Comparing covid countries. Fear, Flattery, Bribery & Threat. Rho variant ADE! Media anno 1900 vs me
Jämföra covid-länder. Rädsla, Smicker, Mutor & Hot. Rho-varianten = ADE! Ljusdalsposten 1900 vs mig
Dagens svenska video. En Ljusdalsposten ifrån 1900 längst ner, samt dagens fråga på svenska.
WeAreChange sums up some news most people haven’t heard
This is mostly stuff that just makes you angry and doesn’t help you in your life, so I’ll not report on it, but Luke does a great job in fast reporting it in 7 minutes, and then there is an interview:
Israel keeps on doing stupid covid stuff
Israel will rapid-test all schoolchildren for covid. And that rapid testing of children will slow the spread so that more variants will have time to develop, create #ADE and become deadlier before people are immune. And that was the plan? Or are they just raving mad?
And 14 Israelis Have Caught COVID-19 Even After Booster Shot, Some Hospitalized
And from Alex Berenson
Now 10 severely ill fully vaccinated Israelis per day. Sweden had 0 to 3 new daily cases during July, and 16 to 40 covid patients in total in ICU during July and August, so the vaccinated Israelis are having a 10 times worse situation at the moment (the countries of course have different flu seasons as the Israelis are getting sick of the heat and ACs now), and on top of that, the booster shots seem to do no good at all until they modify them with another vaccine.
But Seychelles vaxxed right?
Seychelles only has 940 deaths per million (6 times less than Israel), despite 18% of the population have tested positive (compared to 8% for Israel).
Unlike Israel, Seychelles used way more leaky vaccines than Pfizer’s that didn’t do much to stop the spread (quite the opposite), and their tries to stop the spread apparently failed badly, or I would say, luckily. The island country is now in very good shape for upcoming ADE variants.
Covid propaganda
I am just copying the establishment’s propaganda:
Fear: The establishment eat babies or is at least generally insane and incompetent.
Flattery: But all my followers are so smart that you already knew that.
Bribery: You get paid to watch my content on Odysee!
Threat: If you don’t follow me, you might lose all your income, network and DIE FROM BAD NUTRITION!
And remember yesterday:
Quiz: Why name the ADE SARS-CoV-2 variant “Rho”?
The reason is that it’s the 17th letter in the Greek alphabet, so it is their Q, and “Q” (or as MSM calls it “Qanon”) that the establishment want to paint as terrorists and violent people, despite that Q hasn’t posted since 2020, and the anonymous people following Q are mostly interested in doing research about stuff. But the establishment would want to blame the Antibody Dependent Enhancement on “anti-vaxxers”, “Qanons”, non mask wearers and basically everything except the vaccines and distancing that created the problem.
Tomorrow’s quiz:
Heat or induced fever activates the immune system so that it starts cleaning up in the body. But what effect on the immune system has an ice cold bath or shower?
🇸🇪 Värme eller inducerad feber aktiverar immunförsvaret så att det börjar städa upp i kroppen. Men vilken effekt på immunförsvaret har ett iskallt bad eller dusch?
Ljusdal and Ljusdalsposten (anno 1900)
Salurbin is now a general brand, but it was apparently a product for treating wounds in 1900, and they advertised in the small inland Northern Swedish town of Ljusdal, which they also brag about that it’s very wealthy so advertise in our newspaper that costs only one Swedish Krona per year of Subscription (That is 225 times less than my Substack costs, but on the other hand my Substack comes out 7 days a week and doesn’t come with annoying paper, but with 120 years of inflation - No Sub-only content so far, but I’ll surely do it on request!) .
1 krona fick man ju knappt en storbank för 92 år senare... Nu måste man betala 233 kr för en årsprenumeration på min Substack, men den kommer å andra sidan ut 365 dagar om året, du slipper pappret och du kan dra av 122 års inflation. Hittills har jag inget innehåll enbart för betalande, men tar emot önskemål eller hjälper till som personligt bollplank om någon behöver.