Taiwan can hit Beijing. Relearn: Centralbanking, fascism, gas chambers, French Revolution, Wokepox
Taiwan kan bomba Beijing. Omlär: Centralbank, fascism, gaskamrar, Franska Revolutionen, utländsk?!?
🇸🇪 Dagens soliga svenska video. Lite på svenska längst ner, men det mesta är ej översatt förutom i videon.
Today’s sunny English video
Taiwan official warns supersonic cruise missile can strike Beijing
Seems like Taiwan is fully aware of their precarious situation, but how much can CCP infiltrate Taiwan with military hardware, soldiers and foreign mercenaries before an attack? So far, Taiwan generally seems to have more information about what is happening in China, than the leadership in Beijing accourding to my imagination, so take that with a grain of salt.
Pfizer: “Satan allowed me to do it!”
Brook Jackson is the Pfizer whistleblower. Her attorney, Robert Barnes, says that Brook Jackson exposed the fact that the Pfizer clinical trial was riddled with errors and fraudulent and false certifications to the US government.
Pfizer's defense presented in court is that the FDA knew about the fraud and was in on it, therefore, there isn't any fraud. In short, he basically said that in a court proceeding Pfizer admitted things were fraudulent.
Pfizer actually has a good, but horrible, point: Pfizer didn’t scam the government because the government was in on it. FDA, everyone working there, should be locked up and investigated. Until that happens, we can only hope for more discovery and changing public opinion.
And satan replied "Pfizer made me do it!"…
No, just kidding, the government would never admit that.
Another US Food Processing Plant Erupts In Flames
You can read the entire list of burning food production in the link above. Something isn’t normal, but as I said: Might be bad maintenance due to lack of skilled labour. But the people working in the business really need to check their stuff.
And then we have this: Food Processors In California Shutting Down Citing “Democrats’ Policy Makes It Impossible To Operate
We in Sweden are just happy that the main thing our government and parliament are turning into a total disaster is the NATO application. Not that they solve any problems like crime of that it’s too expensive to make food, but at least they focus their incompetence on destroying crap that no one should care about like their egos, NATO and the holy narrative.
UNUS SED LEO: How to issue shares of the business on the blockchain
This is an interesting way to get investments into a business, but complicated for the investors to value properly. A token was sold just as a corporation offers shares to the public, but instead of giving out a part of their profit every year, the issuer is buying back tokens (“shares”) at the current market price. Eventually there will be no tokens left to buy back… Or so one can think. The thing is that the market price of the tokens will surely go up as there is always a buyer for the tokens (as long as the marketplace exists and generate income) and the fewer the sellers are, the higher the price until almost infinity. Also notice that this system allows for a short squeeze by the owners of the tokens: If they just refuse to sell their tokens cheaply, the market value will sky-rocket.
But: That does not mean that the actual value will sky-rocket as no one else will buy the tokens for that price, so a lot of tokens can’t be sold for that high rigged market price, and the only ones hurt by the rigged high price are the stake-holders that wanted to sell.
Some joint-stock-company are already doing exactly this, and only buy back shares instead of giving dividend.
But theoretically, regardless if the owners are rewarded with buybacks or dividends, they are still owning a part of the same future profits and it’s just how it’s paid out that is different.
I’ve thought of doing the same and issue a token that I buy back for a part of my profits, but at the moment it’s too complicated for someone who isn’t a company with these skills. But Substack or the video platforms could have this built in so that I just just click to create a token, promise that I’ll give away 10%-90% of my income on that platform by buying back tokens, and that will be done automatically. It doesn’t work with few owners of the tokens though, unless sales can be forced somehow. There are automatic market makers, so it’s possible to have a buyback program even if there are only a few human initiated trades per year, but there need to be some sellers at least.
Compare with Central Banking
What for example Japan’s central bank is doing is that it prints money out of nothing, buys a 10-year bond and then it expects Japan to pay that loan back with interest. With what money? If the central bank doesn’t issue any more money, the ones lending the money can only pay them back by borrowing even more. This is the main feature of central banking… For the central bankers. If the interest rate increases, the expansion of debt must also increase faster too - it isn’t as if the state can dig up gold and repay with that as the central bank demands its money. At best, the state could make others’ take on more debt to repay its own debt to the central bank.
This will break, but not like this article speculate:
Giant Hedge Fund has a sizeable short on JPBs: Bets Billions That Japan, And MMT, Will Break
The reason to buy Yen is that you (or someone else) need it to pay taxes to Japan. The way this can break is when the central bank offers loans and everyone, the government included, says they don’t want loans in that currency. And then everyone who is having a debt to the central bank goes bust and the central sits there with nothing.
This can totally happen in Japan: The state owns the central bank, so it could just tell it to cancel all the debt to the state. Unless there is some governmental infighting…
Turkey is in the same situation where Erdogan is firing Central Bankers like he is gauntlet gun. Will JPY & TRY break, or have they already broken as much as they can? I think the later, but if the central bank is allowed to do its thing, anything can happen.
The term "fascist" is so overused, it doesn’t even apply to Fascist Italy:
Quiz: How do you find the source? You need to use another search engine maybe…
David Cole: David Cole in Auschwitz—David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper, Director, Auschwitz State Museum
UK media was desperate to find anything they could blame the Germans for that UK was not guilty of itself. When they finally found the “gas chambers” the fact-checking was turned off.
When the mob rules, the poor stay poor:
WHO Will Rename Monkeypox To Combat Racism And Stigma
The new name is Wokepox, because Moneypox was too racist to “the poor niggers” according to rich black people. Now one likes that Wokees though, the Wokees themselves included.
🤡 Google and 🤡 media
The globalist controlled Swedish media Dagens Nyheter is reporting how the foreigner Kent Walker working for the foreign company Alphabet is trying to combat foreign influence in the Swedish election…
DN, direkt ägd av Bonniers med andra intressen än svenska folket, som hyr skribenter mutade av utländska intressen, låter utlänningen Kent Walker som jobbar för det utländska företaget Alphabet sprida sin propaganda, och Kent säger att han fokuserar på sin utländska påverkan på svenska riksdagsvalet.
Varje gång ni använder en Google-produkt så försöker den manipulera er. Testa ett alternativ, och ni kan jämföra. Vad hittar ni på Brave, Presearch, Searx, Yandex i kontroversiella ämnen?
Och vad säger SwebbTV och Epoch Times som DN aldrig säger, och annan alternativ media inte betonar?
Taiwan varnar för att de kan skicka en överljudskryssningsmissil till Peking
Det verkar som om Taiwan är fullt medvetet om sin prekära situation, men hur mycket kan Kinakommunisterna infiltrera Taiwan med militär utrustning, soldater och utländska legosoldater före en attack? Hittills verkar Taiwan generellt sett ha mer information om vad som händer i Kina än ledningen i Peking enligt min föreställning, så ta det med en nypa salt.