Jab data hidden until 2076?!? Curry correction. Insanity is losing! Tentacle monster massage
Curry-korrigering. De har gått för långt och förlorar, men vi måste utbilda alla om grundlagen!
Dagens blåsta svenska video. Lite info om hur vi kan försvara grundlagen emot vaccinpasstrams så vi slipper bråk längst ner. Vi får veta om covid-sprutan fungerar 2076… FDA har bett om att Pfizer’s data om dödssprutan ska hållas hemligt tills 2076. T o m topplocket på vaccinpasskräket Ulf Kristersson borde flyga där!
Today’s hiding from the wind English video.
Curry correction
Note that you have to eat a lot more curry (about 100 times more) to get the 1 gram of curcumin used in the studies! There are however other helpful substances in turmeric and in a curry mix, so a lot less than 100 grams per day should be effective. Still waiting for those studies though, so maybe black cumin from the old mug is a better idea:
So that is 7 grams of black cumin per day for a human weighing 87kg = 192 pounds. But you can clearly feel the effect of the same amount of curry.
This is Zeitgeist scary: Why do I when I record my videos just before I watch Scott Adams say stuff in the same direction? In this case: “They have gone too far!”
I definitely don't say it in the same way as Scott or Dave Rubin, but at almost the same day independent of their thinking?!? WTF!
Me and networking
I network knowledge, not people. But I should do both! It’s just that I don’t have a good system for handling all the personal connections. I’m working on it though.
Austria's Salzburg And Upper Austria Expand Lockdown To Include Entire Population
Salzburg’s governor Wilfried Haslauer urged everyone in the region who is eligible to get their first vaccine doses as well as boosters, “so that we can get out of this lockdown as soon as possible, before Christmas if at all possible”
Never ever give tyrants anything! If you do, they will demand more. That is how vulnerable narcissists work: They enjoy hurting others. They will never stop trying to hurt others more until they die.
The state Salzburg has half a million inhabitants and now 34 people with covid in the ICU (for various reasons), but if we look at Steve Kirsch’es estimates, about 252 people have been jabbed to death in the state (150000*558.410/331449.281 = 252.713)! And even more will die from the boosters, of course. Haslauer cares a lot, because he really enjoys those deaths. Reminder: The ones dying from the vaccines would very unlikely have died otherwise, while the ones dying with covid most likely would have died soon for other reasons, and they could have been treated better. Hasleauer cares about hurting.
There will be huge protests in Austria on Saturday the 20th of November where police and military will also protest. We’ll see what happens then, because people should have had enough, and I have a hard time imaging the police beating up demonstrating police. The Austrian Daleks will push jabs onto the people until they - the people or the Daleks - die: https://lbry.tv/@TimTruth:b/austria-forced-injections:c
Vaccine Damage Payouts In UK Could Soar Next Year
The problem is that the covid jabs (the spike protein) are designed to create vague problems that just make all other problems worse, so that the problems/deaths will be hard to trace back to the jab in the individual case even if it’s obvious in the big data that FDA wants to hide until 2076.
That FDA wants to hide the data flipped even covid jab positive Scott Adams to realizing that there is very little chance that the bioweapon is safe and effective. Scott Adams has (accidentally?) paced the pro-vaxxers, so when he flips, he will take a lot of people with him, and they in turn will create a snowball effect. I’m not good at timing this but I think a short in Pfizer might be a good idea, and I’m certain that their board needs to be about a head shorter, but I’m OK with half a head shorter too.
US workers are leaving their sadist employers
Candace Owens is a real inspiration to listen to
Fast talking lady: https://www.bitchute.com/video/vSiB4_9k_JM/
Dave Rubin can be great on his own too
Rubin just explains what I’ve been saying for quite some time now but very non-aggressively: These people are sadists that like to hurt working people. And they will not stop until they are stopped.
Matt Gaetz: Make examples of bad Republicans!
The British Empire is losing USA fast:
Note: Navy Intel Steve Bannon is always trying to distract you from another deep state crime. He does a great job, but… Look at the signs, just like at Robert F Kennedy JR! Praise their good work, but not the person! Never praise any person actually: Just praise when anyone does good stuff even if you believe they are horrible humans! 🥰
Why do I care so much about what is happening in USA?
It's a selfish interest. When stuff happens in USA, it will affect Sweden and me too. The good thing is that we the people in Sweden get a warning and can prepare. The bad thing is that our sadist useless wanker-rulers get a warning and can prepare too.
(Yes, I watched too much Ted Lasso, but I think all Americans just have to admit that the British insults and swearwords are better. Even I can admit that the English version of the English language is better than Swedish in that regard, but I’ve heard Russian is way better to swear in.)
AOC: “What is so hard?”
