Atlantic support of bioweapons and Nazis. FLCCC: Hospitals are traps! Misleading gas statistics
Atlantiskt stöd till biovapen och nassar. Sjukhus dödar medvetet. Missvisande gas-statistik
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Documents expose US biological experiments on allied soldiers in Ukraine and Georgia
By Dilyana Gaytandzhieva - January 24, 2022 11 29194
Why fear the Russian army when your own demons in charge are murdering their soldiers in bioweapon research?
Is Russia attacking bioweapon labs?
The bioweapon history is long:
A Russian comment about the Ukrainian war
Ну вот ничего нельзя написать. Твюм лять. Обязательно забанят. Уки такие. (I guess I’ll be banned for this. Nothing is allowed to be said. Wokeis are like that.)
For those who do not know why and against whom Russia is waging war in Ukraine today, it is not against the people, but against these nice fine wonderful guys who have for 8 years shot at cities, towns and villages.
🇸🇪 För de som inte vet varför och mot vem Ryssland för krig i Ukraina idag så är det inte mot folket, utan mot de här snälla rara underbara grabbar som i 8 år har skjutit mot städer, orter och byar.
There are proof of the shelling:
Ukraine shells a residential area in Donetsk with Bulgarian weapons
By Dilyana Gaytandzhieva - February 21, 2022
USA and Russia will eventually ally against the Europeans?
epimetheus writes about how all the governments are colluding to screw the peoples:
Dr. SHIVA: The TRUTH About Ukraine and Russia
Dr VA Shiva is even more anti-British Empire than me… How the fascist Atlantic Council and friends created the Ukrainian war with help of actual real neonazis and provications.
Begins at 11:11:
FLCCC: US hospitals are traps!
FLCCC: Sham Peer review and how US hospitals are traps. Just as you have heard from Stew Peters.
What is even more scary is how doctors behave in UK and Sweden in public hospitals without much profit incentive behave. I've talked to an MD working in a Swedish hospital, but she is from Eastern Europe, so she doesn't get controlled by the narrative when it's explained in Swedish (her MD-friends back in the east often get brainwashed though). And she sees "vaccine" injuries and maltreatments and totally brainwashed MDs that just want to vaxx people with medical problems who just recovered from covid - And then the patients of course gets blood clots. Nothing to see there according to the Daleks.
I think that programmers and MDs are the most easy victims of propaganda of all professions. Studies have shown that just a cheap lunch will make MDs prescribe a drug! In Nazi Germany, it was the MDs that became total Nazis (or fired, of course).
By the way: When are you tired of not getting murdered by big pharma and start to recommend ClO2? That is way cheaper and easier to make yourself if you are low in oxygen. We do need more independent people trying it out though, and I have no personal experience about it.
Statista shows misleading statistics
It is true that Ukraine doesn’t buy any natural gas from Russia, but Ukraine transports Russian gas to EU countries and then buys it back. Can anyone say “corruption”?
And Finland is not heavily dependent on Russian gas, as natural gas just isn’t a big energy source in Finland, so this data is giving a bad view of reality:
Finland consumes 15,026 cubic feet of natural gas per capita every year (based on the 2017 population of 5,511,371 people), or 41 cubic feet per capita per day.
Germany consumes 39,883 cubic feet of natural gas per capita every year (based on the 2017 population of 82,658,409 people), or 109 cubic feet per capita per day. (the imports haven’t changed much since then)
So even if Germany only gets 50% of its gas from Russia, they are more dependent on Russian gas than Finland.
“sustainability” (means “fascism” in WEFish)
Surfer-girl isn’t exactly a Putin (also a WEF) friend, but… WEF always plays ALL sides! Well, except your side, of course. You’ll own nothing and be “happy” with drugs in your “sustainable” slave society.
“Conspiracy theory”
Theory, definition: "A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena, especially one that has been repeatedly tested or is widely accepted and can be used to make predictions about natural phenomena."
So a “conspiracy theory” is something well tested and built on facts that explains and predicts what we’re seeing in the society.
🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪
Putins stora misstag?
Efter att ha verkat spela ett skickligt maktspel tar Putin ett steg han inte kan veta konsekvenserna av. Varför?
Vad är en teori?
En teori är en uppsättning påståenden eller principer utformade för att förklara en grupp fakta eller fenomen, särskilt en som har testats upprepade gånger eller är allmänt accepterad och som kan användas för att göra förutsägelser om naturfenomen.
Så en konspirationsteori är något väl testat och bevisat som förklarar och förutser vad som händer i samhället.
Thank you!