Are cryptos useful now? EU's exploding gas import from Russia. Child castrations. Power grids
Kryptovalutor användbara nu? EUs exploderade gas-import ifrån Ryssland. Barn-kastreringar. Elsystem
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska barfota-video - Svensk text längst ner.
Today’s English barefoot video
Crypto - huge progress, but still messy to use
I’ve spent the day with figuring out how to buy some Minds tokens (to advertise my content there) and what is happening in general on Binance (My referal link that gives you 10% less tradingfees) and that was a shock: Binance is massive amount of features, and you can for example get interest on your crypto assets, including stablecoins pegged to USD, EUR, gold etc. I decided to do a KYC which makes it cheap and easy to deposit EUR into it.
Minds does have a way to buy tokens simply with Mastercard/Visa (unless you’re from USA), but then you have to go through yet another KYC process, so I gave up. But Ethereum is easy to buy on any crypto exchange, and Ethereum is about to get cheaper to use, which is needed as a simple transaction costs many dollars and sometimes way more.
There are alternatives on Ethereum like Polygon, and alternatives to it like Solana which eventually will make it easy to maybe switch my LBRY-tokens to Minds-tokens and vice versa on a decentralized exchange = A place in nowhere that is ruled by algorithms so you need no KYC or anyone’s permission to trade there.
If you want to know about any crypto project, Coinmarketcap is a good start to find the project’s home-page, where it is traded and so on.
“Get less, pay more!” / EU-UK tyrants
The dancing queen, only 2*17 in Finland and the covid tyrants and the anti-Russian Baltic states and Poland are suicidal, but the main economic problem are the German Hulks, while France and Italy having their economic problems. UK seems to be making itself toast independently.
Many Germans are less than happy about the deliberate attacks on their energy and food supply by the German terror regime:
The 22% Greens are however still in the mood: “I should cut off my dick to save the climate. I did fine without one when I was a woman.”
Should it be illegal to sexually mutilate children?
Tucker and MTG thinks so:
Cory Booker can’t agree with that, or he’ll get mutilated himself by the other Demonrats.
But here Cory Booker had a good point again, and my reaction is that I want to make him or his followers smarter, but it’s really hard to not just attack his team or overwhelm them with truth cluster bombs that they don’t believe and I have no chance on posting sources to.
In what context did Goebbels say that?
Interresting about the electrical system
Translated by Deeple and me:
It is claimed in energy discussions that wind power is not a plannable energy source. This is wrong.
Since we have a so-called energy mix, there is no planning of a single type of energy in isolation. There is no planning of a few types of energy together, but there is planning of all the production sources that are known to be available at a particular time.
Planning is long-term and planning is instantaneous.
Over the course of a year, wind power can be planned on the basis of wind forecasts made using historical weather data. With relatively high accuracy, it is possible to predict which periods of the year will have high winds and which periods will have lower winds. It is also possible to calculate/estimate available production for different energy types based on historical data. For example, on an annual basis, wind power is estimated to deliver about 9% of installed capacity because it delivers the least at over 90% of the time. Some periods slightly less, other periods significantly more. November/December (In Sweden) are known to be windy, so wind power is expected to deliver more.
Nuclear power is expected to deliver about 90%, which it does in years when nothing unusual happens. This year, for example, reactor O3 had to be shut down for a period in February due to broken fuel rods and a few other things that had to be fixed to ensure continued operation. Such events are not infrequent and somewhat impair availability and complicate the planning of nuclear power.
Hydropower is mainly dependent on reservoir levels and is affected to some extent by the cold weather with icing and freezing affecting operations in various ways. It is estimated to be about 82% available, based on historical maximum production.
In addition to that we have thermal power plants, such as waste incinerators, chip boilers, gas boilers, oil boilers and the like that produce heat, district heat and also use the heat to produce electricity, or vice versa (whichever way you want to look at it, electricity or heat is the primary energy source). These are estimated to be available at 76.5%.
We have something called condensing power, which is the same as thermal power plants, except that they produce electricity, but do not in any way use the "waste heat" that is produced, but just like our nuclear power plants just flush the waste heat out with cooling water straight into the sea, Karlshamn is perhaps the most talked about condensing power plant in recent times, even though it is a power plant that is only part of the power reserve. Condensing power is estimated to have an availability of 90%.
Solar power is of such marginal importance in Sweden that I won't go into it here, but if you're wondering what it's like in Spain, for example, with plannable solar power, you can apply the same thinking as with wind power. Historical weather data and production data are the basis for planning (solar power is calculated with an availability of 0% in the long-term planning in Sweden).
