Election night stream tip. CIA, Iran and media. Russia, India, Turkey and NATO. Twitter, jokes, etc
CIA, Iran och media. Ryssland, Indien, Turkiet och NATO. Riksbanken-klanten. Twitter, skämt, Romina
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska blodmånedag-video. Lite svensk text och länkar på slutet.
Today’s English blood moon day video.
The stream below is 2 AM Swedish time, but it sounds like fun, so I’m changing my time zone for some days. This looks like the most interesting and fun election live stream:
However great job he is doing, Steven Crowder doesn’t get why Trump attacked DeSantis. That’s why he doesn’t have the title president.
And there are tons of people trying to teach Elon Musk on how to run a business…
Iran regime change is getting a face lift…
CIA and friends are doing this to all countries, but it’s extra obvious in this case.
Who boycott Twitter? Does it matter?
I forgive the car companies. 50 former Tesla managers are now in charge of Twitter, so at the moment, I see why they want to save some money.
The rest are propaganda and poison sellers that should be boycotted anyway.
How CIA plant disinformation in the media
Give the lazy journalists fake information, and also give that fake information to the allies in UK, New Zealand etc, so if the journalist does try to fact check, they will get confirmation, and Congress will then be duped.
Note the video is longer than 2 minutes… Twitter is improving fast. Musk want to turn Twitter into the most reliable source of information, which should be easy as Wikipedia is MI6-controlled and media, much alt media included, is crap:
Geopolitics: Indians consider Russia as ‘most reliable partner’ for the country – polls
Western leaders are pretty clueless to this fact, and instead the demons blame Russia for their sanctions while India and Russia engage with each other in an increasingly multipolar and rebalanced world.
Now imagine that you’re a EU company that has invested in visiting the trade show i Shanghai and your European Council President Charles Michel wants to rally to decrease the trade with China, so China bans Michel from speaking.
They are annoying little children, and while wise people argue for building alternatives to trade with China, these actors can not handle any nuances or more than one framing. Therefore they always go for sabotage, their only skill.
Turkey on the other hand is now partly and soon fully paying Russia in rubles for gas.
Algeria has filed an official application to join BRICS
Will EU eventually follow, or will the clueless actors in charge continue to believe it’s still 1910?
Russia’s brutal “occupation” of Donbass
New record of incompetence
The Swedish Central Bank, Riksbanken should give itself the "Nobel Prize" in economics for reaching a new level of incompetence where they have the right to print money and still manage to make a record loss.
It is if a sewage company would suffer from a lack of shit.
Week’s first “Öh, what?” on Twitter:
I guess this means that Twitter now will enforce its rules even on libtard celebs. Kathy Griffin can have her account back though, but it will cost her $8 per month according to Musk. Note that if you have a blue checkmark, you are not allowed to change into a parody name at all regardless of how clearly that is marked as parody!
This is how to do parody:
Twitter's user growth hit “all-time highs” last week under Elon Musk, according to a company document obtained by The Verge. Not strange as you don’t even have to pay $8 per month to get this entertainment:
But “a lot” of people are “leaving” Twitter…
We will gather more allies, more power and we will never ever stop hunting the covid tyrants. These demons will be removed from the gene-pool:
But as I said, I respect the people who talked the jab, took the jab, and died of the jab as long as they left antivaxxers alone:
He might have been stupid, but honorable and leaving us antivaxxers alone is all we ever asked for, except protecting the kids, of course.
Vaxxers like Ursula are being hunted:
Thanks for what holiday? Tips anyway
I'm Swedish and we are only thankful for keeping the English invasions out since dawn of history (less success with Russian invasions - We miss Finland! Danish or Polish? No, no Polish - The Poles got sent back from Stångebro 1598 close to where I live and love the Poles. 3 Danes just left my flat, so I recorded that as another failed Danish invasion - one of them will be back in 2 months though), but here are some tips and warnings about the strange US Thanksgiving self-harm US "holiday":
Warning: That could end badly! You say "The government is corrupt, the vaccines just killed people, wars are created for control, media lies, the Biden administration is a disaster, crime is out of control, abortions are evil and castrating children should give severe punishment."
And then your hard-line life long Democrat mother-in-law says: "Yes, I totally agree. You must come and celebrate Christmas at my place! Remember to wear signs with your pronouns, so that people can feel save!"
How voting preferences change
Death might do that to people’s voting preferences, but as the replacement God during November (The month that God forgot), I heard from the dead that David Rockefeller is fully supporting Kari Lake now. He is impressed of her total debate monopoly and scaring away the competition - All Rockefellers approve of that business model!
Why Ulf Kristersson and Sanna Marin don’t like Twitter:
🇸🇪 Nytt rekord i inkompetens
Riksbanken borde ge sig själv "Nobelpriset" i ekonomi för att de uppnått en ny nivå av inkompetens där de har rätt att trycka pengar och ändå lyckas gå med rekordförlust.
Som om ett avloppsbolag skulle lida av skitbrist.
Barntidningen Svenska Dagbladet gör bort sig om Twitter och Musk
Så fort narrativet ändras så springer fjantarna efter och skriver sina missledande rubriker på sina icke-nyheter.
Kathy Griffin avstängd från Twitter – utgav sig för att vara Elon Musk
Politik vs teater
Bara en gubbsjuk narcissist blir imponerad av en ung snygg skådespelerskas förmåga att sprida det officiella narrativet. “Putin”, “klimat”, tjurskit, och “MP är dumma”. Säger man sånt, så kan man tydligen bli minister i den sexistiska regeringen, trots att man inte kan ett skit och går på varenda lögn.
Men visst gör Romina ett bra jobb som skådespelare i den alternativa verkligheten där politikerna styr vädret.