Mysteries. Curry success. Covid cases Denmark, Cyprus. UK free? French civil war? Proxalutamide -91%
Mysterier. Curry in vitro. Danmark vs Skåne! UK frisläppt. Franskt inbördeskrig. Proxalutamide -91%
Dagens voff svenska voff curryluktande video. Lite svenska nyheter längst ner.
Today’s woof English woof curry smelling video.
Some dumbed down health advice
To keep it simple, but this if for me, while others might not drink as much as me, so they don't really need the vitamin Bs 2 times a day, but might need a lot of extra C due to the carbs for example. Black tea, alcohol and sugar create a vitamin B1 deficiency
Multivitamin/mineral tablet with B-vitamins in it 2 times per day (That is: it should be dosed for that)
Lunch summer sun, or 100 IU vitamin D per kg per day
There is some quercetin and green tea extract my multivitamins, but I eat quite a lot of onions, garlic and drink more than a litre of green tea per day. You can put what-ever flavour (berries, lime, Himalayan salt, broth - I mean, have green tea in the soup) you want into maybe cooled green tea and drink it as anything else. But except for the caffeine problem, it's just great for a lot of things including cancer, it seem.
(grassfed) beef, eggs, shrimps, small fish, organ meat from even badly fed animals, etc should all be very nutritious. Avoid seed oils, sugar and too much carbs and cut down or stop eating bread and pasta.
I have a problem to eat many kinds of fish, and I used to not feel well after eating beef for some years, because I simply ate too much of it when I wasn't used to it. No such problems the last year, and I eat way less chicken and more eggs instead which is better as far as I know and can deduce - the hens that lay eggs simply can't be so badly fed because they will not lay as many eggs then, while broilers are fed any crap that doesn't kill them?
Last nights live
The Sunday live went great with a lot of comments and views. It was a daily update, plus some questions.
I reminded again about the trick that if you live in the tropics and want some vitamin D but not be in the frying midday sun, just open windows during lunch or sit in the shadow. The UV-B that you want can’t penetrate glass, but it can reflect pretty much like normal light, so if it is bright, then you also get some UV-B. It will take 2-5 times longer to burn and make vitamin D, but you get a better more even burn, and you will not get a lot of deep penetrating UV-A that the morning/evening sunlight contains.
What do I want to do?
I want to provide good content, and I think I do that best in this way:
70% recorded content
20% live broadcasts
10% interviews
I don’t see the written or image content as anything I can separate from the videos now, but the others are fulfilling different needs of the listeners. And I feel I need to do them all for my own personal development. The recorded content should be possible to watch while doing something else, and then you can read the links if something in particular interests you. The life broadcasts are that too, but also for simply keeping people company, and everyone gets a feeling of being together. The interviews are good to keep my ego down… But my ego don’t want to do them too much. Comment your thoughts below! What do you want and do you have suggestions on whom to interview?
There is more to this story?
Of course the Pegasus spyware shows that everything you digitally do is maybe not private, so just assume that. But I doubt The Guardian is releasing this to help humankind:
Virus sizes and mutation speculation
Way over my pay grade here, but I don’t see any mechanism for a corona virus to become less deadly, except maybe that it starts to multiply in the mucus membranes so much that the body can get specific immunity before the virus gets into the blood?
Why did the throat pay go away and then return?
I’ve had a lot of throat pain the last year, that I’ve quickly cured, but before this it was about 30 years ago that was a thing while some cough and running nose happened. Very strange! Others have had the same?
Facts matter!
No, just kidding! Of course they don’t! But sometimes they are fun:
Now imagine how I’m the racist dinosaur who says that Africans are monkeys with very long lower legs… But the point that I destroyed with not related facts was that walking is very healthy!
Some fear-porn from Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi:
Short video, but also not that informative. But something is very wrong when treatments are fought against to promote vaccines just to promote vaccines.
Cyprus - lots of vaxxed cases, but few dying
London protest against the buffoon
French Face 6 Months In Jail For Entering A Bar Or Restaurant Without A COVID Pass
Why suggest anything like this unless you want to start a civil war? It’s definitely not for public health, and I doubt it will sell that much vaccines either.
More proxalutamide today too: -91%!
But nothing beats curry, at least not any virus
Mystery of the day 🤔
Hur sjutton kan Danmark ha en explosion av nya covid-fall, medan i stort sett inget händer i Skåne? Samma klimat, kultur, geografi och väder. Skillnad i hur många cykler som körs i PCR-testerna eller är detta pga Danmarks nerstängningar i början? (Data ifrån Region Skånes hemsida)
De med särintresse ska inte styra särintresset!
Hela vitsen med en politisk minister är att denna ska se till så att skrået inte bara jobbar för sig själva utan för det svenska folket också. Att då välja en av de hjärntvättade med många personliga band till skrået är inte en bra idé, utan det bästa är en utomstående som dock har bra inblick i det hela och kan ta bra råd.
Befogad respektive trams-kritik
När regeringsmedlemmar pratar om sina egna känslor efter att något hemskt brott hänt, så slår narcissist-mätaren i taket. Känslorna folket vill se är att de går ut med medlidande och stöd till de drabbade, men detta ser man inte ofta ifrån narcissist-kräken som folk av märkliga anledningar röstat fram. I övrigt ska regeringen leverera resultat, och vi skiter i om de gör det med solpaneler eller pansarvagnar, bara slutresultatet blir bra.
Däremot ser jag ingen anledning att komma med “Du är dum!”, “MP är galna!”, “Allt är ert fel!”, eller “Nej, de måste avgå nu!!!” (vilket de inte alls måste, så varför påpeka detta?). Att utvisa alla gängkriminella och inte ta in fler är en uppenbar dellösning, men jag tror det är bäst att inte låsa sig vid en specifik lösning. Arbetsläger eller låt Jan Jönsson lära dem att dansa kanske löser delar av problemet också. En bra regering testar allt och ser vad som fungerar, och lyder inte råd om exakt vad som ska göras av vare sig media eller opposition.
Media efter klimat- och covid-paniken
Hur kommer media rapportera nu när alla tröttnat på covid och klimat-panik? Detta är en anti-förutsägelse, dvs en förutsägelse jag gör för att få den att inte inträffa: