Live at 2 PM EST, 20:00 Swedish time. Narcissism, persuasion tricks, future world
Inför direktsändningen kl 21:00 (På engelska 20:00). Narcissism, övertalning, framtidsvärlden
The English live-stream at 20:00 Swedish time (Note: This is now again 2 PM EST, as the sadistic narcissist government likes cause time problem):
🇸🇪 Den svenska direktsändningen kl 21:00:
Today’s short English dog video
🇸🇪 Dagens korta svenska hundvideo
Her mistress managed to take that away from her. The hard grilled bones are not safe for her stomach, but she still wants them more than any other treat.
Geert Vanden Bossche
It must be my Belgium Sir-name Wallin that makes the name “Geert Vanden Bossche” roll out so easily from my mouth as if I was saying hydroxychloquine or some other simple word.
Anyhow: He is warning about how the anti-bodies from the vaccines cause problems and make the children vulnerable to future infections, and of course give them a lot of health problems:
Massive increase of myocarditis
This is how it works: The jab makes other medical problems worse. While the vulnerable narcissists can’t admit that they are wrong about anything, so it can’t be the covid shots’ fault! It can’t because it can’t! The manufactures of the poison jabs have no responsibilities and can put all sorts of experiments into them just for fun, to test new things or to create medical problems they can profit from:
And the vaccines stop working, so they are basically just prolonging the pandemic - This is a feature, not a bug:
Narcissism and how to fight it
The correct way is to not deal with narcissists, but if you have to destroy for example a politician or boss, here are some ways to control them, so you can fool them into destroying themselves.
You basically give them narcissist supply (you’re making their sickness worse) by praise and you increase their fear level with threat of ridicule. While the obvious grandiose narcissists respond as expected on compliments, vulnerable narcissists will always suspect that you are trying to make fun of them or trick them (as that is what they do all the time), so you have to use really honest compliments, which for obvious reasons is hard to do with a soulless little piece of shit.
Signs of a covert narcissist:
Fragile sense of self
Extremely jealous
Underhanded criticism (like negging)
Triangulation (they love their flying monkeys)
Take credits for your ideas
Withhold (information, stuff)
Creating drama (gossip dressed up as “concern”)
Passive aggressive
Not being protective of you
Hoovering - Trying to keep you when you ditch them
You can also see how narcissists do everything to get narcissist supply. They don’t care about the children, the climate, their really ugly architecture and “art”, or anything except that people should worship them or get destroyed. Instead they like:
Watching you squirm (“Stop changing the time 2 twice a year? Maybe next year. We can’t solve a problem because of covid.”)
Gaining power over you (“One more law, one more tax…”)
Hurt you so that they can be your saviour (“Sorry for creating the problem! Here are some handouts!”)
Wooing you and see you fall into their trap (“Vote for me! No more taxes!”)
Making you think you escaped (“Waves of terror”)
Don’t this sound EXACTLY like every single climate and covid1984-politician/pundit/celeb?
US Democratic Party’s platform: Narcissism!
There is nothing else. They can’t rethink their plan because they can’t think. There are some sociopaths and strategists behind the vulnerable narcissist Daleks, but they are helpless now as the Deleks are malfunctioning on a massive scale:
How do you sell some of your company’s stock without looking bad?
Just trick Twitter-users into saying that you should do it, because socialism good:
High wages = people work less?!?
Well, it depends. Interesting historical data:
If we get a depopulation from the vaccination and then kill off all the narcissists in power (or put them in labour camps), I think we’ll see the post-black-death-prosperity again.
Iraq PM Survives Drone Assassination Attempt
This will get a lot more common. That is just another reason why the most powerful people are building bunkers.
Fusion is not such a big deal
Here are some thoughts on why fusion will not change the world that much:
1 cent per kWh isn’t that cheap
Fusion power can not be scaled down like fission
So it’s more centralized and will therefore be heavily taxed
Fission is getting better, smaller and if people just stop stealing the used fuel, they cost very little to run.
Deregulation, less disinformation and other things will impact more than fusion
What I pay for electricity here in Sweden is 90% taxes and transmission+connection fees, while in other countries there are monopolies, bad policies, bad grids and corruption that are the main cost of electricity. So improving that 10% bit is great, but there are way more low hanging fruits.
Tips: Du kan slå på svensk automatöversättning på Youtube-videorna ovan!
Narcissism och hur man bekämpar den
Det korrekta sättet är att inte vara i närheten av narcissister, men om du måste förinta till exempel en polis eller chef, här är några sätt att kontrollera dem, så att du kan lura dem att förstöra sig själva.
Du ger dem i princip narcissist-näring (du gör deras sjukdom värre) genom beröm, och du ökar deras rädsla med hot om förlöjligande. Medan de uppenbara grandiosa narcissisterna svarar som förväntat på komplimanger, kommer sårbara narcissister alltid att misstänka att du försöker göra narr av dem och lura dem (eftersom det är vad de gör hela tiden), så du måste använda riktigt ärliga komplimanger, vilket av uppenbara skäl är svårt att göra till en själlös liten skit.
Hur man upptäcker en mindre uppenbar narcissist:
Bräcklig självkänsla
Extremt avundsjuk
Inlindad kritik (“negging” t ex, att ge en komplimang för att skada)
Triangulering (de älskar sina flygande apor)
Ta beröm för dina idéer
Undanhålla (information, saker)
Skapa drama (skvaller som låtsas vara "omtanke")
Står inte upp för dig
Hoovering - Försöker behålla dig när du bryter kontakten
Du kan också se hur narcissister gör allt för att få tillgång till narcissister. De bryr sig inte om barnen, klimatet, deras riktigt fula arkitektur och "konst", eller något annat förutom att folk borde dyrka dem eller bli förstörda. Det här är vad de gillar:
Se dig lida ("Sluta ändra tiden 2 två gånger om året? Kanske nästa år.")
Få makt över dig ("En lag till, en skatt till...")
Skada dig så att de kan bli din räddare ("Förlåt för problemet vi skapade, här är bidrag!")
Uppvakta dig och se dig falla i deras fälla ("Rösta på mig!")
Få dig att tro att du lyckats fly ("Waves of terror")
Låter inte det här EXAKT som varje enskild klimat- och covid1984-politiker/tyckare/kändis?