Cure horrible thoughts. Fico shot due to media brainwash. Dutch gov. Attack on USA? The Unit token
Bota hemska tankar. Fico skjuten pga medias hjärntvätt. NL:s nya skärt. The Unit, världsvaluta?
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video. (Bitchute, Rumble, 𝕏)
🇸🇪 En del översatt till svenska längst ner 👇Se bilderna på vägen på egen risk…
Today’s English video on Rumble, 𝕏, Bitchute
Tell yourself to “GET OUT!” and get away from being stuck in bad thoughts
If you're thinking about depressing things, things that make you feel anxious and other things that you know are just destructive, realize that it's just in your head that it's a really bad and an imaginary reality, but the reality around you is not that bad. So tell yourself that you are stuck in that imaginary world to go away, and move physically and this gives you a new perspective.
Seems to work for many.
The censorship industrial complex
The main focus now seems to be on attacking followers of those who boost those with an anti-cabal view. Directly attacking people like Tucker Carlson backfired badly, so instead they will try to deplatform those who promote or talk about him.
Politico May 14th 2024:
“Slovakia chided for ‘chilling effect’ of changes to NGO, public media laws”
If you think media isn’t murdering people with their toxic brainwashing, think again!
They don't even have an argument against the law in Georgia (that will be vetoed by the president and then the veto will be overturned by the super-majority in the parliament), and call it "The Russia" law and of course nothing about that there were big demonstrations for the law.
Now Fico was the day before yesterday attacked for an anti-NGO law by Politico, and then got shot because "he destroyed media".
Video of the assassin of Robert Fico Slovakia Premier. The reason for the assassination is that Fico is allegedly liquidating the media:
Irish politician was also attacked yesterday
A lot of murders:
Slovak PM Robert Fico Expected To Survive; UK Media Appears To Justify Assassination Attempt
Sky News: he's "very pro-Russian"...
And Sky News is anti-human.
France Declares State Of Emergency, Sends Troops, To Quell Deadly Riots In Pacific Territory
"Massive" mobilization of security forces to New Caledonia...
Israel Will 'Set Sights' On Turkey If Hamas Defeated, Erdogan Claims
"Israel will not stop in Gaza, and if not stopped, this rogue state will eventually target Anatolia with its delusions of a promised land," Erdogan said
Well, Erdogan has to convince the neighbouring states about this too, as they really don’t want a war with Israel, but will constantly be attacked, infiltrated and harassed by Israel.
But as you know, even if Israel is wiped off the map, the cabal will continue to do the same, while using other tools, like USA, UK och even countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia can be infiltrated and used.
Zionist Geert Wildars will create anti-woke business government, but not lead it
His PVV party will rule Netherlands together with 3 other right-wing parties. The "Hope, Courage and Pride" coalition platform presented today introduces strict measures on asylum seekers, scraps family reunification for refugees, and will reduce the number of non-EU students coming to the country.
The PVV, VVD, NSC, and BBB’s coalition agreement consists of 26 pages under the heading “Hope, courage, and pride.” The right-wing parties plan to invest in social security, cut on asylum, limit other immigration, and be less ambitious in the fight against climate change.
Hm, interestingly, the Hope, Courage and Pride coalition doesn’t need BBB to get the 76 seats needed for a majority, but they still got invited. That is a good sign that they are trying to work for NL instead of maximizing their own power.
Who is attacking USA with all these crashing ships?
Covid mandates and toxic DEI have made everyone competent to leave big organizations in USA. Try to get any customer service from a big company, and they know nothing!
Imagine making a ship, Boeing or anything else maintained during these conditions!
And Apple can't make an AI, and not even an ad that doesn't crush your soul! Google could make an AI with black Hitler, so...
They are arguing for not having shot-spotters in Boston (because they are “racist”) and Peter Navarro and Julian Assange are still locked up for no crimes.
Everything Biden tries to do turns to shit
80% of the US governmental workers and 100% of the Biden-administration should be fired. I don’t even want to see them play guitar!
The establishment lack humor, but what do the people lack?
Bolsjevik-liberalerna saknar humor för att de saknar själ, men den riktiga oppositionen är naiv, blir infiltrerad och saknar förmåga att ljuga när det behövs, samt att bemöta saker som kastrering av barn på rätt sätt: Dvs skicka in soldater som spetsar "läkarna" på spett i väntan på utredning.
The Puppet King of Rothschild:
No, the real painting was worse:
Totally normal:
USA is turning more Swedish, Russian and Spanish, and less German and French
Well, not exactly, of course.
The UNIT white paper
UNIT (UNT) tokens are anchored to gold, but 60% of the assets are something else, like bonds. Unlike a stablecoin, many nodes can issue the token, and there is no way to reverse convert the token except that an issuing (minting) node can liquidate itself by paying up, and if a node gets destroyed, its tokens will be backed up from insurance.
The idea is that if you are in a jurisdiction, you can issue the UNIT tokens without any gold or assets leaving that jurisdiction.
My take is that this is not perfect money, as the interest profits are not invested into the token value, but as someones need to pay for running the system, this might be the best we can do, and different issuing nodes sort of compete with each other.
Exactly how to handle nodes that fail (a country gets destroyed, the gold stolen or a government takes all the assets from a node) and do this in a distributed way, is not clear in the white paper, or at least not clear to me.
It looks promising with an asset that can’t be politically manipulated, but would government allow the people to transact in these token, and if not, can a government stop it?
🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪
Säg “FÖRSVINN!” till dig själv och försvinn ifrån dåliga tankar!
Om du tänker på deprimerande saker, saker som får dig att få ångest och annat som du vet bara är destruktivt, inse att det bara finns i ditt huvud att det är en riktigt dålig och en påhittad verklighet, men verkligheten runt dig är inte så illa. Så säg åt det dig som är fast i den påhittade världen att försvinna, och rör på dig rent fysiskt och detta ger dig ett nytt synsätt.
Verkar fungera för många.
Det industriella komplexet för censur
Huvudfokus verkar nu ligga på att attackera anhängare av dem som boostar dem med en anti-kabalistisk syn. Att direkt attackera människor som Tucker Carlson slog tillbaka hårt, så istället kommer de att försöka avplattformera dem som främjar eller pratar om honom.
The UNIT white paper
UNIT (UNT)-token är förankrade i guld, men 60 procent av tillgångarna är något annat, som obligationer. Till skillnad från en stablecoin kan många noder utfärda token, och det finns inget sätt att omvända konvertering av token förutom att en utfärdande (”myntande”) nod kan likvidera sig själv genom att betala, och om en nod förstörs kommer dess tokens att backas upp av försäkring.
Tanken är att om du befinner dig i en jurisdiktion kan du utfärda UNIT-tokens utan att något guld eller några tillgångar lämnar den jurisdiktionen.
Min uppfattning är att detta inte är perfekta pengar, eftersom räntevinsterna inte investeras i tokenvärdet, men eftersom någon måste betala för att driva systemet kan detta vara det bästa vi kan göra, och olika utfärdande noder konkurrerar med varandra.
Exakt hur man ska hantera noder som misslyckas (ett land förstörs, guldet stjäls eller en regering tar alla tillgångar från en nod) och göra detta på ett distribuerat sätt framgår inte av vitboken, eller åtminstone inte tydligt för mig.
Det ser lovande ut med en tillgång som inte kan manipuleras politiskt, men skulle regeringen tillåta folket att göra transaktioner i dessa token, och om inte, kan en regering stoppa det?