Porsche madman. Clot Adams. Pfizer has the burden of proof. All causes ICU cases in Sweden normal
Porsche-galning. Blodproppsmyndigheten. Pfizer har bevisbördan. Inläggningar på IVA av alla orsaker
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video. Svensk text och video med svensk text på slutet.
Rabid Pro-BIG PHARMA Nutjob Violently Attacks Dr.SHIVA’s Fiancé and Assaults Multiple Women at Peaceful Truth Freedom Health® Day Standout in Massachusetts
That is how vulnerable narcissism on steroids looks like. These people are sick.
(“Truth, freedom and health” is the Dr VA Shiva slogan I couldn’t remember)
Scott Clot-Adams
Scott has never been promoting jabs nor trusted big pharma, but he hasn’t been as skeptic against the jabs as many of his followers so one troll gave him the nick-name “Clot Adams” which even he had to admit was quite clever.
Trolls also keep irritating him with the question: “How many boosters will you take?” (he hasn’t decided on the first one yet). Do not ask your friends this, because it will turn them towards looking like the madman above, but it seems to be damn effective on making people think around the booster and seems to be working on Scott - might be other reasons he changes his mind though, but putting that question out there is messing with people’s minds.
The most important point that Dr Robert Malone did during 3 hours is
It’s the responsibility of Pfizer and friends to prove that their jabs are safe and effective, and they haven’t done that so then we should assume that they are dangerous and useless as they have huge economic incentives to lie to us.
Swedish ICU admissions of all causes normal
The people in ICU of all causes is pretty normal and even less than last years. So no increase due to either the vaccinations nor covid.
🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪
MartinGustavssonVetenskapligaPartiet gav mig en klok kommentar:
Jag litar inte för mycket på Bezmenov, men ser honom mer som en mycket skicklig propagandist för högstbjudande illusionister. Det är hans yrke.
Färre inläggningar på IVA av alla orsaker än i fjol
Juni 3258 vårdtillfällen
juli: 3224
Aug: 3238
Sep: 3556
Okt: 3668
Nov: 3557
Dec: 3051 (eftersläpning?)
Juni 3600
Juli 3141 (ovanligt lågt pga hög siffra för juni?)
Aug: 3463
Sep: 3606
okt: 3746
Nov: 3728
Dec: 3985
Så lite mindre IVA-inläggningar denna höst jämfört med ifjol. Om detta beror på mindre sjuklighet eller att alla svaga dött eller något annat som förändrat sätt att vårda på vet jag inte.