What is so hard? Come on!!! AOC is leading you to the answer! You know the answer! No, almost right, it's not Jeffrey Toobin. That wasn't as hard as Shifty Schiff's anal erection - That is hard, and AOC likes it!
Why tentacle monster massage is important for you.
Just an example of that I have to follow very different people to find new perspectives on things:
I loved that reframing, and answered:
What I do is that I reframe stuff so your tentacle porn will give you an upper leg (upper tentacle?) in finances, farming, industrial plants and maybe inventing the optical mouse (Did you know that "pussy" in Swedish is "mouse" just like a computer mouse? Yes, Steve Kirsch is getting fingered by all Swedes with a computer mouse now) because most humans didn't know that, and surely didn't know about tentacle monster massage, so I'll Substack you tomorrow! Tentacle monsters: Don't get a girlfriend! Well, get a good one, not like Bill Gates' ex-wife! https://www.sexylosers.com/comic/016/ (Warning, not safe for work! But a good warning to tentacle monsters.)
MSNBC Banned From Rittenhouse Trial After Employee Follows Jury Bus; Network 'Regrets' Incident
There is a chance that this was just bad driving accidentally close to the jury bus, but as that thing works for a terror organization like MSNB/NBC that is actively trying to start riots, people have a hard time believing that it was accidentally.
French Canoe Retailer Halts Sales Due To Soaring Migrant Channel Crossings
It isn’t hard to figure out why the migrants want to come to England: It’s because the British Empire is hiring them to wage war on the English people that the empire despise. Or maybe they have a strong, but kind and caring prime minister, and not a clown rambling deep state bullshit randomly?
BoJo's Solution For Europe Freezing From Gas Shortage... Start Hot War With Russia!
UK’s goal since hundreds of years back has been to make sure that Germany and Russia are at war with each other and everything else. If there isn’t war, panic and fear, people will start to get rid of the empire and when the deep state loses USA, it will be very hard to even keep England.
I just got a message from someone who said he was a troll on my site when he was 14 years old 10 years ago… I love trolls and can relate to them, so this is me, not 14 years old:
Jan. 6 Riot "An Attack" On NATO: Jens Stoltenberg
Our "core values"... a million dead Iraqis, Libya in ashes & anarchy, CIA torture program notwithstanding...
Tycker de oinformerade pamparna i Medborgelig Samling fortfarande det är en bra idé att gå med i NATO som uppenbarligen styrs av komplett galna terrorister som ser fredligt strövande folk i lustiga hattar som ett större hot än sina egna terrorkrig, tortyr och organiserad brottslighet så som handel med knark, slavar och organ?
Om halvannat år kommer USAs Kongress att vara dominerad av Republikaner som inte har något till övers för Bush-fjantar och liknande träskmonster. NATO, FN, och annat pack kommer då få det väldigt svårt med fallskärmarna.
Vaccinpass-myten, fortsättning
De flesta verkar fortfarande inte förstå: Det har inte införts och kommer inte att införas några vaccinpass! Det finns ingen lag och en lag skulle bryta emot grundlagen så den vore ogiltig, och ingen arrangör får fråga efter privat medicinsk information. Folkhälsomyndigheten har gått ut med råd och en sportminister har uttalat sig, och parasitiska media på båda sidor i frågan har jagat klick.
Om vi hade haft i närheten av konstruktiv media hade de rapporterat detta och alla hade skrattat åt ordtramset. Jag kan seriöst sitta och prata med en skällande hund och ge er mer livsviktig information än ni får ifrån Expressen och SVT på ett år, samt att biverkningarna av att titta på propagandamedia leder till svåra mentala, fysiska och sociala skador.
OBS: Jag säger inte att det är ofarligt att folk inbillar sig att det finns en lag, utan tvärt om! Varenda polis, dörrvakt och arrangör måste informeras om grundlagen!
Men även om det inte finns någon lag, så se till att anmäla Folkhälsovårdsmyndigheten så att de måste förklara sig: https://www.jo.se/sv/JO-anmalan/
En jurist skrev att man ska anmäla till JK för skadeskånds anspråk https://www.jk.se/skadestand/skadestand/
“De är kanske nödvändiga” - Karlsten stendum?
https://www.frihetsverige.se/ är det bästa jag vet. Henrik Sundström Ilan Sadé och andra som kan juridiken är dem vi ska fråga. Björn Hammarskjöld har också pratat om juridiken kring detta.
Men upprepa för alla: Vaccinpass har aldrig och kommer aldrig kunna införas i Sverige för de är emot grundlagen, och hur kontrar vi att myndigheter, Sportministern (Snyggast i Riksdagen enligt mig) och media låtsats som att det finns en rätt för någon som anordnar event att kolla någons medicinska information!
Vi MÅSTE informera dörrvakter, poliser och rättsväsende om vad som gäller! De älskar väl staten, så är de kan väl inte vara emot grundlagen?