Blinking persuasion. Swedish hidden history. Boulder climbing. Youtube & government hate you
Blinkande övertalning. Kreuger, Wallenberg & Bonnier. Stenklättrande. Youtube och staten hatar dig
Today’s English boulder climbing
More Chetty
Dr Shankara Chetty gets interviewed on the Swedish Youtube channel “Modiga människor” (Brave people). This might be a better interview with Chetty to send to people who aren’t medical doctors, as it’s more directed to ordinary people unlike other interviews with Chetty that are more directed to experts.
Chetty explains as usual about the important 8th day and how that part of covid is completely different from other viral infections and is an allergic reaction, and not a viral problem anymore. Mirrored here as Youtube really hates medical information.
Youtube doesn’t make economical sense for independent creators!
Felix Kjellberg / PewDiePie is the biggest independent Youtuber and he is starting to get pissed at Youtube and their practices. But imagine this: If Pewdiepie could convince 10% of his 100+ million followers to join LBRY/Odysee with his promo-link, he would make $0.04011*5*10M ~= $2 million USD! That should be enough so he can survive until he gets the next NorthVPN kind of sponsorship that is even better. Staying on Youtube is a losing battle.
At 20 minutes Scott Adams teaches you a very powerful persuasion trick:
He also described the only two good ways (there are a lot of bad ones like listen to media or looking at anecdotes) to look at the pandemic and “vaccines”:
You are an expert at looking at data and doing analysis, and then you do a deep dive into all the numbers and data, and come to a conclusion.
You’re potentially a complete moron and say that the government and big pharma lie to you about everything.
It isn’t obvious to Scott which method is superior, but I think it’s obvious to my readers… Or just watch the first 30 minutes of FLCCC Weekly Update Dec. 8, 2021: Profits before Patients?
🇸🇪 Ivar Kreuger, Wallenberg och Bonnier
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