaganda: Nothing about the biolabs!
RT keeps repeating that they are only going after the “neonazi” battalions and unfortunately the other military that is defending them.
All the exposed “Russian collaborators” are called propaganda and looting criminals by RT.
Western media and leaders are fascist liars who totally ignore the war crimes against Donetsk and Lugansk, and discrimination of the Russian speaking population (And RT ignores the Hungarians? At least mainly). The censorship of RT instead of trying to counter their arguments shows that EU-globalists only care about total control, not their peoples or democracy.
Handing out weapons to the public is causing havoc (which Western leaders will agree with if the Ukrainian gain full independence from both Russia and the globalist corruption). Why Is The Left Ignoring Ukrainian Gun Rights? "We always look at the Second Amendment of the US Constitution. It is not just about self-protection but the protection of freedom and independence. We Ukrainians really show this meaning of the Second Amendment."
epimetheus, on the other hand, thinks that handing weapons out to some groups is a crime. Coach Red Pill explains: What Russia Wants From Its Invasion of Ukraine—and Why Zelensky Is Evil: “Russia doesn’t want to destroy anything, but taking out the leadership and hopefully capturing the Ukrainian army. The goal is to create a puppet regime.”
Some suspect that Zelensky might not be popular in his own government and military, and wishes Russia to get rid of the bad actors. Even if true, I don’t think that will ever get confirmed.
MI6 Chief Faces Backlash For Saying Ukraine War Is About LGBT Rights
...not Babylon Bee or my joke from yesterday. But did the climate emergency make the LGBT rights problem worse?!? MI6 doesn’t say.
These clowns belong in a circus, not funded by taxpayers, corruption and crimes.
Russia More Than Doubles Interest Rate To 20% To Halt Ruble Collapse, Suspends Stock Trading On Moscow Exchange
"The increase of the key rate will ensure a rise in deposit rates to levels needed to compensate for the increased depreciation and inflation risks.”
🇸🇪 Region Östergötland ger oss värdelös covid-data och övertolkar den
Nina Drakfors: Studie/Östergötland visade att fler vaccinerade dog och att ovaccinerade behövde mer sjukhusvård...
Det går inte att jämföra den injicerade gruppen med de obesprutade ens om det inte varit någon manipulering. Vad vi kan göra är dock att titta på om det är några sjukdomar som allmänt ökat enormt mycket i frekvens i den åldersgrupp som just då fått en injektion eller booster. Läkare här i Linköping säger att hjärtflimmer ökat drastiskt t ex, och vi kan gissa att en rad andra åkommor också ökat.
Men Socialstyrelsen har bara statistik fram till 2020:
Man kunde tycka att det skulle vara PANIK att snabbt få fram statistik över vad som hände AV ALLA ORSAKER direkt efter massinjektioner i en åldersgrupp (som de snabb presenterar covid-tester och covid-insjukningar och möjligtvis relaterad död), men tvärt om gör de sårbara narcissisterna i sadistorganisationerna allt för att inte komma med denna data, så vi kan anta den inte ser bra ut.