Söndag direktsändning 21:00! Covid1984-fria länder. Ukraina och Bojo-clownen mot kollaps. Hudproblem
Surprisingly covid1984 free countries. Ukraine and Bojo collapsing. Insanities. Skin problem
Didn’t you get sound on Saturday’s Odysee-video? It might be that you’re missing the codex to decode the sound in the video because you’re using ancient software. Try to listen on another device, update your software or listen to the video on Bitchute, Rumble or Brighteon! (Now I realized why I didn’t like the name that made me type “Raytheon” by accident…)
Today’s English live: https://www.facebook.com/heddahenrik/videos/524872939347829/ (On Odysee here.)
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🇸🇪 Dagens svenska 21:00 söndags-direktsändning kommer på min Facebook-profil: https://www.facebook.com/heddahenrik (Här närmare bestämt: https://www.facebook.com/heddahenrik/videos/573312160793628/ - På Swebbtube)
🇸🇪 Text på svenska längst ner, men se automatöversättningen.
Where can you fly without a “covid test”?
This is from Sweden, but it should be similar from other countries: https://go.esky.se/vart-ar-det-tillatet-att-flyga
Notice that you can fly to the free countries of Cuba, Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan without a Chinese poison stick in your perfectly healthy nose!
Zelensky Signals Donbas Could Soon Fall: "Indescribably Difficult" Russian Onslaught
AP confirms "close-quarter combat" after Russians storm final holdout city in Luhansk...
Soon it will be clear to everyone (except the total zombies) that they have been fed lies that destroyed Ukraine, murdered countless thousands and displaced millions while destroying normal Europeans’ economy and distracting their populations from hanging their covid tyrants in the beautiful European parks. This could have ended in 2014 with Ukraine (With help of Germany and France) getting rid of the Nazis, allowing the Russian (and Hungarian etc) speakers language rights and staying out of NATO. But UK-US-deep state were always going to push until they get a war, which they intended for “their” countries to lose just like every other war.
The Angry Bosnian Foreigner in Sweden lists the obvious establishment shit-show in Sweden, but Sweden has handled this sensible compared to Poland and above all UK their shit-stuffed bidet close to the White House that have done everything in their power to prolong the war so that CIA, MI6 and (politician) friends could get at least $34 of the $40 billions that were stolen from the American people. The other $6 billion, you ask? They went to the military industrial complex so that they can test new weapons in Ukraine.
The situation in Ukraine is now rapidly changing. Russia and the break-away republics have been shelling the Ukrainian military from a distance while cutting off their supply lines, all to minimize the Russian losses. But now the Ukrainian military is collapsing while the soil is dry enough for real tank warfare not possible during the mud seasons. So it is possible that Russia can reach Transnistria in a day, cutting off Kyiv from Odesa and the Black Sea.
Both Russian and the Ukrainian cities don’t want another Mariupol, so hopefully this can end quickly with for example the total collapse of the Ukrainian state and the regions declaring independence or joining neighbouring countries.
For how much longer should ANYONE be “thinking” that mass shootings should mean more strict gun laws?!? Independents need to be pounded with this:
Law-Abiding West Virginian Woman With Concealed Firearm Stops A Mass Shooting
"Instead of running from the threat, she engaged with the threat and saved several lives last night."
Forbidding people to get weapons can lead to more violence
Good points, but remember that the narcissists DO NOT CARE if their policies do good or bad. They want to tell people what to do, and in the case of the red flag laws, just take their rights away with just an accusation. An NRA super-pack should use the red flag laws to target every security guard in a firm or a police officer that protects the Democrat bigwigs. If you are protecting sadists, you might be a person the “state” shouldn’t trust with a gun - All according to the Democrat narrative.
The next step is of course to demand that voters have their blood values in order - at least if it’s something fixable, so that soyboys aren’t allowed to vote, and, also Democrat policy, that the soyboy slaves’ votes only count a 1/3 or so, as their votes are cast by the media that owns their minds…
When you think that California can’t get worse
California: Hold my crack pipe!
Please fact-check your news with “Really?”!
No, Pfizer’s top demon did not say on WEF that they was on a way to a population reduction of 50% in 2023. A sane person wouldn’t have to watch the entire video to confirm that his statement was taken out of context, and you have to be as as stupid as a fine people hoax believer if that isn’t your first thought. Don’t waste your time on attention seekers posting this embarrassing crap! They could at least post “This video clip is taken out of context, isn’t it?” but that isn’t how attention seekers behave.
Why not stop for a second and ask yourself “Really? Really? Really???”? It isn’t impossible that Pfizer is into an insane plan to get rid of 99% of their income by killing everyone who trust them, but are they also going to state that in public then? Really? And this is just horrible satire too, unless you work for Pfizer - Which the creator of the edited video likely did. What is great is that I haven’t seen the edited video posted without anyone commenting that it’s fake, so there seems to be herd immunity to obvious fake news now.
