DVD trends can teach lessons about society. Russian economy&health. NATO-Sweden is a clown nightmare
DVD-utvecklingen kan lära oss resonera om samhället. Rysk ekonomi och hälsa. NATO-clownerna våndas
Today’s English video of cat walking away again and again
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska gömma-katt-i-buske-video
🇸🇪 Söndagens inspelade direktsändning om morotslagring, plandemier, hantering av beundrare, robotskepp och min “veganska” middag - Av någon anledning blir jag spegelvänd på Facebook, men ni kan se mig rättspeglad på Swebbtube, Rumble, Odysee och Bitchute.
🇸🇪 Lite svensk text på slutet, men annars se automatöversättningen.
(Why late videos and Substack today? Well, guess what I feel about video editing from a scale from my beloved but accidentally scratching cat to Scott Adams’ feelings about printers… Putting videos from the front camera together with videos from the selfie camera should be so easy, but that isn’t how it works… )
What I learnt from 2000 Mules:
DVD are still sold in USA! And in Sweden too?!?
I accidentally got into an interesting discussion on Gettr about DVDs, but it turns out that there really isn’t as huge difference between USA and Sweden (just as I thought before the discussion), but it’s me who is the one living in a bubble. I only know people who never bought a DVD, and people who stopped buying DVDs a long time ago.
So I Brave Searched it: “Where to buy DVDs in Stockholm?”… Answer is from 15 years ago… And sales of DVDs in Sweden are up 42% and 3.3 million units sold only in June and July… 2007!
But the trend isn’t different in USA:
But Blu-Ray is dying fast on the US market according to Nielsen VideoScan:
So the reason Americans are buying DVD seem to be that they are cheaper and can be played in any old device, and that is more important than the quality - If you want quality, you can download the video (if you know how), and what’s the point of watching 2000 Mules in super-high quality unless you want to see the imperfections in people’s faces or hear the recording background sounds?
But there are some big differences across the globe that we can learn from
For example when westerners come to Africa and people want you to SMS them money for their services because they don’t have a wallet… There are a lot of things that do work great in some parts of the world, but just doesn’t work well or even exist in others.
In Mumbai there is a system called Dabbawalas (People pay $21 a month for the daily delivery, and with SMS and online ordering attracting new customers, their solid consumer base is great for advertisers.) where you can order the food for lunch that is cooked by your family or shared chef to be delivered to your working place (people there want their special food for religious and other reasons, so eating out is too complicated - if you’re on a healthy keto diet, you can imagine how much worse it will be with some rare religious constraints and many diners with bad hygiene standards), and these “food mules” only fail to deliver one in 6 million orders (despite unreliable trains and traffic!). While one can’t order a batch of 5 food items in California without one of them being wrong, I’ve heard (likely a bubble too and there might be perfect systems in CA too).
The Dabbawalas workers only earn some $280 a month, but with a more efficient system, it should be possible for a food carrier to deliver way more than 40 meals a day from your private but shared chef for an affordable price, and then the ones doing the deliveries could keep that money instead of giving it to feed a big organization’s overhead. Something like blockchain where the workers only pay a computer to do all the accounting, marketing and side-sales for their work.
Another thing many people have missed due to media brainwashing:
S&P 500 vs USD denominated Russian RTS Index 2022
S&P 500: -19%
RTS 50: -27%
I thought the Russian stock market had gone way better, but only since the 25th of February (+32%). RTS was apparently overvalued at the start of the year and fell 15% in January. From the 1st of February, Russian stock have done better.
Russian commodity producing companies will have some future problems with not being able to import some equipment, but Russia got rid of McDonalds, Pepsi, Coca Cola, Western woke media propaganda... It hard to overestimate how much that will benefit the Russian people, while it would have been impossible for Russia to ban these things, but now the wokies did it themselves.
A little late to demonstrate in Australia now?
Well, it might actually be very early. The next election happens in organizing, getting out of their systems and build better networks, media and economy than the Freemason pedo narcissists ever can do.
