Donkeypox. Pakistan & Kyiv coups. 4 explanations to why Obama is insane. MTG show the way
Åsnekoppor i Sverige! Pakistan och Kyiv-kuppen. 4 förklaringar bakom idioti. Några få visar vägen
Today’s English video from the kitchen djungle
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video ifrån köksdjungeln - Svensk text längst ner.
“Monkeypox” to the left, vaccine-damage to the right:
Epoch Times TV: “Monkeypox Narrative Is Built on Lies” - Well, duh!
Quite a march in Pakistan on its way to the capital
That looks like bad news for the CIA-MI6-puppet regime that ousted Imran Kahn.
Today early morning: Pakistan government orders the deployment of army troops in #Islamabad's red zone as the convoy of ousted PM Imran Khan enters the capital.
What drugs are the Polish government on?
I don’t know what drugs the Polish government are on, but the drugs seems to have come from now Russia controlled Ukraine…
Yes, every time I hear someone spell out W E F, I wonder why it isn't called the World Technocracy Forum:
Moscow 1991 vs. Moscow 2022:
Toxic shit like McDonald’s and communism should be thrown out of every country. A little odd that it's the Western psychophants that are trying to save the Russian people's health though.
But strangely the Visegrád countries’ Twitter account seems to think that McD is a sign of freedom. Well, that didn’t go well in a French mindset for example…
Elon Musk’s Starlink Internet service has
400 000 subscribers
The company needs a yearly revenue of about $10 billion (my badly informed guess) to replace the satellites and operational cost. Now the subscription costs over $1000 per year and is only available in a few countries. But if the system can handle $100M users, that only pay $100 a year, that is enough.
But… Russia has been trying to jam the internet service as it's being used across Ukraine. Also, Chinese scientists are developing ways to destroy the global network. And of course Iran, and a lot of western tyrants are panicking over a free Internet that they can’t control.
The smoking gun proving U.S. involvement in the 2014 coup in Kiev has been removed from YouTube after eight years.
Still possible to see on Rumble. Thanks Youtube for reminding us what we should tell all the criminal deep state’s supporters!
ULTRA MAGA❌🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 ❌Trump Won @jax2dmax
Summed up the attacks on the food on May 24:
43 car train derail in Canada carrying fertilizer. Anyone seeing a connection to the cause of the eminent food crisis? * 23+ Burned, exploded, plane crashed food distribution and packing facilities. * Sanctions on Russia that resulted in no trade of wheat -- Russia exports 30% of the worlds wheat. * Russia and Ukraine ship a very large percent of fertilizer necessary to grow vegetables. * Millions of pounds of beef and chicken recalled this year. * 58 million chickens tested with the monkey pox test kit, I mean PCR test, revealed Avian Flu and killed chickens. * Videos appearing of fake meat, and bug recipes. * Baby formula crisis * and more .. but lets focus on this train.
Just a note about that I don’t have to correct anything about my reporting about “WEF-police”
Obama is mentally sick, playing it or something
I can’t see that Obama has “an opinion” here, but this looks like severe mental illness. If he is such an evil mastermind running USA from the basement, why on Earth is that shit posted from his Twitter account? These people might be as raving mad as it looks like, but it might also be that they are controlled by people or things (AI, demons?) that want to destroy them or they commit credibility suicide to save the country from the evil forces that control them. But the mental illness hypothesis is the most likely:
But imagine this: If there are AIs that influense media and social media, and their goal is to maximize the value of the Vanguard-Blackrock investments, wouldn’t they clean out the libtards, criminals and technocrats to achieve that? And what if the depopulation-pushing satanic control-freaks try to stop the algos? They would get destroyed one way or another. 🤔
Remember: It wasn’t the technocrats who wrote the investment code that they are profiting from.
Working for the people got rewarded - Copy!
MTG got only 40% in the primary in 2020 and then 57% over John Cowan in the run-off, but 75% against the Democrat.
MTG has forced the house to vote on stuff a couple of times, which has forced many representives to vote as the people want so she has made a difference even if she is just one in the minority and her voters seem to approve.