One America's Pearson Sharp did a otherwise nice good report about how the biolabs in Ukraine involved Bidens (and the Swedish bio-industrial complex that quickly and quietly moved back all the research to Sweden, so while I don’t want to brag about it, my country is way better at corruption than the US mafia front figures who all are senile old farts bragging about their war crimes and voter fraud organizations are, while Hunter Biden with his laptop security protocols seems to leading the marathon for incontinents…).
And then this database search comes up:
Let me explain what is very likely happening here: DoD was ordering research on corona viruses on November 12th 2019. Later in 2020 when the name “Covid-19” was invented, the descriptions were updated or just presented in a new way. That is nothing different than sloppy Bible translators translated the Greek word for “Young woman or virgin” into “virgin” while the original Hebrew word clearly said “young woman” and not the separate Hebrew word for “virgin”. I bet the original actual documents say “corona virus”, not “COVID-19”.
Do you think Shematologist is worried about pur-blooded people’s health? She does not give a shit! She cares about others doing what she says. And the only tragedy here is that she isn’t dead enough yet. Or will she rethink and become a better human being worth saving?
“Masks work - Because EGO! OBEY ME! WORSHIP ME!!!”
As unexpected as Pfizer selling something that isn’t good for your health.
But am I that much smarter?
A lot of rashes starting to appear yesterday. The obvious culprit is too much red cabbage smoothies, so I’ll avoid cabbage for some time now. But there are other issues that I think are combining while I don’t eat or drink any sugar which is the first thing one wants to check.
Lack of vitamin B1 and B2 - I didn’t take any extra the last days, but today I’ve taken two good doses of nutritional yeast again. I’m out of my multivitamins with minerals, so lack of zinc maybe, but I doubt it.
Lack of vitamin D - Not the cause but vitamin D especially in the skin protects it so that the immune system can take care of what-ever is cause the inflammation. It has been crap weather here at lunch time.
Lack of hot bath - Induced fever helps taking care of toxins.
Lack of detox - I did eat a coriander soup today, so that might help.
But this is the most odd one suspicion that actually predicts well when I get rashes there: Lack of beer!
What?!? Yes, this always happens when I drink very little or as in this case no beer at all for a weekend. Note however that beer, both due to the hops, sugar and alcohol causes exactly this problem too, so when I drink too much beer, I have to take higher does of vitamin Bs and do more fasting.
The reasons might be:
The beer loving gut bacteria in me are dying and therefore giving out poisons as bacteria do. This is the reason why you should never switch diet too quickly
Another reason might be that as I don’t eat more, my body that is on keto directly start to eat my body fat, and that might be filled with poisons I ate a long time ago.
Youtube continues to ban!
My live streaming partner Linus Noremalm is suspended for 2 weeks from Youtube for the clip when Lennart Fröderberg puts magnets and forks on an old man. "Medical disinformation" they call this, even though we now have thousands of proofs that people have been magnetised by certain batches. Youtube should be sued for defamation, and those personally involved prosecuted for at least general negligence, as they have no evidence whatsoever that no injection made people magnetic, but merely are certain their lies are true the way narcissistic creeps do until we lock them up in labour camps.
They made a statue (2016) to honor a stray cat that used to sit there in this position and watch the passers-by. Her name was Tombili and the district is Kadıköy, Istanbul.
Unfortunately she is also a reminder that bad eating habits not only cause obesity, but also premature death. The statue did get stolen in 2016, but was returned, but they demolished that house and I don’t know where the statue is now.
Youtube bannar på!
Linus Noremalm är avstängd i 2 veckor för klippet när Lennart Fröderberg sätter magneter och gafflar på en gammal gubbe. “medicinsk desinformation” kallar de detta, trots att vi nu har tusentals bevis på att folk blivit magnetiska av vissa batcher. Youtube borde stämmas för förtal, och de som varit personligen inblandade åtalas för åtminstone allmänfarlig vårdslöshet, då de inte har några som helst bevis för att ingen injektion gjort folk magnetiska, utan enbart tycker saker så som narcissistiska kräk gör tills vi låser in dem i arbetsläger.
Resa utomlands utan covid-fascism
https://go.esky.se/vart-ar-det-tillatet-att-flyga har information om vilka länder som för tillfället inte är styrda av människohatande demoner som kräver icke-fungerande tester av dig.
Man blir förbannad över att många länder har sadistiska testkrav på dem som vägrat injicera sig med ett biovapen, men inte på labbråttorna som nu är de som mycket oftare sprider sjuka, elände och dör plötsligt här och där. Aldrig att jag skull besöka ett sådant land om jag kan undvika det om det inte byter regim.
Notera de fria länderna Cuba, Saudiarabien och Afghanistan dit det är fritt fram att resa utan att riskera hälsan med meningslösa tester. Klaus Schwab’s sadist-regim i Finland kräver däremot test-terror på icke-labbråttor, medan det t o m är fritt att resa in i Österrike numera.