From the French and Russian revolutions to WW-II to Ukraine and South Africa to WEF
Ifrån den franska och ryska revolutionen till Andra Världskriget till Ukraina och Sydafrika till WEF
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Today’s English video from the warm indoors
The big pharma banker war

Ukraine offensive soon?

The Economist has less credibility than toilet paper (that is reported to often be toxic in USA), but the Russians are only advancing very carefully and are preparing defenses. We know from history and personalities that UK-USA will continue to try intill Ukraine and/or Europe+Russia are totally destroyed. They destroyed the British Empire to destroy Germany during world war II.
At the same time, the German globalist publication Bild has been attacking Zelenskyy for his desperate try to hold Bakhmut.
How the British invented communism and blamed it on the Jews
If there is a war anywhere, the likely cause is that MI6 with friends caused it. Notice that British East India Company ran India like a communist state hundreds of years before Soviet was created! They knew communism would destroy Russia, which of course was the goal.
And after Russia, the British plan was to destroy Germany with communism too, but they had to do it in another way due to Hitler.
Adolf Hitler - The Greatest Story Never Told (Full Documentary, 6 hours)
“It's a small rootless international clique that is turning people against each other.” was of course said by Hitler.
Some bits from the documentary series:
In case you wonder: Why did the USSR bomb neutral Sweden during WWII?

Putin’s enemies:
Stalin is causing a lot of problems for Putin just because of association.
Putin needs to do a better work at showing Ukrainians and the west that he is serious about de-communistification, and using Stalin-Churchill propaganda about “Nazis” isn’t a good look, even if true.
Germany’s success was its downfall. If Germany would have turned into a poor socialist country under Hitler, MI6 would have gone on vacation instead of telling Poles to mass murder ethnic Germans.
Hitler did the mistake to respond to UK terror bombings with terror bombings, instead of continued strikes on military targets.
It was also a mistake to think that he could rule Ukraine and Russia: Bismarck warned about it.
The ruthlessness of both Stalin and Churchill, and how little they cared about their own people came as a surprise to Hitler, it seems. The same groups who don't mind killing millions with vaccines and insane "climate" policies are in charge now.
Poland is yet again doing the mistake to trust the Anglosaxons.
South Africa - British attack?
Across Africa, European rulers are treated with the disrespect they deserve. France is kicked out of West Africa, Macron is ridiculed in Kongo, German diplomats in Namibia told to shut up when they complain about “too many Chinese”, and South Africa is welcoming the navies of China and Russia.
I would be surprised if South Africa’s problems aren’t in part manufactured by MI6.
Dr Jacob Nordangård about WEF
Nordangård took his PHD at Linköping University where I also have studied.
The problem I have with the technocrat conspiracy theory is that they are idiots that love useless meetings, and seem to follow The Guide to Subverting Any Organization with “Purposeful Stupidity” (1944). But just like communist fanatics, they are used by powerful and smart people. Rockefeller rules Kissinger that bosses around Klaus Schwab.
Is the goal of Rockefeller to make everything worse? It seems so. They want to destroy society, science and health just so that they become relatively superior. That is my best guess.
Notice how Klaus Schwab seems to work for “unity”, but as the outcome is the opposite, this plays in the hand of the terrorists that want an uprising against WEF.
WEF can simply be starved out as these morons provide no value. It’s the big pharma and warmongers that use WEF as useful idiots that are the dangerous ones.
The goal might not be to make everyone poor, but that is the result from the goal of making Rockefeller more powerful than anyone else as their expertise is destruction, but it is a different flavor than the colour revolutions and manufactured wars by the cabal that manufactured not just the Ukraine war and is not only interested in destroying Russia, but also Europe.
My butt is flat, I watched it all 6 hours...then i started watching it Gramma (mom side) left Romania in 1914, (''to help her father in Canada who was ill") even in 1970 thats the story she told me but this showed me why more likely she left much to understand, this was done around 2013 so I wonder why its on all our radar now....?? best