Child castrator Newsom. Musk's Twitter? Free Nordic electricity tomorrow! Worse than the Nazi flag?
Musks Twitter? Barnkastrerares brott emot mänskligheten. Gratis el i morgon. Värre än nazistflaggan?
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska inspelade sändning. Svensk text på slutet
Today’s recorded English episode.
Salty Cracker: Elon Musk Moves To Complete The Purchase Of Twitter By End Of The Week
I’m not sure that cracker is keto or if it uses good sea salt, but I like that guy’s explanations. This one explains how the narcissists think about everything, like for example critical race theory that isn’t taught in schools, but must not be forbidden:
Now That Twitter Belongs To Elon, Here Is What He Will Do To The Platform In His Own Words
"I have an idea for a blockchain media system that does both payments and short text messages/links like twitter."
But: TWTR Slides After Report Musk, Twitter Have Not Yet Reach Agreement To End Litigation ... this isn’t a done deal “as there are no guarantees that Musk would still follow through with his proposal and close the transaction”
As all industries are fleeing California under the rule of insane libtards, Gavin Newsom wants to expand the child castration business, and have declared California to be a safe-space for child castrators.
Here is what you should force all Democrats who don’t want to fight this to say:
“I support that some children should be castrated!”
“I support that some children should be castrated!”
“I support that some children should be castrated!”
“I support that some children should be castrated!”
“I support that some children should be castrated!”
“I support that some children should be castrated!”
“I support that some children should be castrated!”
If you don’t support another booster for these demons, I think you haven’t thought it through.
I’ll continue to persue Cory Booker and his followers:
But not only Democrats, Mehmet Oz (R, Trump supported) has had horrible views on this before, but he has wised up now:
Should people under the age of 18 years old be able to receive gender-transition treatments?
Mehmet Oz: No, and ban all gender transitioning treatments
(By the way, I wonder how many UltraMAGA voters will vote for dying Fetterman that will hardly serve 6 years instead of getting stuck with Oz for 6 years. Maybe being dying with an already half-dead brain is an advantage in today’s US politics?)
But guess what, Twitter does NOT like you calling out the demons:
Nordic electricity is basically free tomorrow
You actually get paid to use electricity in the early hours of tomorrow. Where are all the activists that say that market pricing of electricity makes it way more expensive now? I guess they are hiding in France or the Baltic states, because admitting that their fantasies of a price regulated centrally planned non-free market being better is not something they can do, and there is always an excuse:
“But who is taking responsibility?” Answer: Those who want to make a fortune during the next shortage
“But but but… Baseload electricity should be bought for a low stable price and not the spot price!!!” Yes, you can do that with a long contract despite that there is a spot market.
“We need to cut the cables to Germany and Lithuania!!!” That is just stupid. Hurting the profits of electricity producers will hurt the electricity production in the long run.
“No, it will not hurt production, because we will invest!!!” If you central planners are so amazingly good at knowing what investments should be done, then you can just do them, and make a fortune on the free market, but you want to destroy the free market because you can’t beat it.
That said: Wind power in Sweden doesn’t pay its full cost for the upgrades wind power requires from the grid, and it’s also getting directly subsidized while hydro, nuclear and of course fossil power plants are taxed extra.
And there will be very expensive electricity when the wind stops blowing in the winter.
Candace Owens & Kanye West on fashion show in Paris
How to destroy a symbol
If I were a Ukrainian patriot, I would be furious at the western propaganda and how it desecrated my flag and put it on the worst morons that have nothing with Ukrainian values or history to do
🇸🇪 El är i princip gratis i morgon
Du får faktiskt betalt för att använda el i morgon bitti. Var är alla aktivister som säger att marknadspriset på el gör den mycket dyrare nu? Jag antar att de gömmer sig i Frankrike eller de baltiska staterna, för att erkänna att deras fantasier om att en prisreglerad, centralt planerad, icke-fri marknad är bättre är något de inte kan göra, och de har alltid en ursäkt:
"Men vem tar ansvaret?" Svar: De som vill tjäna en förmögenhet under nästa elbrist.
"Men men men men... Baslastel bör köpas till ett lågt stabilt pris och inte till spotpriset!!!" Ja, det kan man göra med ett långt kontrakt trots att det finns en spotmarknad.
"Vi måste klippa kablarna till Tyskland och Litauen!!!" Det är bara dumt. Att skada elproducenternas vinster kommer att skada elproduktionen i det långa loppet.
"Nej, det kommer inte att skada produktionen, för vi kommer att investera!!!" Om ni centralplanerare är så otroligt bra på att veta vilka investeringar som bör göras, så kan ni bara göra dem och göra en förmögenhet på den fria marknaden, men ni vill avveckla den fria marknaden för att ni inte kan slå den.
Med detta sagt: Vindkraften i Sverige betalar inte sin fulla kostnad för de uppgraderingar som vindkraften kräver av nätet, och den blir dessutom direkt subventionerad medan vattenkraft, kärnkraft och naturligtvis fossila kraftverk beskattas extra.
Och det blir mycket dyr el när vinden slutar blåsa på vintern.