Easter traditions. Enough of the Jews' racism and deceptive propaganda! Girl's cancer documentary
Påsk-traditioner. Folk har fått nog av judars rasism. Flickas cancerdokumentär. KrigsEbba. Vindstopp
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video. (Bitchute, Rumble, 𝕏)
🇸🇪 Inget översatt idag, men lite på svenska längst ner 👇
Today’s English video on Rumble, 𝕏, Bitchute
Gender is jender?
You English speakers, do you want the Dutch pronunciation of G? OK, we can do that! Or we can do it my way! No? OK, then it's CXHender from now on! CGHenriks do no take CGHit from a bastard half-Germanic language!
Swedish language does say G as Y before E, like in “gene” (gen), without the “d”-sound (yen), but “gender”?!? I see the logic, but I will redeclare my war against the “English” “language”. It’s “cghender” now.
Free advertising for Kim Kardashian to Elon Musk’s 180 million followers
Don Lemon also gets a lot of free advertising… But it doesn’t help
Orthodox Easter 2024 is on Sunday, May 5, 2024
So Russia attacking Ukraine that suddenly changed its holiday timings, makes sense:
The Embassy of Kazakhstan asks its citizens to leave the Kharkov and Odessa regions immediately. But few expect a Russian attack until May - If I was the Russian high command, I would have signalling that if I was about to attack right now.
The Morganthau plan
Mads Palsvig: The man behind the Morganthau plan that Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt signed in September 1945. Kill 20% of the German population. Which they then did from 1945-1949 when they killed 15 Mio. And the Germans have to pay reparation 80 years after because 15 Mio Germans is not enough blood for the Satan worshipping Talmud followers.
Happy Jesus is Dead Day, Jews!
Otherwise good Texas governor Greg Abbott issued an executive order to fight antisemitism, and his followers on 𝕏 are pissed that this racist EO singles out one group of people, while white men and Asians are heavily discriminated against.
The era of “antisemitism” is over - if you use that word, you are just a racist.
I’m not racist against Jews, even if I make a racist joke. Here is a good article from a Arabic speaking Jew from Lebanon:
Gad Saad:
The West suffers from cultural self-delusion
More like the western crazy bitches are on a mission to destroy Western Culture while they get punched in their faces on the streets of shit-hole cities due to the policies they think they want.
Don’t punch liberal crazy bitches on the streets just because they deserve it!
Having high-raise buildings and only one level of roads is a disaster.
That bloodbath hoax isn’t going well!
Grace Price documentary: Cancer: A Food-Borne Illness
Teenage girls can become totally obsessed with something and often they get away with it like a boy wouldn’t, like a celebrity, learning a foreign language and culture, supporting The Current Thing, animals, or in this case, learning about cancer. Often they lose interest when they grow up, which is a great thing if they obsessed over celebs or dangerous sports like riding horses (that sport is totally dominated by girls in Sweden the last 50 years, cause unknown, horses are scary monsters but small girls love them?!? Ah - horses love small girls! Yea, you don’t want some damn knight or Mongol warrior riding you, if you can have a little girl!).
3.3 million views now.
Galen Winsor and that radiation does not cause cancer in general (but it's bad): https://heddahenrik.substack.com/p/how-to-humbug-and-is-it-worse-than Chlorine Dioxide helps non-cancer-cells to get oxygen, so "Chlorine" doesn't mean bad: https://heddahenrik.substack.com/p/jjfever
Conjoined twin Abby Hensel, of TLC’s ‘Abby & Brittany,’ is now married to an Army veteran
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Krigshetsaren Ebba Busch går inte hem på 𝕏
Det går inte att driva på krig om folk är informerade. Ja, om inte fienden är bolsjevikiska monster som Stalin och Toria. Hitler kunde få stöd för Barbarossa just pga Stalins folkmord, och Putin kan inte kapitulera till Stalins efterträdare i London och Washington DC där många personligen har folkmord på meritlistan.
Väderministern stoppar förstörelse av den sörmländska kusten
Regeringen säger nu nej till en stor vindkraftpark till havs, trots att man bara två dagar tidigare tryckte på vindkraftens betydelse i den energipolitiska propositionen.
Om Romina bara kunde ha stoppat regnet som gjorde att jag inte kunde ta en kvällspromenad, så skulle jag nästan bara ha bra saker att säga om henne.