Blackmail RINOs! Noticing. How the world is run. Al Qaida's ally Israel. Yoon Adam Schiff
Utpressning styr världen. Noterande. Al Qaidas allierade Israel. Yoon-kaos i Korea
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OCCUPIED WORLD PREMIERE: WARNING! Sensitive Content, Viewer Discretion is Advised
Good quickies from Marc Andreesen on how the US government is The Mob
Zelensky is not allowed to be interviewed by Tucker Carlson:
Still very jewish:
Mike Benz, renowned expert on internet censorship--regularly names the FBI, the CIA, various NGOs, etc--but over several hours on Tucker Carlson & Joe Rogan, never named the ADL, the Mossad or Unit 8200.
So let's see: 1) he used projection to 2) attack as the aggressor while 3) using the shield of victimhood by 4) claiming the mantle of the holo caust.
Tragedy & Hope 101, by Joe Plummer about how the world is run: - Free book or sound book!
UK, full list of Bovaer polluted food
🇸🇪 Bovaer i Sverige av Plainview:
🇸🇪 GÄSENE MEJERI Använder Bovaer. Har ett pågående projekt med Volta Greentech. HAGARNAS MEJERI Ingen info. HANSJÖ MEJERI Använder inte Bovaer idag. HEMKÖP Ägaren Axfood är partner med Volta Greentech. Det har bl.a. resulterat i att märket "Garant" har Bovaer i vissa produkter.
ICA Icas mjölk kommer från Arla. Kan därmed riskeras innehålla Bovaer 2025. NORRMEJERIER Har Bovaer i sitt mjölksortiment "Norrlogisk".
I confess...
I bought some cream with carrageenan in it just after recording the video about that... I know it's not healthy, but it's really handy to have cream that doesn't rot before you drink it, and certainly better than sugar and other chemicals. Worse is the Bovaer misery they try to fool us with even though it's just bad, toxic and expensive. And carrageenan is clearly labelled unlike anti-rap Bovaer and similar products. If it's marketed as ‘climate friendly’ at least you know not to eat it.
🇸🇪 Jag erkänner…
Jag köpte grädde med karragenan i precis efter att ha spelat in denna video... Jag vet det inte är nyttigt, men det är himla praktiskt med grädde som inte ruttnar innan man druckit upp den, och säkert bättre än socker och andra kemikalier. Värre är Bovaer-eländet de försöker lura på oss trots det bara är dåligt, giftigt och dyrt. Och karragenan är tydligt uppmärkt till skillnad ifrån anti-rap-Bovaer och liknande produkter. Om det marknadsförs som "klimatsmart" vet man i alla fall att man inte ska äta det.
Zionist vermin acting like Zionist vermin
Visegrád 24 is not a “Polish” account as it pretends to be.
“Israel is our greatest ally” - Says Al Qaida!
Watch: US A-10 'Warthog' Filmed Engaged In Attacks Over Eastern Syria
Reports: "US airstrikes target positions of Iran-backed militias in Deir Ezzor"...
This is Dafna Yoran, a racist Loxist jew
Matt Kim: Approval rating of 19% behind the martial law in South Korea
Couple things to know about South Korea while the ‘martial law’ news trends:
1. President Yoon Suk Yeol is from the Conservative Party. (People Power Party)
2. He was a former federal prosecutor that got elected under the promise of removing government corruption.
3. Due to the perception that he was targeting political enemies instead of overall corruption, his approval rating has dropped horrendously low. (19%)
4. North Korea has nothing to do with the this. This is super common in South Korea; to blame any action on the North to justify extreme action. This is well known and understood in Korea.
5. The next presidential election isn’t until 2027. (5 yr terms)
6. The National Assembly (legislative) is a liberal majority.
7. South Korea has a history of authoritarian presidents, as well as putting them in prison.
With such an incredibly low approval rating, losing the National Assembly at the midterms, and cries for impeachment, this is most likely a last ditch effort to implement his plan to remove corruption and eradicate deep state. Not sure if this is the best way to handle that…but pay attention
Grok, draw me Adam Schiff as a Korean!
Nah, reality Yoon Suk-yeol is still better than AI.