In the case of nuclear, thermal and condensing power, these energy types are in principle assumed to produce continuously with roughly the same output day after day except for the times when they are shut down for planned maintenance. For example, maintenance of our 6 nuclear reactors has been scheduled to take place during the summer months from May to September, when it is known from historical data that total electricity consumption in Sweden is lower in summer than in winter. We don't have as many lights on, we don't burn for heat as much, some electricity intensive industries shut down over the holiday period, etc.
Hydropower is expected to produce electricity with a certain base output and is otherwise used to regulate production to respond to temporarily increased demand for electricity. Hydropower is resilient in the sense that it is easy to increase or decrease the flow of water through the turbines, so there is a virtually instantaneous change in output.
Nuclear, oil and condensing power, which rely on generating heat to drive steam turbines, have slightly longer response times when it comes to adjusting power up or down.
Wind power is often falsely claimed not to be able to be regulated at all, but is said to be entirely dependent on wind. This is wrong except if you look at the theoretical maximum power that can be extracted from wind power at any given time. It is perfectly possible to regulate down the power extracted from wind power. Wind turbines can also, in addition to being used to regulate down electricity production, be used to increase consumption when necessary, which is excellent for facilitating the stabilisation of the frequency of the electricity grid (this is, in fact, rather quietly talked about, particularly in Sweden). A generator can act as a motor, i.e. with a simple switch, the wind turbine can be switched from a production unit to a consumption unit. It is important to keep track of matching production and consumption at all times.
Regardless, wind power's power output varies this year by about 30 times, at low production about 350 MW per hour, at full speed, over 9,000 MW per hour.
When wind power delivers a lot of electricity, the production of hydropower is reduced, which means that less water is used in the dams. This means that the so-called hydropower reserve is not used as much and it is then easier for the hydropower companies to comply with the water judgements they have to follow in terms of regulating maximum and minimum levels of water depth in the dams, regulating flows, so that water can always flow in the "rapids" so that there is a good climate for the fish, etc., because there is always water in excess of the volumes included in the reserve capacity. It is then rarely a question of not being allowed to produce as much electricity as they need because they would risk drawing too much water (although they did draw a lot of water this spring from some dams, without producing any electricity.
So wind power is predictable in the sense that it is possible to predict the periods of the year when it can deliver a lot of electricity. When the wind turbines are running, they contribute to savings in the hydropower reserve, which makes it possible to use hydropower more efficiently and with less caution throughout the year. Wind power can also be used to deregulate production and increase consumption of electricity when needed.
Wind power is thus a good complement and enhances the potential of hydropower as a balancing power and should thus be seen as, from a power point of view, a positive addition to the Swedish electricity mix.
Anyone who discusses the issue of power balance, production versus consumption, without looking at the whole of the Swedish energy mix, and who spouts claims that wind power cannot be planned, shows either a serious incompetence in the field, or a willingness to spread myths about electricity production and consumption for the sake of some agenda, which is probably not to the benefit of electricity consumers or taxpayers.
I have deliberately left out issues of environmental and wildlife damage and disruption in this description, as these issues have nothing to do with planning potential. If anyone wants to discuss various negative impacts from different types of energy, I will be happy to do so in another thread. In that case, we will have an adequate and objective discussion with regard to all the different types of energy, which in my opinion cause a similar amount of damage to nature and the environment, even if they are constituted in different ways.
My problem here is that the very short-term grid stabilisation provided by wind power is used as an argument for what?!? But still good information.
With a strong HVDC cable network, you can also stabilize the frequency of the grid, and Sweden, which is not connected to the grid of Denmark and the whole continent plus West North Africa and Turkey, can then use the stability of UCTE:
Canada, Mainland USA, Australia, Japan and China can't even sync their own contiguous country for some reason
🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪
Kryptovalutor - enorma framsteg, men fortfarande rörigt att använda
Jag har tillbringat dagen med att ta reda på hur man köper några Minds-tokens (för att marknadsföra mitt innehåll där) och vad som händer i allmänhet på Binance (Min länk som ger dig 10% lägre handelsavgifter om du registrerar dig med den) och det var en chock: Binance har ett stort antal funktioner och du kan till exempel få ränta på dina kryptotillgångar, inklusive stabila mynt som är knutna till USD, EUR, guld etc. Jag bestämde mig för att göra en KYC vilket gör det billigt och enkelt att sätta in EUR där.
