Day of Tyr, time for war: Bolsonaro quiet. Hunting maskers. Blood pressure solutions. Morons, idiots
Tyrs dag, dags för krig. Bolsonaro tyst. Blodtryck-tips. Telenor är skit. Dumsnutar, idioter, strunt
Dagens svenska löviga video
Today’s leafy video
Bolsonaro Supporters Block Roads As Brazilian President Silent After Election Loss
“The New York Times is meanwhile reporting that President Bolsonaro is expected to give a speech on Tuesday, but it's unclear when or precisely what he will say.”
Brazil: What to look for
What happens if Lula doesn’t create a socialist hell-hole and Bolsonaro doesn’t stage a military coup? That should end it for the activist narcissists’ credibility.
Can people stop believing that the WEF is real?
On social media, several people are now warning about Lula da Silva because he is listed on the World Economic Forum website. However, there is also outgoing right-wing president Jair Bolsonaro, who attended Davos as recently as 2019.
Reminder: Hunting season for vaxxers and maskers is still on:
High blood pressure: Vegan vs Ivor Cummins
Vegan MD talks to pro-meat engineer and nutrition expert Ivor Cummins about high blood pressure:
In short: Eat more garlic, onions and maybe supplement as you grow old to keep your blood vessels OK. Red spinach and black garlic are even better.
On top of avoiding sugars and getting the vitamins and minerals you need, especially vitamin D and K2.
Nice to see to expert who do not agree to agree on other stuff, and they are competing to see who lives the longest - I am in that fight too! I just bet my life on it... 😏
The narcissists are in full panic mood. If they can’t censor people, they can’t find meaning in life.
China continues Zerocovid
And Australia is pushing face diaper bullshit - still!!! “wear a mask indoors, even if you can socially distance.”
Bullshit from Sirius
I trust The Sirius Report on some things, but of course they SUCK at predicting the financial markets, because if they could predict that, they would work on making money there instead of writing reports:
"The disconnect between paper and physical prices continues to grow"
I've heard that bullshit for decades, but I support it because it makes easily manipulated people buy metals for over-price instead of investing in security and prosperity. You bought gold in March? Stupid!
The fentanyl mystery
Why are people only dying of fentanyl in USA? I can't find anything on Google nor on Yandex about other countries - Suppression of data or is it just FBI that pushes fentanyl in USA only?
Is Elon Musk a sociopath as narcissists say?
Elon Musk is definitely a sociopath if you define sociopath as someone who destroys society, and as all the vulnerable narcissists have built their society of always following the narrative and hurt people who think differently, and Elon is just destroying their world and is laughing about it. I can feel their pain, and I enjoy it too... /Sociopath
Why would Paul Pelosi date a pretty fit fun mostly nude crazy person?!? No, that can not possibly be true. It would be like if Elon Musk dated Amber Turd (Herd)...
But: Boring: Paul Pelosi
Seems like it just was a break-in by a deranged nudist with a hammer and a faulty security system. If the police report is to be believed, the erection deniers were right.
But… We don’t have any footage, and I doubt we’ll ever get some.
We are living in a simulation - reframing from someone who knows how automatic control works
The human brain, or actually any brain and even an automatic control system, is a simulation of reality. When some automatic control system reacts, it's from a direct signal from the outside - like I hit you with a hammer, the nerves give out a pain signal and then your brain hopefully conclude that being a pain in my butt is a bad thing to do.
But mostly the automatic control system or brain works not on actual input, but on a faulty model of what the reality is going to be. A self-driving car breaks when there is something just in front of it, but more importantly it has to predict that a car might just turn left without any signalling.
If the control system is really good but ignore some variables, like most of media, then it controls its followers perfectly, but suddenly the few it has left are there alone when Putin is having a huge liberating USA rally in Washington DC on January the 6th 2023.
Telenor is shit!
I've been a happy customer of Bredbandsbolaget as my ISP for decades until Telenor bought it up and ruined it. Telenor only gives me 10 Mbit/s which is too little to upload my videos, and I pay for 150 Mbit/s, while Bahnhof can deliver it to my Utfors network.
Few things piss me off as much as companies that make it difficult to cancel subscriptions. The question is what happens if I just refuse to pay?
And Telenor answered my Tweet with the wrong answer and reminded me to be polite as if they were my customer.
Collecting predictions
If you provoke narcissists to make predictions in a posting, you can then save that posting by using and if that shit ever says something stupid in the future, you can remind everyone that they are useless at predicting. Also good to know about people who do good predictions, and follow your own predictions.
My prediction is that Russia will not lose the war in Ukraine as the “Russia must totally leave Ukraine” retards think. We’ll see who will be right.
New Swedish nuclear power en masse
Swedish State-owned Vattenfall aims to build at least two new reactors at Ringhals. In addition, it plans to extend the lifetime of the current reactors at both Ringhals and Forsmark from the current 60 years to 80 years of operation. On state media SVT's “Agenda”, German-owned Uniper talked about its plans to build new nuclear power as part of a larger energy park in Barsebäck. Finland's Fortum is also to investigate the possibility of building new nuclear power in Sweden (as well as in Finland).
Nuclear power was “unprofitable” with the last government, but profitable now. It will take to at least 2030 before this power come online, but Sweden should be able to build faster than Poland due to experience.
Elon Musk is trying to get an invitation to Paul Pelosi:
No proof that Paul Pelosi is gay, but…
Bolsonaro-anhängare blockerar vägar när Brasiliens president tystnar efter valförlusten
"New York Times rapporterar under tiden att president Bolsonaro förväntas hålla ett tal på tisdag, men det är oklart när eller exakt vad han kommer att säga."
Brasilien: Vad man ska leta efter:
Vad händer om Lula inte skapar ett socialistiskt helvete och Bolsonaro inte iscensätter en militärkupp? Då borde det vara slut på de aktivistiska narcissisternas trovärdighet.
Högt blodtryck: Vegan mot Ivor Cummins
Vegan MD pratar med den köttvänliga ingenjören och näringsexperten Ivor Cummins om högt blodtryck:
Kort sagt: Ät mer vitlök, lök och kanske tillskott när du blir äldre för att hålla blodkärlen okej. Röd spenat och svart vitlök är ännu bättre.
Utöver att som vanligt undvika socker och få i dig de vitaminer och mineraler du behöver, särskilt D-vitamin och K2-vitamin.
Det är trevligt att se att experter som inte är överens är överens om andra saker, och de tävlar om vem som lever längst - jag är också med i den kampen! Jag har just satsat mitt liv på det... 😏
Telenor är skit!
Jag har varit nöjd kund hos Bredbandsbolaget i årtionden tills Telenor köpte upp och förstörde det. Telenor ger mig bara 10 Mbit/s som är för lite för att ladda upp mina videor, och jag betalar för 150 Mbit/s, medan Bahnhof kan leverera det till mitt Utfors-nät.
Få saker gör mig så förbannad som företag som gör det svårt att avsluta abonnemanget. Frågan är vad som händer om jag bara vägrar att betala?
Och jag ska tydligen hålla god ton också.
Det där formuläret säger att jag bara kan ställa generella frågor och inget om mitt abonnemang, men det verkar inte Telenors Twitter-bot känna till så i stället för att lösa mitt problem, så försöker narcissisten att uppfostra mig - Varför göra kunderna nöjda, när man kan säga åt dem att uppföra sig?!?
Anders Luxemburg gör en förutsägelse
“Du är en idiot. Men det visste du nog redan. Ryssland kommer att förlora oavsett hur många gråtande barn du hittar på nätet.”
Jan Ericson förklarar hur han kan vara så felinformerad som kommentar: Blocka trollen.
Det här var målet med min trollning: Nu kan jag gå tillbaka till en förutsägelse och sedan trycka till narcissist-kräket om det öppnar fågelmunnen i framtiden. Notera att jag har arkiverat Tweetet så det kommer inte gå att ta bort det. Att samla på felaktiga förutsägelser är ett utmärkt sätt att krossa sådana här barnungar.
Om förutsägelserna visar sig vara korrekta, så är det nog dags att uppgradera uppfattningen om den som gjorde dem.
Kan folk sluta tro att WEF är på riktigt?
Ny kärnkraft i massor
Statliga Vattenfall siktar på att bygga minst två nya reaktorer i Ringhals. Dessutom planerar man att livstidsförlänga dagens reaktorer i både Ringhals och Forsmark från dagens 60 år till 80 års drift. I SVT:s Agenda berättade tyskägda Uniper om sina planer på att bygga ny kärnkraft som en del av en större energipark i Barsebäck. Även finländska Fortum ska utreda möjligheterna att bygga ny kärnkraft i Sverige (liksom i Finland).