Let's go Branday! Heart attack kills Big Bird. Curry. Youtube kills itself. Sadism. Heavy metal
Youtube gör Sun Tzu på sig själv. Curry. Covid-vansinne runt världen. Hur lär vi från musik?
Dagens svenska video ifrån Ryd.
Today’s English video from the Ryd forest cliff
No, no Funday Friday today! It’s:
Let's go Branday!
So why are people mad at the bird?
Well, but just as it ended for many vaccine pushers, it ended like this:
Curry! And garlic and stuff!
Youtube stops showing dislikes counts 😂 🤡
“Woke wank-word” 😂 OK, I take back some of my critique of the English language, because that was beautiful! 😍 🇬🇧
This is caused by a personality disorder called vulnerable narcissism. The people suffering from this are obsessed about licking authority's arse while kicking everyone not doing that. They can't learn anything new as then they would have to admit that they are wrong, and they can't even admit that to themselves. They create false memories about how they are always right, and they are of course better liars than any sociopath as they truly believe their own lies.
We don't know if they are someones in Youtube or in the government (See Dr VA Shiva who got kicked out of Twitter on direct order from a political opponent - An admitted fact.) influenced by CCP or what-ever, but it's the same blob of Daleks dressed up as humans.
And they don't care if they destroy their company, their party or their country. Even if no child dies of covid, they want to jab these little shits if they can't kill them with face diapers, because the narrative and a powerful organization like Pfizer (convicted of horrible crimes every year) told them to.
I think it’s a combination of malnutrition and social media that have created this pandemic of vulnerable narcissism.
“Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Is Mass Red Pilling Normies & Ardent Lefties”
Salty Cracker celebrates how the progressives are waking up. Welcome to the good side!
Denmark waves of terror
You are not safe until they are dead. Do not ever think these people will bow down to the people and become good leaders. They might retreat, but they will never ever stop trying to enslave, hurt and kill you.
🇸🇪 Ni i Sverige kanske tror Moderaterna vill fixa kriminaliteten, minska klimathysterin, och M har inte sagt något om vaccin-pass på ett tag: VAKNA UPP FÖR I HELVETE! Det är samma skit som sitter i MP-styret, men de spelar andra roller i samma påhittade film. De njuter av att plåga dig, de saknar riktiga kunskaper och allt de kan är att manipulera. Så fort de lurat till sig stöd och hyrt tillräckligt många sadistiska poliser, så blir det nerstängningar, tvångsmedicinering och dina skattepengar går till att rädda klimatet och Klaus Schwabs baddräktsbudget.
It’s insane by design
When the pandemic is over, the UK medical staff needs to get jabbed, because sadist demons want to thank hard working people for their service by hurting them:
I’m very open to other explanations! Is Health Secretary Sajid Javid only bribed, is he threatened, blackmailed, is he retarded, is he working for CCP, is he maybe even working for the good cause of bringing down the pedo-opium empire for good? But the strategy it’s clear: Just say no. Or say more than no: Every time someone gives these shitheads a tiny bit of compliance, they will celebrate by killing a kitten. If they don’t get narcissist supply by people following their insane orders, they will eventually break down mentally and the government can be crushed with a spoon.
Singapore Cancels Free Healthcare For Those "Unvaccinated By Choice"
The vaccinated are filling up the hospitals (we can guess that clotting and heart problems are sky rocketing, but that is covered up), so we can’t have unvaccinated people that destroy the holy narrative! Of course Singapore removed their restrictions and went back to normal, but then reversed that as the “leaders” are sadist little shits:
Aussie Health Chief Says People Who Don't Get Vaccinated Will Be "Miserable" And "Lonely" For Life
Miserable for the rest of the health chief’s life… That shouldn’t be that long.
Bill Gates has become retarded
Bill Gates: "We got vaccines that help you with your health, but they only slightly reduce the transmission”
Bill Gates is very smart, but his autistic narcissism makes him appear like an imbecile. Who on Earth thinks that the covid jabs are good for your health?!? Maybe a moron on MSNBC, but it’s clear that BG has been fed propaganda and become brainwashed. If he had had a working brain and great plan for depopulation, he wouldn’t sound like a babbling fool. He would have said “We got vaccines that lower the risk of severe covid” or something he still could get away with as long as he leave out the part “by killing off all the people vulnerable to the spike protein”. All causes mortality increased in the vaccinated group in the RCT-studies - Keep repeating that!
Even Bill Gates fanboy Scott Adams is noticing that something is wrong:
If you are such a fearless leader with covid immunity: Why the face diaper?
This is not a criticism of the Brazilian president: I wonder about the entire story about that face diapering! There’s really strong mask propaganda in Brazil, but it makes no sense. Standing with a harmful face mask outdoors in the sun that destroys the viruses he can’t spread in seconds! He wants to show that he is wearing the pain on the people too? He won the presidency against all odds, and I don’t understand Brazilians despite living with one (and more before), so he is probably smarter than me when it comes to persuasion and letting his followers tell him that he looks like a little pathetic stupid sheep. Bolsonaro bows down for some things, but not to some other things. It made him a president, but it isn’t good enough. I want the damn Dr VA Shiva package with EVERYTHING fixed. Is that too much to ask for? (Yes it is, because Shiva is far from perfect when it comes to manipulating the public, but bring a cute dog, some jokes and heavy metal into that, and I’ll see what I can do…)
So China?
