Indian Russian oil. State facts, not question! Sudden death in booster time. City planning ideas
Indisk rysk olja. Nämn fakta, inte fråga! Sudden death i booster time. Stadsplaneringsidéer
Today’s no sunny, but sunny English video
🇸🇪 Dagens bitvis soliga svenska video. Svensk text längst ner, men se bilderna på engelska
EU parasites saw this coming!

Now the EU worms are expecting to be rewarded for the profits they are creating for the criminals. If the EU people were more informed, they would instead make a piece offer to Russia where Russia has to take care of all our useless corrupt talkers in the governments in return for friendly relations.
“Krama torsk!” is Swedish for “Hug cod!”/”Hug john/punter!”

Reminder about the Spanish big pharma CEO cheat-buying a vaxx-passport
I reported this before, but Steve Kirsch made this great point:
Now, here’s what you ask your blue pill friends:
Why would the chief executive of a very large pharma company in Spain pay $200,000 and risk a long prison sentence to avoid taking a perfectly safe vaccine that will keep him from dying from COVID?
The details are wrong though: Those 200,000 euros is supposed to have been paid by some 2,200 people in total, not by this person alone, and he did not fake his vaccination but the booster vaccination (a least that is what is reported).
But still a lot of people with great knowledge are trying to avoid getting the injections and advice others against it too. Remember what Desmet said in the interview with James Corbett though: Just state to the blue-pillers that there are a lot of well informed people who really don’t want the injection.
If you attack the ones in the mass formation with a question or try to change their mind, they will go into defensive mood. They are much more likely to change their mind if they aren't pushed to it.
Booster saved him from ever catching covid!
They are now changing the ice hockey rules, so it’s no longer called “sudden death”, but “booster time”:
The President of Facebook’s Science Feedback Is Hiding in Paris, Terrified of Appearing in Court
Science Feedback has never “fact checked” a single science outlet who push complete lies and personal attacks against those calling their bullshit out. These pathetic little satans like Emmanuel Vincent need to be forced to live with the other rats in Paris’ sewers, because without their mindless anti-logic injustice propaganda, the mass formation madness is impossible.
His son: Hold my laptop!
Crackhead MILF And Incest Porn: Hunter Biden Search History Revealed; Texted Pornhub Link To 'Dad'
If you think the Democrats can’t go lower than this, you haven’t been been paying attention: They always find a way down, down, down!
Along the technocrat crazy here, there are some good ideas, and some things are just cool regardless if you think they are good or bad:
NEOM: The Line crazy & good Saudi Prince ideas
A good question is why on Earth do modern cities have cars on the streets? That creates a horrible living environment, and it also work badly for communications. When building new suburbs it should be cheaper (less cost for land) and better to hide the cars under the pedestrian level (or levels, if the city is in an unfriendly climate where you want a semi-indoors pedestrian level).
First, let’s see what worked for a million inhabitant city 2000 years ago:
Cars were not allowed during daytime in ancient Rome, so all the heavy transports had to be done during nighttime. But that made it possible to make the distances shorter as less of the city needed to be roads. So people even in the suburbs could take a healthy walk to the city center in only 20 minutes, while modern humans waste hours every day going to work.
With modern technology the inhabitants could be offered way more space in their flats, bike paths, metros and indoor lightning and parks.
There is a general rule in transportation, and that is if it is cheaper and faster, then it will be used way more. If it’s possible to go from one end of the city to another in 5 minutes, people might actually spend more time communiting on average because it’s so fast to do, so they might take those trips 12 times per day, instead of 2 times. The same for goods.
Still it’s great with better transportation systems, even if people get stuck in habits of living in one place, take the morning coffee in another place, take a bath at another place, then go to work, take the morning break in the park, go back to work, and then eat lunch somewhere else, take the afternoon meating at the artificial lake, go back to work, then to dinner on the mountain, then drink some beer in the salt mine and then go home. That is about 13 trips in a day.
