Vitamin D protects against skin cancer. CCP desperate enough to start WW-III. Injectionists sick
D-vitamin skyddar emot hudcancer. Kinakommunisterna desperata nog att starta tredje världskriget
Today’s walk in the forest video in the foreshadow of world war III.
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska skogspromenad-video i förskuggan av tredje världskriget.
🇸🇪 Direktsänding med 11 kaffe och lördagsgänget.
På svenska längst ner.
Reminder: Vitamin D protects against skin cancer
I would say that the inflammatory omega-6 rich seed oils are the ones breaking down in the skin, and then cause cancer.
In Stunning Shift, WaPo Admits Catastrophic-Conditions, Collapsing-Morale Of Ukraine Front-Line Forces
"We are being sent to certain death," said a volunteer fighter in Donbass. "The casualties here are largely kept secret to protect morale among troops & the general public.
I suspect that Bezos (the owner of WaPo) is starting to get tired of that war because he wants to sell stuff and rocket trips, not fight endless wars that the more real Bond villains who actually are co-workers with James Bonds want…
China's Plan to Attack USA by November & Reason for Shanghai Lockdown (JR Nyquist Interview, by Man In America)
China is really stockpiling food, energy and everything, while they are ordering shipping for way more stuff than is needed for an invasion of Taiwan. At the same time the CCP regime has a problem that they either lose the control of the population or the economy.
It is possible to smuggle shiploads of military stuff into at least Mexico, but maybe also US ports that China controls enough.
China might think that their useful idiots on the universities are enough to be welcomed as liberators, but I doubt it. On the other hand, the regime must do something or go to hell.
To this interview I would add that the British deep state was involved in the Mao revolution, and they where defintitely involved in the Ukrainian coup 2014 and then forced Russia to war in Ukraine so that CCP could by cheap energy, raw materials and food from Russia right now.
The depopulation vaxx cult is a self-solving problem
This human-like being also think that she is way smarter than others, because she has a degree and soon two from a mental institution.

The sad thing is that this is common. This is how deranged the establishment worshippers are. And the only sensible but cruel thing to do seems to be watching them kill themselves.
By the way: That might be a satirical account… I can’t tell, but the paragraph above is still true.
Lockdown, hate, panic, bioweapon injections… Australia excess deaths
Data only until 27th feb, because the Australian state hates its slaves. Euromomo has data until May.

Covid injections are safe for pregnant…
… RATS. At least for 44 of them during 42 days.
AMLO is a leftist but honourable president

🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪
Engelsk video: “Kinas plan att attackera USA i november och orsaken till Shanghai Lockdown (JR Nyquist Intervju, av Man In America)”
Kina håller verkligen på att lagra mat, energi och allting, samtidigt som de beställer frakt för mycket mer saker än vad som behövs för en invasion av Taiwan. Samtidigt har KKP-regimen ett problem med att antingen förlora kontrollen över befolkningen eller ekonomin.
Det är möjligt att smuggla skeppslaster med militär utrustning till åtminstone Mexiko, men kanske också till amerikanska hamnar som Kina kontrollerar tillräckligt mycket.
Kina kanske tror att deras nyttiga idioter på universiteten är tillräckliga för att välkomnas som befriare, men jag tvivlar på det. Å andra sidan måste regimen göra något eller fara åt helvete.
Till denna intervju vill jag tillägga att den brittiska djupa staten var inblandad i Maos revolution, och de var definitivt inblandade i den ukrainska kuppen 2014 och tvingade sedan Ryssland till krig i Ukraina så att KKP kunde få billig energi, råvaror och livsmedel från Ryssland just nu.
FI 0,2%
PP 0,5%
AFS 0,8%
MED 0,6% är en parodisk kopia av dubbelminister Johanssons nya skötebarn
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