Yes, Brazil isn’t even close to as insane as China. You need to spend 2 months locked up to even go to China now. Because of the narcissism, or SARS-CoV-2 as they call their mental condition. And they expect to have a winter Olympics there?!? No one wants you CCP! Everyone hates you! CCP can have a rocket contest where the Bidens fart in their pants and snort crack to see who flies the highest! I’ll watch that, but otherwise just piss off and send some more fentanyl to Boris Johnson!
I think Sun Tsu has a thing to say about CCP’s situation, see below.
More about the Jan-6 victim who fled to Belarus
https://lbry.tv/@BANNED.VIDEO:1/Pfizer-Adds-Dangerous-Drug-to-Children%E2%80%99s-COVID-Vaccines:2 Trust Pfizer?!? They have only killed children before…
https://lbry.tv/@corbettreport:0/nwnw20211111-720p:5 Eat bugs - Not because they are good for you, but we enjoy seeing you sufffer and what we can make you do.
Nanowar of Steel
So it’s Megawar? Gigawar? Gigantualwar? No, it’s just Nonowar of Steel not sponsored by SSAB strangly.
They do mix in some non-metal music too, but they mix in so many heavy metal band styles that I just got blown away. I’m not big into music but I like metal, and I think it’s important for you who aren’t to understand why we like this shit: It isn’t about the melodies even if we like them. It is the sound profile, so I can hear a fraction of a second of a song, and I know what band it is, and I might know the song. But I haven’t heard what melody it isn, and if you play that song on piano, it will take me some time to realize that it’s the same song.
A nice song about Systembolaget, Odin and IKEA (which is owned by a Swiss non-profit, by the way…).
Nanowar of Steel has really good skills in sounding exactly like another band or genre, and then they combine them in a song. Even if one doesn’t like that part of the song, it make the other part of the song sounds much better. For example 2 Unlimited combined disgusting rap or what-ever that was, with Italo-disco and great melodical singing by the sexy lady. While some other people loved the song for the half-naked guy, and ignored the singing parts of the song.
When you just don’t take your music or style of music serious, and you just drive it over the top, it becomes a Russian bear. Or if you want to hear how Eurovision Song Contest sounded: Värsta Schlagern (The text is complete bullshit)
Some advice to ECB and Fed about monetary policies…
That graph looks like a really bad Phallus, doesn’t it? QE1, QE2, QE3, QE4… Oh, wait, no mention of QE due to Q anymore?!? So that ended in 2018, didn’t it?
That was just a great and pathetic song, but understand the "Lessons of Liechtenstein with Prince Michael":
So this “joking” music is making people think about stuff you would never ever have thought about otherwise and connect things for fun but it might be really useful. You would have thought that Kyle Rittenhouse was hunting and shooting black men. This is why music is great for presenting new ways of looking at stuff or just reminding you to look at them (like Avicii pushing back at child trafficking and likely got murdered for it)
But if you think that music should decide your desicions, you are retarted enough to become the prime minister of New Zealand. At this point I just feel pity for her and the tiny bit of humanity left in that drugged and sick body.
The Swedish heavy metal band Sabaton explains The Art of War, Sun Tzu:
The greatest victory is a battle never fought! Don’t interfere with an enemy destroying itself. Have patience and your enemies’ bodies will flow through the river.
Every battle is won or lost before it starts. If you know yourself and your enemy, you don’t have to fear a thousand battles.
Congolese Refugees Use Bitcoin To Build Grassroots Economy
Filip Sjöström
Anmälan till föreläsning om finansiell frihet 18/11
Efter att mängder av personer efterfrågade en digital variant av min senaste föreläsning kommer nu en sådan.
Torsdagen den 18:e november kommer jag att hålla en föreläsning om ekonomisk frihet - kopplat till de senaste månadernas händelser i mitt liv.
Jag kommer dela med mig av:
- Hur konkursen blev vägen till finansiell frihet på insidan
- Hur jag gjorde för att klara mig när banken frös mina konton över en natt
- Hur du enkelt kan sätta upp ett fristående finansiellt system baserat på utländska banker och kryptovalutor
- Varför det är omoraliskt att betala skatt och hur du kan göra för att sluta
Efter feedback från min senaste föreläsning kommer jag nu även gå igenom:
- Hur du skyddar dina tillgångar från stat och myndigheter
- Hur du som egen företagare gör för att fakturera samt undvika moms och sociala avgifter
Dessutom kommer troligtvis en hemlig gäst som inte betalat skatt på 20 år
Länk till anmälan:
Viktig information:
- Föreläsningen sker online via zoom, länk mailas ut samma dag
- Kostnad för föreläsningen är 200 kr. Betalas med swish vid anmälan till 073-6736381. Vill du betala kontant eller via kryptovaluta maila filip.sjostrom@protonmail.com.
- Föreläsningen börjar kl 20.00 och håller på i ca 90 minuter.