Why build on land, instead of on water where you don’t have to dig and the foundation is uniform? When the basic problems with building on water are solved with technology and scale, then there are only tsunamies to worry about when it comes to geology.
Then the ideas of wind power and lab-grown meat are disgusting, but I can easily improve the Oxagon idea with a few grassland pseudo-indoor levels of the floating city where free range cattle, poultry and other animals can roam, and of course nuclear power - Maybe below the sea floor under the city.
The hard question is: How to make a very efficiently lay out city governed in a decentralized way?
And then the mountain town of Trojena… That’s cool graphics at least.
Swedish “opposition” didn’t see this coming
Magdalena ‘Magda’ Andersson and the Social Democrats have been crushing both the neoliberals, fake patriots and narcissist leftist parties the last 6 months, and it’s mostly because Madga is just reasonable. Few of the independent voters believe in the rest of that party except for her, is my feeling:
Den Saudiska prinsens futuristiska stad - Bra, men också galna idéer
Man får filtrera bort dumheter som vindkraft i staden och labbodlat kött, men det finns mycket användbara idéer om hur man kan göra städer och även en liten by trevligare och mer praktisk.
Att ha alla fordon i ett plan under där man har gator, torg och parker borde vara ett självklart sätt att få byggnaderna att hamna praktiskt nära varandra, slippa buller och trafikfaror samt att förbättra framkomligheten.
I det antika Rom med miljonbefolkning så kunde folk i förorterna pendla gåendes på bara 20 minuter till centrum. Då var det förbjudet med fordonstrafik på dagen, vilket gjorde att gatorna kunde vara smalare och ändå få plats med alla fotgångare så det blev närmare till allt.
Med modern teknik så som dagsljuslampor, bättre material, cyklar, tunnelbana, ventilation mm, så borde vi kunna bygga en rymligare storstad där det ändå är närmare till allt och mer park-idyllisk miljö - även under vintern.
Paradoxalt kommer kanske folk att spendera mer tid att pendla/resa om det går snabbare, för då gör de det fler gånger om dagen. Men då får de i alla fall någn form av mervärde.
Oxagon är ett förslag på en flytande stad, och det är en intressant idé jag funderat på länge. Har man bara löst problemet med att bygga på vattnet så slipper man alla andra geologiska problem då vattnet ser ut likadant i hela staden (lite mer vågor längst ut, men inget problem vid större skala, och en flytande stad har mycket större möjligheter att kunna byggas för att klara tsunamis ifrån t ex asteroidnedslag).
Ett stort problem med en storstad med väl fungerande kommunikation kan bli att den blir för centralstyrd dock, så man måste tänka på det innan det blir en jätteorganisation som leds av de värsta kräken till narcissister.
Och så har vi bergsstaden Trojena… Där visas häftiga bilder i alla fall.
Indien säljer billig rysk olja dyrt till EU
Parasiterna som leder EU-länderna såg detta komma och väntar nu på att bli belönade av dem som tjänar på att ditt liv blivit sämre och dyrare (Minns sabotage som livsstrategi!). Jag föreslår dock att folken i EU kräver att Ryssland ska ha hand om våra parasiter och placera dem i t ex Gulag, och så kan Ryssland få vänliga relationer i utbyte.
Hur prata med dem som tror på myndigheter och media
Upplys dem om att t ex den spanska läkemedelsbolags-VDn, Robert Malone och tusentals andra väl informerade personer inte vill ta sina boosters och ofta avråder alla andra ifrån covid-injektionerna.
Men: Kräv inte att de svarar på en fråga, t ex “Varför tror du en spansk big pharma-chef köpte sig fri ifrån att slippa boostern?” för då hamnar de i en defensiv position. Bättre att nämna fakta och sedan får de göra vad de vill med den, och en del av deras medvetanden kommer då att försöka övertala dem, och de själva är bättre på det än någon annan.