Now there are just a couple million other clowns to replace in the world’s parliaments…
Russia To Open Sea Corridors From Ukraine Ports Amid Wheat Crisis, But Warns Of Ukrainian Mines
Russia should demand that all the ships that they are helping through the mine fields should (also) have a Russian flag, and then the NATO clowns will feel that the wheat is “contaminated” and forbid its imports, and blame Russia for it, just as the Biden administration does with the Russian bonds: Russia “defaulted” because it isn’t allowed to pay its US bond holders that will now sue Biden.
Everything that makes the NATO clowns look even more ridiculous is good, and they are more interested in using the correct pronouns and force injecting their soldiers with bioweapons that doing any kind of defense. By the way: The correct pronoun for a Nazis in Ukraine is “Herr Kriegsverbrecher”.
The Centers for Disease Control and Propaganda says we have 167 days to flatten the donkeys, so keep in mind that donkeypox is spread at Dovos meetings, in swamps such as Washington DC, London or Brussels, at NATO and UN meetings, via celeb events, at anal sex orgies, in the media, on social media and in government agencies, so keep your distance from government agencies and NGOs!
(Noticed the list persuasion funny-because-it’s-true joke?)
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Åsnekopporna är här!
Folkhälsan uppger att vi har 108 dagar på oss att platta till åsnorna, så tänk på att åsnekopporna sprids på Dovos-möten, i träsk så som Washington DC, London eller Bryssel, på NATO- och EU-möten, via klägg på Södermalm, på analsexorgier, i media, på sociala media och i myndigheter, så håll avstånd till myndigheter och internationella stiftelser!
De arbetar på ett vaccin i USA, men nu är det bara tidig behandling som gäller. Det gäller att ha höga nivåer av alternativ media, inte konsumera för mycket propaganda-media, och upptäcker man ändå sjukdom så försök bota den med katt-memes:
Elon Musks Starlink Internet-tjänst har 400 000 abonnenter
Här i Sverige kan man först få Starlink-Internet i början av 2023 och det kostar lite drygt 1000 kr i månaden. Det ska bli bättre och snabbare med tiden, men är mest intressant för dem som inte har möjlighet till fibrer eller mobilnät. Lever man t ex på en båt eller i en husbil och färdas kring världen så är det snart ett bra alternativ.
Starlink behöver dock en årlig intäkt på cirka 10 miljarder dollar (min dåligt informerade gissning) för att ersätta satelliterna och driftskostnaderna. Nu kostar abonnemanget över 1000 dollar per år och är bara tillgängligt i några få länder. Om systemet kan hantera 100 miljoner användare som bara betalar 100 dollar per år räcker det.
Men... Ryssland har försökt störa internettjänsten när den används i Ukraina. Dessutom utvecklar kinesiska forskare sätt att förstöra det globala nätverket. Och naturligtvis får Iran och många tyranner i västvärlden panik över ett fritt Internet som de inte kan kontrollera.
Just nu visar priserna i svenska kronor om man besöker sajten ifrån Sverige, men skriver “US$/mo”, men så dyrt är det inte.
GB:s nya BigPack – ett lågvattenmärke till glass
90% vatten och socker: Vatten, glukos-fruktossirap, socker, glukossirap, kokosfett, ärtprotein, stabiliseringsmedel (guarkärnmjöl, fruktkärnmjöl), arom, emulgeringsmedel (mono- och diglycerider av vegetabiliska fettsyror), rödbetsjuicekoncentrat, salt, färgämnen (klorofyllinkopparkomplex, kurkumin, annattoextrakt norbixin).
Riksdagspolitikerna saknar både vilja och kunskap att kunna styra organisationerna de “leder”. Politikerna är helt enkelt fel sorts personer med fel fokus, så de fokuserar på att debattera mindre viktigt trams med ännu mer feltänkande stolpskott i media.
Se exemplet på MTG ifrån Georgia ovan! En politiken som bara inte tar den här skiten skulle tvinga de andra stollarna att stå för skiten de ansvarar för, men ignorerar.