59% of the Dem voters are monsters, but easily scared? "empathic" vs "caring". Statistic propaganda
Tydlig presentation på svenska som bevisar att covid-sprutorna skadar mer än de hjälper - Sprid!
Dela denna: https://rumble.com/vsnsqx-filmen-frn-canadian-covid-care-alliance-nu-med-svensk-speakerrst.html (Se längst ner!)
Today’s carrot eating video (in English and Chewing)
Today’s empathic and sociopathic English video
Dagens svenska kaos-video utan vare sig empati eller sociopati
Presentation av Henrik Wallin - heddahenrik
Poll Finds Close To Half Of Democratic Voters Want COVID Internment Camps For The Unvaxx'd
These people are sick!
I think, but I don’t know, the right response is that we might forgive them, but people with this kind of opinions are not getting close to me unless they are locked up.
Dalek logic: Data is reported late, so that is proof that ivermectin doesn’t work
The liars at Politifact are pathetic: "Mark cited research where scientists looked at data for all deaths in India, and found that certain populous districts in Uttar Pradesh had no reported deaths at all for several months." .
says: "The data analyzed are still incomplete for many regions and times. There may be delays in registering deaths."
So the pieces of shit like the hopefully soon jabbed to death Mark said that as the data was incomplete in August, the low deaths must be a data error?!? So we can assume that Mark looked at the data that has arrived since then? Of course not, because he's a genocidal professional liar that need an injection from the best batches.
If it’s a graph, it’s lying!
So less than one in 3000 uninjected Israelis over 60 had severe covid, while we can expect is WAY more than the vaxx-damage in the injected population.
But what it does show is that injecting children is just human sacrifice.
Jordan B Peterson and the Weinsteins make sense about evolution, genders, ego vs self, and you’ll get a good sense of why healthy reasoning isn’t common…
Great explanation of how to think about not only evolution, but about one’s ego and self and everything. Highly recommended to watch if you have time!
(“common sense” in Swedish is “sunt förnuft” ~= “healthy wisdom”, which doesn’t imply the insane belief that common sense is common.)
“empathy” vs “caring about others”
I got a good comment about that I said that “autists aren’t empathic”, so I want to clarify that I did not mean that they don’t care about others - they might not or they might. But “empathic” means that one can connect to others’ feelings and feel what they feel.
Compare with a vulnerable narcissist that quickly imitate the mood, accent, way of moving and acting of a person of high status! That is empathic, but as I’ve explained 1234 times: That just makes them garbage in human form that stands up for nothing, if it’s a severe case of vulnerable narcissism.
Listening to Jordan B Peterson and the Weinsteins above to see why it’s so important to clarify details like this to be able to reason about anything.
Canadian Covid Care Alliance’s “The Pfizer Inoculations For COVID-19 – More Harm Than Good” now translated into Swedish.
Lakaruppropet.se (The medical doctors call to action) has done a great Swedish version of the presentation. This needs to be done in all languages.
But it is way worse than this now: Steve Kirsch sums up the injected genocide in USA. “The vaccine manufacturers have no interest in testing this further as they have no liability for any deaths.” is all you need to know to realize that taking the injection is madness.
Svensk genomgång som krossar myten om säkra och effektiva covid-vaccin
Skicka den här genomgången av Pfizer’s vaccin-data till all sjukvårdpersonal, myndigheter, media, alla som känner någon där och alla andra! Denna förklarar hur Pfizer’s data som visar att sjukdom och död av alla orsaker blir värre för de besprutade:
Tack till https://odysee.com/@oysteinronne:3/--250:3 att jag hittade detta! Jag har förstås sett denna på engelska sedan länge.
Viktig poäng dock som jag varje dag försöker hamra in: Bevisbördan ligger på Pfizer, inte på oss! Om de inte kan bevisa att deras biovapen är säkert att injicera så bör vi anta det är farligt, och att de vill göra oss sjuka genom att inte prata om D-vitamin, zink, blodsocker, curry, nässprej, tugga stjärnanis (bra tips emot halsont - kanske. Det botar, men kanske du hellre vill bli sjuk och få immunitet?)
Men vi har den här massformationen där läkare ger sjuksköterskor fingret för att de undrar om de inte ska rapportera om vaccinbiverkningar.
Än värre är det i USA där det verkar vara alla möjliga experiment i sprutorna och inte alls samma sak i olika serier av giftsprutorna av samma märke: Hur dålig var Dr Robert Malone’s vaccine-batch?
Och här summerar Steve Kirsch injectionsfolkmordet i USA. "Vaccintillverkarna har inget intresse av att testa detta ytterligare eftersom de inte har något ansvar för några dödsfall." är allt du behöver veta för att inse att det är vansinne att ta injektionen.