China and peace in Ukraine. Space storm. Rockefeller evil. State lemmings. Fun with propaganda fun
Kina och fred i Ukraina. Rymdstorm. Rockefeller-ondska. Statens lemmings. Kul med propaganda-krisen
🇸🇪 Dagens måniga svenska video ifrån Rydskogen. (Bitchute)
🇸🇪 Ingen svensk text idag (Se länkarna/bilderna!)
Today’s moony English video from the Ryd forest
A true but half Moonday 😊 😎
China doesn’t want to end the Ukraine war,
Lira agrees with what I said yesterday
Europe has figured out that they should at least try to talk to China, while Washington DC and their insane lapdog in London just aren’t possible to communicate with.
Stormy space tonight
What if WHO was more open with their sadism?
I for one totally support @WHO in their mission to make every man, woman, girl, boy, castrated victim, dog, cat, hen and dragon wear a face mask! WHO needs to do more of that!
Then most non-lemmings will realize that WHO is just there to harm them.
Fertility Rates In India Fall Across All Religious Groups
India has become the biggest country in the world this year, but conversely, its fertility rates have been in a steep decline for years...
Bill Gates EXPOSED | Rockefeller Funds Fertility Vaccine SCAM | #BirthControl
Very well sourced video about the depopulation vaccine gang from an Indian perspective. The video has now been taken down by Youtube, so it must be important. Or maybe it’s just a wild conspiracy theory, otherwise we would have seen headlines like his every day:
EVA Project Finds 78% of Women Report Menstrual Changes after COVID-19 Vaccination
Maybe it’s good for our security that people stupid enough to believe in the government don’t have children, but all the brainwashed lemmings working for the government seem to survive jumping out of the cliff together with the group:
The lemmings need less funding before there are too many of them!
(I was thinking of the computer game Lemmings where they go straight over the cliff and you have to try to lead them right without them getting stuck or dying.)
Can humans affect the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere?
Probably, but there is no evidence that this is so much that we can even measure it as the 2008 financial crash and the covid-crash didn’t affect the increase of the CO2-levels at all:
And how is that Ukraine war propaganda going?
Sanctions for the Germans, but not for the sanction profiteers:
Context: Nord Stream 1 could transfer 150 Mm² per day, and Nord Stream 2 the double.
AI AOC complains about that her boyfriend said that she has a “boy pussy”
Because I can read minds, I know that Matt Gaetz, Ted Cruz, Elon Musk, Scott Adams and that Underbelly have a crush on AOC, but her AI version really need to be taught to accept a compliment. What can be better than a “boy pussy”?!?
A “man pussy”, an “old man pussy”?!? A “girl pussy” is just pedo! An “old women pussy”?!? And if he has to say “It feels like you have a women pussy”, he probably thinks you’re as beyond your prime as Don Lemon thinks, while Leonardo DiCaprio keeps confusing AOC with Nancy Pelosi.
A typical vaxxer “laughing” at Woody Harrelson making fun of big pharma's media and government control on Saturday Night Live:
Hard to estimate how many have seen that video, but at least 30% of the Americans, I guestimate. Maybe 75% of the voters?
This as even The Guardian is leaving the establishment lies - Will the disgraced publication ever admit that covid was a plan to sell depopulation vaccines?
PI times 10 trillion debt
Plus a few billions
The US national debt looks very close to PI, but instead of a lot of decimals, it has a lot of digits that aren't decimals. 🤔
What if the car below was an aircraft carrier? 🤔
It would take quite some time to make a carrier nonoperational, and I think it’s too hard to sink, but the drones with automatic cannons are coming. But maybe suicide drones are cheaper than buying this amount of ammo… Drones can be shut down though unlike a storm of metal.
The cat I was talking about yesterday. I think I might be wrong about it being a tomcat because I was in a hurry so I didn’t have time to ask for its pronouns. It did behave female if I think about it.