Clotolympics. Few covid-deaths. Fun political games. Reframing 3D-printers. Bullshit Substack
Proppolympiska spelen. Jättefå coviddöda. Kul politiska spel SD, EU, ÖVP. Ominramning av 3D-printrar
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video som slutade med en bang. Per Shapiro får svar "Goddag yxskaft!". Svensk text och länkar i slutet.
Today’s English video - without bullshit, unlike this Substack, see below!
So basically stuff just stopped to happen in Kazakhstan? This is a big non barking dog.
A lot of collapsing athletes during the clotolympics?
Austria lifts some mandates on the 5th, but stays insane
Nuremburg code breaking injection mandates for some professions and an insane push to murder people with the injections will continue, and of course the covid-fascists are planning to reinstate restrictions in the autumn again.
Interestingly it seems like the ÖVP is trying to do the same trick as the Social Democrats successfully did in Sweden: Kick out the Greens from the government and then blame everything on them.
1% of Australians died with covid and 3 other deadly medical problems
Ben Fordham on 2GB:
Great info, but I want to stress that isn't the weight that is the main problem, but the malnutrition that that causes the obesity also causes the bad immune system. If one improves the nutrition, one can fix the immune system in a week before even losing weight, but of course the fat will go away eventually with good food. Fix vitamin D, vitamins and mineral (zinc) deficiencies, get more omega-3 and less omega-6 fats, and do fasting & eat few carbs. Maybe add more curry, garlic, greens etc:
Florida Sets Tourism Record For 2021
"...the freest state in the United States...” - So tyranny doesn’t attract tourists? I don’t blame politicians for not knowing this, but as someone who is not trying to get elected by the voters promoting lockdowns, they look like retards to me. General tip though: Don’t call retards “retards” if you want to get their vote.
3D-printers printing themselves!
Imagine how amazing it will be when a 3D printer will print itself, including all the components! Then you can just buy one printer, feed it with raw materials and then get more of them.
This amazing totally game changing revolution was recently discovered some million years ago when humanoids and many other animals invented the self-replicating printer called “seed”. You can basically eat a fruit, take its seeds and plant them, and you just have to add nutrients to get more fruits and seeds!
You can’t trust media - Not even me!!!
I sort of promised that I would never report bullshit yesterday, but of course reality refused to accept that. A young girl came and patted Piike, and I asked her if he had a dog, and she had. The breed is called bullshit:
Swedish health agencies can't answer any questions about injection safety nor who is responsible for the manipulated statistics:
🇸🇪 Per Shapiro får svar "Goddag yxskaft!" av kriminella Folkhälsomyndigheten och Socialstyrelsen
"Vi gör bedömningen"?!? Ingen tror på de där ljugande inkompetenta mutade fjantarna. De klarar alltså inte av att komma med några svar för de VET att injektionerna gör alla sjukare och mer döda av alla orsaker. Och om de tror att politiker, läkemedelsbolag och media inte kommer att kasta dem under bussen, så är de löjligt naiva.
Allt som saknas är att Per Shapiro nämner 2 saker:
1) Visa bevis för att injektionerna minskar sjuklighet och dödlig av alla orsaker i någon grupp!
2) Om de inte kan göra detta, så måste vi anta att myndigheterna är kriminella sadistiska organisationer som begår brott emot mänskligheten.
Magda är ju i alla fall en bra sosse med hjärtat i Wallenberg-sfären, medan SD behåller sådana sadistiska Vanguard-Blackrock-Pfizer-demoner som Björn Söder medan SD kickar ut Roger Richthoff och tidigare Kent Ekeroth…
EU-dom öppnar för sanktioner mot Polen och Ungern – svenska politiker jublar
Notera hur fascistfjantarna är helt säkra på att det är “de andra” som kommer att sättas åt, medan diktaturen i Lettland som portat oinjicerade parlamentsledamöter och Österrikes terrorregim som grovt kräker mänskliga rättigheter antas klara sig. Att leda in de här kompletta idioterna i en fälla så att de drabbas av beslut de hyllar kommer att bli en barnlek.