Big Breath competition and clean air. Florida man is mad. Conspiracy truths. Elon Musk vs globalism?
Konkurrens till Djupa Andetaget och ren luft. Galen Floridaman. Elon Musk vs Globalism. Spruteländet
Today’s English video from the transcontinental Taiga forest, from Kaven, Ljusdal, Sweden.
A NY Times editor has died of a heart attack at 49, one day after receiving a Moderna Covid “booster” shot
Alex Berenson: Carlos Tejada was married and had two children; he spent his career at the Wall Street Journal before joining the Times in 2016. If this does not wake the Times nothing will.
Or are they only murdering writers opposing forced boosters?
Florida man goes crazy
Story not brought to you by Pfizer Times.
Belgium Man Arrested While Attempting To Get 9th COVID-19 Vaccine On Behalf Of Others
More actual crazy…
Xi'an Prepares For 4th Round Of Citywide Testing As China Sees Cases Surge To 21-Month High
Experiences from around the world before covid is that suppressing an epidemic is the worst you can do. You want the virus to spread slowly so that people get a low viral load and build up natural immunity without getting sick. So CCP is figuratively building a huge dam that eventually will burst and the late winter will wipe out the weak Chinese elderly - Probably according to leadership wishes as China don’t want to pay for “useless eaters” (As it’s said Klaus Schwab wrote… Well, it’s actually from John Coleman, but does it matter?).
Why are the comments on Rumble so much more useful than on Bitchute?
Even my own comments on
Are worse than them on
Might be that Rumble was slower to show the video, but there are definitely more trolls on Bitchute, but this is also a strength of Bitchute: New people who do not like me find me there, but they almost never do on Rumble.
Some comments on Scott Adams though:
By the way: The Stockholm Syndrome was fake news. What the hostages said was taken out of context by the media, and hostages did not have anything like the Stockholm Syndrome. They just corrected reporters about details and said stuff like "No, our they didn't torture us, and we got plenty of food" to explain what happened.
Never say “Google that!” without your first thought should be “Google is covering something up”. Also try Yandex if you're searching for something controversial and want the other side! Any search with “vaccine” on Yandex gives way more interesting results than Duckduckgo and definitely less biased than Google.
These Are Europe's Most And Least Polluted Cities:

This seems to mostly have to do with local geography, even if national policies 10-20 years ago about emissions is affecting the traffic pollution today. Milan is dirtiest, while close by Genoa is one of the cleanest thanks to being close to the Sea. Barcelona on the other hand is extremely densely populated in some parts with way too much traffic, so I guess that is what is causing problems there (might be all the scooters too). Stockholm is built on a set of islands and we have very few old diesel cars and dirty mopeds in Sweden.
Elon Musk working with Big Pharma?!?
That Elon Musk should work with big pharma doesn’t sound plausible (he’s an antivaxxer according to the new definition), while his company like all big companies want regulations, so that is why he wants to regulate AI.
I’m not saying I am right about that this is a trick to create fake opposition or unproductive opposition, but I’m saying that it might be. I do everything I can to make the oppressors and the Daleks fight each other, so of course some of their smart operatives do the same and we have plenty of example of infiltration and just normal grifters taking advantage of a hype to spread feelings.
Elon Musk isn’t following the narrative, so they are starting to create a false anti-globalist opposition narrative?
The facts that Delgado presents seem pretty confirmed (I’m not 100%), but the speculations are typical emotional reasoning - Why does he mention Elon Musk as he was some sort of mastermind that can do stuff alone? Why not Vanguard and Blackrock? You know damn well why! I think he is honest, but he has been fed a narrative with red meat. The shadow puppet masters don’t like Elon Musk because they can’t control him (like Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos) - Which doesn’t mean that Musk’s plans are sane - But if you think that you have a sane plan to handle the emerging technologies, you are insane!
Elon Musk is promoting having children, solving problems and while he might be wrong on a lot - You should probably work on learning more yourself and learning from him, than making up stories about how Elon Musk is the director of MI6 and the global opium empire with its Chinese fentanyl and virus factories. (Ricardo Delgado from Bioestadístico speaking in Spanish with English subs starts at 6:54, and then Elon Musk speaking with Swedish subs)

Dr Eric Berg vs the Big Deep Breath
Well, Dr Eric Berg added some new information about nose breathing and how your body needs CO2 (carbon dioxide that you normally exhale) to be able to use the O2 (oxygen that you can get too much of).
But I link to Dr Eric Berg’s video just in case anyone myself included, misses the Big Deep Breath!
Benjamin Franklin: De som ger upp frihet för säkerhet förtjänar varken eller.
Fd vicepresidenten Joe Biden: Detta handlar inte om frihet, utan detta handlar om er säkerhet.
En hel damejeanne vin i bägaren!
Min bägare har en Damejeanne vin i/kring sig vid det här laget.
Socialstyrelsen har statistik om hjärtproblem och stroke så det är bara att slå upp vad som hände 2020… Statistik ifrån i år? Kanske någon barnunge kan fråga om det på alla presskonferenser då ingen journalistrobot klarar av det?
Bra sammanfattning av plandemin på svenska:
Varifrån får myndigheterna sina pengar ifrån?
Sök på t ex "folkhälsomyndighetens budget 2020", vilket inte är så intressant (de får pengar ifrån staten) men de fick faktiskt 5% av sina intäkter 2019 ifrån tobaksbolagen:
Läkemedelsverket är förstås värre då de får 80% av sina intäkter ifrån produkterna de godkänt, dvs ju dyrare och mer säljande medicin de får ut, desto större blir budgeten. Detta är alltså inte en myndighet i praktiken, utan en branschorganisation för de stora läkemedelsbolagen som har rätt att utestänga och bekämpa konkurrens, samt tillåta farliga preparat om de kan komma undan med det.
Elon Musk följer inte globalistnarrativet, så de börjar bygga upp narrativ för falsk globalist-opposition?
Det finns en sak med fakta om skit i sprutorna som verkar ganska bekräftad (jag är inte 100%), men Ricardo Delgados spekulationerna är det typiska känslomässiga resonemanget - varför nämner han Elon Musk som om han var någon sorts hjärna som kan göra saker ensam? Varför inte Vanguard och Blackrock? Du vet varför! Skuggdockmästarna gillar inte Elon Musk - vilket inte betyder att hans planer är kloka - Men om du tror att du har en förnuftig plan för att hantera de framväxande teknologierna, är du galen!
Elon Musk främjar att skaffa barn, löser problem, talar emot covid1984 och även om han kan ha fel i mycket - Du borde förmodligen arbeta med att lära dig mer själv och lära av honom, än att hitta på historier om hur Elon Musk är chef för MI6 och det globala opiumimperiet med sina kinesiska fentanyl- och virusfabriker. (Ricardo Delgado ifrån Bioestadístico på spanska med engelsk text börjar prata vid 6:54, och sedan Elon Musk med svensk textning)