FLCCC. Anti-vaxx-phobia and low-level sadists
Covid och corruptionen. Fobi för anti-vaxxers. Mellanchefssadister.
Today’s uplifting corruption video
Quebec vs Sweden
Got an interesting answer there:
At least it appears you kept most of your freedoms. For context here is a small list of what happened here:
-They closed bars, Gyms and Restaurants for over 6 months
-1500$ fine for not wearing a mask
-Gatherings were illegal for a long time, they cancelled Christmas, up to 6000$ fines
-We where the last ones with a curfew in all of North America
Funny thing I forgot to mention; Quebec and Sweden have almost identical curves, infection rates and deaths per million.
We also have about the same population, population density and climate.
The only difference it seems is that we went full blast with the restrictions, being the strictest in all of Canada and you guys did not and it lead to almost identical results.
I don’t know if I can post links here but you can check my claims at our national public health website: INSPQ dot QC dot CA.
Main points from our Swedish panel yesterday:
It is a good idea to gently talk to people instead of overwhelming them with too much information, and instead answer their questions
There are some people who have “anti-vaxxer-phobia” due to the propaganda
FLCCC Weekly Update September 22, 2021 MATH+ Protocol Updates
Uttar Pradesh fights with ivermectin, but media only report about their contact tracing
No pharmacy in USA has as a policy to not give out ivermectin, but it’s low level sadists in the organizations that have made this rule up.
Pierre Kory gets really upset about the lies, personal attacks and corruption, but him and Paul are really funny when they are talking about positive stuff. FLCCC should maybe get a comedian to do the disgusting parts.
Flu vaccinations do not cause less flu. Totally useless crap. And there is no flu now anyway.
I guess some need to know this…
Dog refused to move this Tuesday, unlike today when we went down to town to shop
She did want to move through bushes though, but not anywhere I could go.
Piike i tisdags. Ville inte röra på sig förutom att springa genom buskage, till skillnad ifrån idag när vi gick ner på stan och upp på stenar stora nog åt ett språkrörs man
The new useless nobility
Are these ladies from the Swedish royal family? No, they are working class girls from the “Labour party” making 10-20 thousand euro per month by pretending to rule the country, while having no clue about anything:
Gårdagens direktsända panel med Linda Falkenström och Ingemar Ljungkvist.
Det är en bra idé att prata försiktigt med folk och låta dem ställa frågor i stället för att gå fram som en kulspruta med information.
Det finns folk som har fobi för “anti-vaxxers”.
Om du har problem med arbetsgivare som kräver t ex vaccination: Säg enbart “Nej, det kommer inte att hända. Vad är mina alternativ nu?”. Kom inte med en förklaring, och syna alla bluffar om att du blir sparkad, vilket såklart kan hända. Det här är utprovat av både Scott Adams och tusentals av hans följare. Chefer vill inte sparka folk och du gör problemet de skapat till deras problem, men framstår inte som gnällig och jobbig.