Republicans scare Ukraine grifters. Truss out, Farage in? Legal to kill CDC-bosses? Anti-Thor biking
Ukraina krossas ekonomiskt. Truss ut, Farage in? Lagligt att döda vaxx-chefer? Elsa Widding vs Selin
🇸🇪 Dagens Tor-hatande svenska video. (Odysee) Lite på svenska längst ner.
Today’s English Thor hating video
Axios: USA may stop providing financial assistance to Ukraine if Republicans win the elections to the House of Representatives
This is why grifters across the globe and especially in Ukraine, UK and USA are in panic mood.
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Liz Truss resigned
Correct answer 44 days to resignation, so The Sirius Report followers were a little too confiden of Truss.
Interestingly Suella Braverman responded to that Tweet. I doubt the reason explained in the letter was the reason Suella resigned - She was likely threatened by globalist fanatics and mafia that need illegal immigration, but mostly she wants to join Farage:
I wouldn’t trust Suella if I were Farage, but she might still be very useful. One needs insiders to defeat the enemy, and the enemy has already infiltrated in other ways. But I have no experience in these matters.
Dr Robert Malone about medical corruption
Dr Malone also mentions that the original Wuhan SARS-CoV-2 has a 100% lethality in this particular mouse model, so Boston University’s 80% chimeric virus isn’t that impressive. The media spin on the 80% lethal virus might lead to WHO getting a monopoly on medical research, which is a HORRIBLE IDEA. The actual research seems to be OK and just to find out what parts of the virus make it bad in mice:
Dr Malone also said that the injection was only tested on 1200 children, so if “One in Every 500 Small Children Who Receive the Pfizer Vaccine are Hospitalised By It” that will not be detected.
Here is a question for Robert Barnes and legal scholars: If someone kills some of the bosses at CDC, Big pharma, FDA etc, wouldn’t it be impossible to convict them for murder, as they are trying to save children? Depending on how the law is read, it should actually be legal to hunt these murderers as a sport.
This was one of the best produced Geography Now episodes, and more importantly if you learn these things about culture and government, you’ll have a bigger toolbox to use when you do the struggle.
I have to note that it’s a fun and interesting video, and you all should go there to comment that this content should be mirrored outside of Youtube:
The US empire:
F-35 Stealth Fighter Jet Crashes In Utah
"On approach, one appeared to lose power and dipped too low below the trees. Next thing I saw was fire."
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Farage upprepar: Tory-partiet är dött och måste ersättas
Kanske finns hopp för UK till slut.
Magda: Hyr en annan skådespelare än Markus Selin! 😅
Vilket totalt stolpskott till komiker.
Linköpings cyklister är nöjdast i landet
19 oktober 2022 | Stadsplanering & trafik
Nu har resultatet av Cykelfrämjandets enkätundersökning Cyklistvelometern presenterats och Linköping placerar sig högst upp i kategorin “stora kommuner”. Senaste gången undersökningen genomfördes var 2020 och då hamnade Linköping på tredje plats.
Kanske kommunen gör ett bra jobb, men jag har lett en studentikås frågetävling, och det finns ingen student som misslyckades med frågan: "Vilken slags vind blåser det i Linköping" och svaret är såklart "motvind".
Idag är Tors dag och då har ni chansen att protestera emot väder och vind! Ta ett rejält tramptag eller ta extra elkrafter bara för att visa den där skiten Tor som hatar hundar att Frej är bättre! 🥰