B1 deficiency. Desperate USA bombs civilians and pipelines. Gas through Ukraine might also stop
B1-brist. Desperat USA bombar civila och gasledningar. Gas genom Ukraina kan också stoppas
🇸🇪 Dagens sena svenska video. Svensk text längst ner, men ej allt är översatt.
Today’s later English video
Unimportant correction
I posted yesterday’s Substack just before the election of the third vice speaker of the Swedish parliament was done, and Kerstin Lundgren (C) surprisingly beat the other candidate as a lot of members of parliament changed their votes between the second and third round of voting.
Dr Eric Berg video: Vitamin B1
People eat too much sugar and processed grains, which causes Vitamin B1 deficiency, which leads to severe nerve damages and a wide range of psychological and motion problems. It can easily be fixed by 1-2 tablespoons of nutritional yeast per day.
So image if that could be served in schools every day! Of course that will not happen as long as narcissist shits are doing the bidding of big pharma.
Putin Gives Edward Snowden Russian Citizenship: State Media
Huge Kremlin thumb in the eye as two sides already inching toward war over Ukraine...
Ukrainian Territories To Be Absorbed Into Russia By Week's End: Lawmaker
"accession of the territories likely to take place as early as on September 30."
NATO is desperate to destroy Russia and is now sacrificing the last Ukrainians that can fight just to cause terror among the civilians in Donbas:

Damage To Nord Stream Pipelines "Unprecedented;" May Have Been 'Sabotaged'
"The evidence points to a violent act, rather than a technical issue."

The explosions have been traced to Baltic wet markets…
🇸🇪 Swebbtv: Bekräftat: Kraftiga sprängningar vid Nord Stream – ”Ingen tvekan”
These people are sick:

But it can become way worse:

British spies playing Dutch MPs storms out
These narcissist should be chased off the continent, unless we can put them in zoos to warm the kids about what will happen to people that don’t treat their narcissism in time. We can put that zoo just next to 3-booster graveyard disco, where young adults can dance on the graves of the believers of scientism (the least haunted graveyard there is, as there are no souls there).
I would totally invite that cute lady with the big boobs to my stage! And make her drunk, and I’ll kiss her, and then her drunk driving husband would crash into the stage with his super-SUV, and then try to beat me up, but he has to stop, as there is some insider trading to do according to his mobile handler.
I can’t think of a better show than that! Even if I sing! No one will remember that part.😆
I actually thought that I could make huge money together with fired Brian Stelter, but I was right in assuming that his clown talent would be paid more than I could offer him, and he was never smart enough to work in the long run.
Letters of no confidence in Liz Truss 'already being put in' by Tory MPs
You thought it couldn’t be worse than Bojo? Now we’ll see the Tories dig up something worse than Liz Truss… I thought that they need 2 months to do that, but smarter people say that the Tories need 6 months to find something THAT stupid, so that’s probably correct:
If you think media is about news, you’re a moron
Iran - Not what it looks like in media

Propaganda from CCP
The best propaganda is to tell the truth
Especially the bombing of Libya, but indirectly the others, were to secure the Cantillon effect and that USA can continue to print USD which the rest of the world pay for with inflation. If any country offers a better currency, it must be destroyed. If a country becomes truly sovereign, the risk is the country issues a competing currency that has less inflation, is more stable and has less restrictions than the USD, so countries that can’t be controlled must be destroyed - Russia knows this, but said NYET anyway.
So now Iran, Russia and the UAE are looking at paying Indian tea exporters in rupees.
Note: Dedollarization will mean the opposite of what you might think: This will mean a stronger dollar as The Fed is panicking.
A note about social media
TikTok manipulates data and people's perceptions to make the platform more popular and talked about, and to simply brainwash users.
When you are seen on social media, it may be because you are doing something good, but more likely what you said fits in with what the platform or China/USA wants to sell, so it is highlighted.
If Facebook were to listen to my friends Wallenberg (I always write that on FB so that I don’t get banned), FB's algorithms would highlight this comment so that thousands of your and my followers would see it, and it would get hundreds of likes, which would then be seen by the friends of those who like, and so there would be 100,000 likes on this comment.
If someone were to write something that threatens the platform or the authorities that monitor it, only one-nine users will see the comment. And there are blocks on FB and especially on Twitter to make sure that no unknown person's post is shared too much, because they want to control the narrative.
🇸🇪 🇸🇪
Oviktig rättelse
Jag publicerade gårdagens Substack strax innan valet av riksdagens tredje vice talman var klart, och Kerstin Lundgren (C) slog överraskande den andra kandidaten eftersom många riksdagsledamöter ändrade sina röster mellan den andra och tredje valomgången.
Dr Eric Berg video: Vitamin B1
Människor äter för mycket socker och bearbetade spannmål, vilket orsakar brist på vitamin B1, vilket leder till allvarliga nervskador och en lång rad problem psykiskt och motoriskt. Det kan lätt åtgärdas med 1-2 matskedar näringsjäst per dag.
Så tänk om det kunde serveras i skolorna varje dag! Naturligtvis kommer det inte att hända så länge narcissistiska skitstövlar gör vad de stora läkemedelsbolagen vill.
Swebbtv: Bekräftat: Kraftiga sprängningar vid Nord Stream – ”Ingen tvekan”
Lite om sociala media
TikTok manipulerar data och hur folk ser saker för att dels göra plattformen populärare och bli mer omtalad och dels för att helt enkelt hjärntvätta användarna.
När man syns på sociala media så kan det vara för att man gör något bra, men det troliga är att vad man sa passar in i vad plattformen eller Kina/USA vill sälja, så då lyfts det fram.
Om Facebook skulle lyssna på mina kompisar Wallenberg (jag skriver alltid så på FB för att inte bli bannad), så skulle FB's algoritmer lyfta fram denna kommentar så att tusentals av dina och mina följare får se den, och den skulle få hundratals gilla, som sedan skulle ses av vännerna till dem som gillar, och så skulle det bli 100 000 gilla på denna kommentar.
Om någon skulle skriva något som hotar plattformen eller myndigheterna som bevakar den, så kommer bara en-några användare att se kommentaren. Och det finns spärrar på FB och speciellt på Twitter för att se till att ingen okänd persons inlägg delas för mycket, för de vill kontrollera narrativet.