BoJo ex-lover explains why covid1984. Propolis&Asthma. Youtube censors Rand Paul. Mindreading Biden
Boris Johnson-älskare förklarar covidhysterin. Propolis&Astma. Youtube censurerar mer.
Today’s fly rich video. Some minor news in the text below not talked about.
Chinese Communist brainwashing is the goal of covid1984
Jennifer Accuri, who had a love affair with Boris Johnson and obviously knows him very well, has also been out talking about what is going on behind the curtain I have heard that this drive for 100% vaccination has at its core the attempt to whip society into obedient drones.
Reminder: Do not look at deaths per million when comparing different years to see if covid plus lockdowns were bad! Look at the age of the dying, and exactly who are dying
Cyprus has vaccinated all, so record high amounts of covid deaths:
$1000 to participate in the vaccine trial
These people are sick, and THEY DO NOT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT ANYONE’S HEALTH. They just want others to be sheep:
The casedemic in Japan that now follows the suppressed earlier spread of covid:
Cuomo should have raped children intead?
Propolis against allergies, microbes and viruses
Anti-Viral and Immunomodulatory Properties of Propolis: Chemical Diversity, Pharmacological Properties, Preclinical and Clinical Applications, and In Silico Potential against SARS-CoV-2:
Rand Paul got his face mask science video removed by Youtube
At his time it’s just pathetic. Why is anyone on Youtube now?
I iz kan haz god point?
If you think that it’s important for anyone to know how afraid Joe Biden is of SARS-CoV-2, then you are focusing on the wrong thing, and you’re giving too much credit to Biden and to your own skill of mindreading.
Turkey before Statoil made sex with gasoline cool
“No, first you marry, then you #Statoil!”
I can see where Statoil got this idea from now 😂🤣😅
One more reason to not get candles in Piike’s flat
“huvudroll” is “leading roll”, but on a pile of head shaped meat, it really sounds like heads have been rolling.
Australian Health Official
She looks sane and healthy?
Quiz answer
Which is best against viruses at the same concentration in vitro: Turmerik, mustard or wasabi?
Vad verkar bäst emot virus i samma koncentration in vitro? Gurkmeja, senap eller wasabi?
Makten och journalisten sitter i samma båt
Och sedan kommer Strandhäll ut och säger att hon älskar Magda Gad - Ni känner hur hårt och kritiskt journalister granskar makten, eller hur? Och all kritik av partier är trams, och inte om de hundratals miljarder som slösas bort eller vår hälsa som förstörs av media och dåligt målstyrd sjukvård.
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Bästa sättet att få bra svar på Internet är att vara tvärsäker på något, så att folk ger en bra svar… Fast min förutsägelse är att jag aldrig får det, men någon borde i alla fall ha en hypotes om hur man skulle kunna skaka fram ministrar som är mer intresserade av att lösa problem än att bortförklara dem.