Minds har ett sätt att köpa tokens helt enkelt med Mastercard/Visa (om du inte är från USA), men då måste du gå igenom ännu en KYC-process, så jag gav upp. Men Etheruem är lätt att köpa på alla kryptobörser, och Ethereum blir snart billigare att använda, vilket behövs då en enkel transaktion kan kosta flera dollar och ibland mycket mer.
Det finns alternativ byggda på Ethereum så som Polygon, och helt andra alternativ så som Solana vilket till slut borde göra det lätt för mig att byta mina LBRY-tokens till Minds-token och vice verso på en decentraliserad handelsplats.
Om du vill veta mer om något kryptoprojekt så är Coinmarketcap en bra start för att hitta projekted hemsida, var du kan köpa dess token mm.
“Få mindre, betala mer!” / EU-UK tyrannerna
“The dancing queen, only 2*17” i Finland och covid-tyrannerna och de antiryska baltiska staterna och Polen är självmordsbenägna, men det största ekonomiska problemet är de tyska Hulkarna (Die Grüne), medan Frankrike och Italien har sina ekonomiska problem. Förenade kungariket verkar självständig rosta sig i en brödrost.
Många tyskar är inte glada över den medvetna attacken mot deras energi och mat ifrån den tyska terrorregimen:
De 22 % gröna är dock fortfarande på humöret: "Jag borde skära av mig kuken för att rädda klimatet. Jag klarade ju mig bra utan när jag var kvinna."
Ska det var olagligt att kastrera barn?
Den stora TV-talaren Tucker Carlson och Republikan MTG tycker det ska vara ett federalt brott i hela USA, men hon har bara fått med sig 5 Republikaner än så länge.
Cory Booker jag pratade om är Demokrat, men förhållandevis vettig då han verkar meditera och tänka på saker mer än dönickarna gör. Man att tala ut emot kastrering av barn klarar ingen Demokrat av.
Aschberg och Aftonbladets partiledardebatt
Med Aschberg som debattledare i Aftonbladets partiledardebatt igår, så tror jag att jag kan skita i se på den. En irriterande ljugande narcissistisk skit.
Här är lite klipp:
Och här tyckte jag Expressen var bra på partliledardebatten, trots att de som demonmedia kräver ljug om klimat, covid och Ukraina. Himla smidig och bra produktion, och t o m Lööf kunde säga 2 kloka floskler.
Men Aschberg - Jag tänker nog inte slösa bort tid som de partiledarna gjort på hans debatt. Han är en narcissistisk skit som struntar i vad som är sant, och varför har vi inte 8 team av faktagranskare ifrån alla sidor - Den här median vill få dig så sjuk de kan och orsaka samhällsproblem, och tror ni Aftonbladet gillar Magda?
Schibsted och LO (De som styr Aftonbladet)... De längtar nog tillbaka till korv med bröd och glass! Gissar jag - Någon sosse som kan säga emot?
Intressant inlägg om elsystemet
Vindkraften påstås ofta felaktigt inte kunna regleras överhuvudtaget, utan sägs vara helt beroende av vind. Det är fel förutom om man ser till den teoretiska maxeffekt som går att utvinna ur vindkraften vid varje givet tillfälle. Det går utmärkt att reglera ner den effekt som tas ut ur vindkraften. Vindkraftverk kan också, utöver att användas för att reglera ner elproduktion, till att vid behov öka förbrukningen, vilket är utmärkt för att underlätta stabilisering av frekvensen på elnätet (det talas det i och för sig ganska tyst om, i synnerhet i Sverige). En generator kan fungera som en motor, dvs genom en enkel omkoppling kan vindkraftverket växlas om från produktionsenhet till konsumtionsenhet. Det är viktigt att hålla ordning på när det gäller att hela tiden matcha produktion och förbrukning.
Mitt problem här är att vindkraftens väldigt kortsiktiga stabilisering av elnätet som ett vindkraftverk ger används som argument för vad?!? Men ändå bra information.
Med ett rejält HVDC-kabel-nät så kan man också stabilisera elnätets frekvens, och Sverige som inte sitter ihop med Danmarks och hela kontinentens plus västra Nordafrika och Turkiets elnät, kan då använda stabiliteten ifrån UCTE:
Kanada, Fastlands-USA, Australien, Japan och Kina klarar inte ens av att synka sitt eget sammanhängande land av någon anledning: