Big trouble in big pharma paradise, report from the swamp. Why you love my fake news
Stora problem i läkemedelsparadiset, rapport ifrån träsket. Varför ni älskar mina falska nyheter
Dagens svenska träskvideo. Lite svensk text under hundbilderna nedan
Today’s swampy English video. Lots of dog-images at the end
A variant creating pill might be a good thing?
Merck’s Molnupiravir
Molnupiravir isn’t a good drug against covid compared to the others, and it works by creating virus variants except when that fails and it creates new variants? But it’s expensive! This means that some media and agencies will be bought and they might push back against the insane vaccination programs.
But: This will surely not be only disliked by the vaccine companies. They get the opportunity to sell even more boosters.
But: This will be so obvious that even the most braindead roasted sheep skull will realize that big pharma, media and governments are only there to make us as sick as they can.
And Pfizer: Pill gives -89% risk of hospitalization
Please notice that average personalized early treatment lowers the risk of hospitalization with 99%! And with best practice early treatment the risk is very close to 0.
Predictions - Vaccine narrative breaking down
Big pharma has a strangling grip on media, and even watching Newsmax is a pharmaceutical shitshow. But now both Merck and Pfizer have economical incentive to not totally suppressed news about vaccine problems. Media in generally, Newsmax included as I heard yesterday, will continue to say “But still take the jab. The jab is very good.” . But as vaccine problem reporting might get through the media-wall, sheople might start to question things.
As the narrative breaks down, be kind to average people who were fooled, but have no mercy on the narcissists in power who clearly showed that they shouldn’t be in charge of anything their own bodies included:
“We were wrong about vaccines and lockdowns, but let us fix climate change now!” Yea, or we can do like this: Go into hiding or be placed in a working camps, you sadist useless pieces of shit!
Study from 2016 showed that many MDs are corrupt pieces of Dalek shit
I actually don’t know how Dalek shit looks like, but it probably looks like something like many medical doctors:
In this cross-sectional study of 279 669 physicians, physicians who received a single meal promoting the drug of interest, with a mean value of less than $20, had significantly higher rates of prescribing rosuvastatin as compared with other statins
Quiz answer
“I’m not perfect, but you you love my fake news!”
OK, this was better than I intended… “you you” is a typo, but it surely kept you thinking about this longer… OK, that is not what I was going for though, so mostly a distraction. The thing is that the second part makes people stop and think, and you might knew that any news that is fake is more liked, shared and spread! I try to tell you when I do this, but you do understand we all have to do this to even be heard? But I always try to correct myself, and unlike propaganda, I actually admit that I do this.
The first part associates me with "perfect" (and humility)
"Love" breaks the pattern with humility so that you react
You wonder what I mean, so the sentence sticks
You now know that it is my fake news that gets the most views
You compare me with fake news from propaganda media, which gives a contrast that makes me appear relatively good
Something else?
😍 😍 😍 😍 😍
🇸🇪 Lättmanipulerade läkare
Det räcker med en enkel mutmåltid för att få läkare att skriva ut dödspiller:
Se för guds skull till att aldrig lita på majoriten av läkare! Lita på de få som vågar stå emot grupptrycket om de verkar hänvisa till vettig forskning och inte är komplett galna, men det är fritänkarna nästan aldrig utan det är de som jobbar för läkemedelsindustrin som brukar vara det.
Gårdagens fråga:
“Jag är inte perfekt, men ni älskar mina falska nyheter”
Första satsen associerar mig med “perfekt” (och ödmjukhet)
“älskar” bryter mönstret med ödmjukhet så att ni reagerar
Ni undrar vad jag menar, så meningen fastnar
Ni känner nu till att det är mina falska nyheter som får mest visningar
Ni jämför mig med falska nyheter ifrån propaganda-media, vilket ger en kontrast som får mig att framstå som förhållandevis bra
Något annat?