Cancer-cure stopped. Vaccine batches. Zionist meltdown. Pedo-Pride. Israel flightless. Dick warns!
Cancerbotemedel stoppat. Vaccinbatcher. Sionist-härdsmälta. Pedopride. Israel fyglöst. Dick varnar!
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There will never be a cure for anything as long as there is big pharma
They filed patents to make sure it would be possible to use this compound to cure cancer more efficiently than their profit making drugs.
This is a sick system!
And people don’t want to realize that force is needed to take out the vaccine genociders
Reports of Batch-Dependent Suspected Adverse Events of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine: Comparison of Results from Denmark and Sweden:
A peer-reviewed study of the different batches of COVID-19 vaccine in Sweden shows the same results as already demonstrated in Denmark and the Czech Republic:
1.clearly more adverse reactions to the vaccine in the first months,
2.the vaccine batches are distributed in three groups - a harmless group, a group with relatively severe side effects and a group of batches with very severe side effects - and
3.the most commonly reported suspected adverse reactions in women, who account for 75 per cent of the total in Sweden
What is described in point 2, the wide variation in content for different batches, is unacceptable.
Vaccination should only have been allowed to proceed if all batches had belonged to the group of harmless side effects.
En faktagranskad studie av de olika batcherna (partierna) av covidvaccin i Sverige visar samma resultat som redan visats i Danmark och Tjeckien:
1.klart mer biverkningar för vaccinet under de första månaderna,
2.vaccinpartierna fördelar sig i tre grupper – en harmlös grupp, en grupp med relativt svåra biverkningar och en grupp av batcher med mycket svåra biverkningar – och
3.mest rapporterade misstänkta biverkningar för kvinnor, deras andel utgör i Sverige 75 procent
Det som beskrivs i punkt 2, den stora variationen i innehållet för olika batcher, är oacceptabelt.
Vaccineringen borde bara ha fått fortgå om alla batcher hade tillhört gruppen med harmlösa biverkningar.
Video: Läkaruppropets ordförande Sven Román uttalar sig om den nya och faktagranskade studien (säger samma sak som ovan).
The “rightwing” child-rapists are attacking Candace Owens with constant personal attacks and hopes for “pushback” and other threats
The Lincoln Projects wants their slaves obedient? This is not just bad arguing by Justin Hart and Will Chamberlain - They are inciting censorship and hatred. Too bad for those selfish turds that Candace Owens is much more likeable.
X is now a long stream of Satanic pedos calling Candace Owens all sorts of names, but they never ever care about the facts or what Candace “lied” about:
Candace Owens was right when she wrote: It seems me, Dan Bilzerian and the Tate brothers have taken over your timelines this week.
Every single Jew and Zionist that hates on Candace Owens is less likeable than her, and they have no arguments which is telling. Here is another thread with thousands of “people” saying that Candace lies - Not one example of a lie:
They were used to live in a protected bubble only threatened by controversial men, which could be hated and deplatformed like Ye and Fuentes.
According to ADL, after Dan Bilzerian’s interview with Patrik Bet-David, antisemitism has risen 6 million percent
At the same time, Jewish organizations (?) are funding “Free Palestine” protests at the DNC. They hope to create a disaster to increase the support for Israel.
Israel is deliberately targetting children to make sure that they create vengeful men, so that they have a reason to continue the genocide.
Is this story as described in the story? I doubt it. But there is no doubt that Israel is shooting children and genociding. And IDF is targetting journalists because they know they are guilty of genocide:
UK Pride Charity Founder Arrested On 37 Charges Involving Child Sex Abuse
When LGBT activists focus on children and gender ideology, it's okay to be suspicious...
American Airlines Stuns By Halting All Israel Flights Until April 2025
Israeli customers shocked to discover it was not possible to book flights this winter...
Dick had a problem with meanings of words!
Valla Herrgård/Manor, Linköping
Runestone with inscription from the 1000s AD.
Sandö had this stone erected in honour of Faste, her husband, and her two brothers Gudmund and Sigbjörn.
The stone was found in the 17th century in a wall in St Lars church sanctuary. In the 18th century it was taken to Valla and erected there. In the following century it was laid as a bridge over a ditch. At the beginning of the 20th century, the broken stone was taken up and repaired. It was then re-erected in its present location.
🇸🇪 Valla Herrgård, Linköping
Runsten med inskrift ifrån 1000-talet e Kr.
Sandö lät resa denna sten efter Faste, sin make, och sina två bröder Gudmund och Sigbjörn.
Sten påträffade på 1600-talet inmurad i en vägg i St Lars kyrko-härbärge. På 1700-talet fördes den till Valla och restes där. Under det följande århundradet lades den som en bro över ett dike. I början av 1900-talet togs den då ituslagna stenen upp och lagades. Den restes sedan på sin nuvarande plats.