Dying with covid after 2 injections, made you “unvaccinated” in Sweden (and many other places)
You thought the almost no-lockdowns Swedish public health agency (Folkhälsomyndigheten) wasn’t corrupt to the core? Well, they just had a different strategy of tricking people to take the bioweapon injection while doing everything they could to make people as sick as possible, but they just aren’t that competent. Folkhälsomyndigheten still recommends pregnant women and Bill Gates to take the bioweapon injection (I’m not OK with the later either as I think Bill Gates is about to do a George W Bush and confess to his crimes, so he should live that long).
The public health agency stopped their press conferences as Per Shapiro asked about exactly this issue, so then they went into hiding.
Meet The Globalists: Here Is The Full Roster Of Davos 2022 Attendees
...the go-to policy and ideas shop for the ruling class is back 'in-person'...
I case you thought I was an Elon Musk fan-boy:
George Soros worries that the pursuit of business is threatening the values on which the European Union was founded.
🇳🇱 🤔 🤪
OK, I almost got the translation right, if this image is to be believed:
🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪
OBS: “satan” är inte ett glåpord, utan jag använder “satan” i betydelse “motståndare” eller “någon som jobbar för staten” - tänker ni på drakar och demoner, så det något annat:
Vaccin-satan “Begrström” hittar på värre förklaringar än SwebbTV stavar:
Intelligenstest: Litar du på myndigheterna? Om ja, följdfråga: Är det inte snabbare och mindre plågsamt att hoppa utför ett stup?
NATO-älskarna vaknar nog yrvaket till snart…
Värdelösa ätare “diskuterar”
Det finns ingen chans att Ryssland överger sina kärnvapen. Men kan tro diskussionen är över där så att vi kan fokusera på lösbara problem, men inget stoppar folket på läkaren att skrika ut sin “expertkunskap” om hur domare och spelare egentligen borde ha gjort när det gäller detta olösbara problem:
Lars G Sundberg skriver: Författaren av artikeln fokuserar på att man genom att prata med Putte och samtidigt påvisa att om han skrotar kärnvapnen (“om Månen är en grön ost så”…) så skall vi göra affärer som gynnar honom (“honom”, inte “Ryssland”. Vem är det som driver en personkult?), så kan man tolka det. Sådant kan nog hjälpa i vanliga affärsuppgörelser men icke när det gäller diktatorer med storhetsvansinne (tankeläsning). Motstånd är det enda som hjälper (Det gick bra för Polen i Andra Världskriget?), Hitler (Den som nämner Hitler har förlorat all trovärdighet i en diskussion, och det hade bara varit lite mindre dåligt med Stalin) fick fara fram som han ville på grund av alla snälla människor som inte gjorde motstånd (“Inte lydde Opium-imperiet” menar han. Om alla länder bara gjort som folkmördaren Churchill ville, så hade allt blivit bra? Finland gjorde rejält med motstånd, speciellt emot Lars’ narrativ)
Jag svarar fullt medveten om att Lars inte går att diskutera med:
Henrik Hedda Wallin: Lars G Sundberg Jag trodde artikeln var korkad, men du överträffade den! Grattis! Har du påbörjat din insamling för att med en gaffel slåss emot kärnvapnen? Du kopierar som en NPC vad du blivit programmerad av ifrån media och uttalar dig tvärsäkert och använder liknelser med fler hål än de miljoner som Churchill folkmördade i Indien och bombade till svältdöden i koncentrationslägren. Och du skriver ditt trams på en plattform som mina kompisar Wallenbergarna kontrollerar, och de kan plocka bort dig när helst du inte behövs längre. Men du förstör dig själv, så oroa dig inte för det!
Som sagt: Beter dig inte som jag på sociala media om du vill bli populär! Men jag gör det i förhoppningen att någon ska fundera kring något fakta med en ny inramning, samt se hur folk reagerar när man gör de mest oväntade kommentarerna.