Pfizer = Pedo version of Ed Buck. Vanguard Saudi Arabia Twitter Musk. Venom water and covid crimes
Ed Buck dömd för spruta-ihjäl-sex = Pfizer utan pedofili. Twitter-ägare. Ormgiftsvatten & covidbrott
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska solskenshistoria ifrån fårhagen
The sunny sheep pasture English video
Elon Musk and the Twatts
The censorship loving writer Daleks are making total fools out of themselves. Demanding that billionaires should not be allowed to own media while writing in media owned by billionaires. Of course the bastion of freedom Saudi Arabia, also wants to protect their freedom of censorship.
And Vanguard is determined to control Twitter and increased their position even before Musk made his bid.
I expect the end result is that Musk destroys Twitter by showing that it’s a toxic platform for fascist pieces of shit. Trump has also said that he isn’t that interested in coming back to Twitter, and I think that’s the view of many.
“They would rather self-immolate than give up their censorship programs.”
Dr. Bryan Ardis and all the snake oils/venom
Actually snake venom can be medically helpful, but… generally the pharma industry that seems to be in love with the venoms is less helpful than snake venom
But I agree with Edward Dowd‘s point that the venom connection is mostly interesting for where to do research, and for us who don’t do research, it doesn’t matter that much:
Folks we don’t need to go down any rabbit holes. Stop this water talk. We have evidence of fraud at the clinical trial level & mix shift of old to young excess mortality in 2021. A crime has been committed and the fruits of the crime are in the data. Only diff in 21 vs 20 is 💉
But I still want to know what’s in the water! If I had unlimited of funds, I would buy a lab for my home. I would also not rule out that it’s a great idea to have snake venom in the water - as long as you don’t have too much of a new kind. Getting immune to toxic proteins that you might encounter, might be good.
Speculation: It is probably not drinking water with these huge proteins in them that is the problem, but getting the proteins into the blood via wounds, eyes, nose or vagina (might explain why women are have less severe covid like diseases as they have built up resistance to these toxins more?).
“Evaluation” of science advice during the COVID-19 pandemic in Sweden
Nele Brusselaers, David Steadson, Kelly Bjorklund, Sofia Breland,
Jens Stilhoff Sörensen, Andrew Ewing, Sigurd Bergmann & Gunnar Steineck
Summary: A bunch of useless eaters (Yes, I'm a big fan of Klaus Schwab, make people like the study authors read his books!) with no knowledge about how viruses work, spread or are diagnosed apply their non-existent skills at looking at manipulated data to look at manipulated data, propaganda and medical malpractice. Then they use their skills in writing bullshit to write about their imaginary findings in a way that only a printer manufacturer can love.
The authors believe in “asymptomatic spreading” and lockdowns, have no understand of treatment of respiratory problems and spike proteins, don’t care about the demographics in Scandinavia, don’t address the dry tinder hypothesis and they talk about “science” like Fauci.
Deadly injections as a fetish
Just in case someone still thinks that the ones in charge aren’t Satanists belonging to a death cult that loves death and destruction, and sometimes via injections:
Pfizer and BioNTech to ask FDA to authorize COVID-19 booster for kids as young as 5
These “people” are the pedo-versions of Ed Buck. They get horny of the thought of killing children with injections.
Unless I’m mistaken and they have some data that says that children get generally more healthy after the injections (Spoiler: There is no such data).
Of course I would look like a total fool if it turns out that these demons only kill children for profit and actually aren’t satanic perverts. I’m pretty sure none of them want to make that point though…
Pfizer & FDA knew Covid Vaccine caused Immunosuppression & VAED/ADE in Feb 2021; and they knew it was killing people
All friends of Ed Buck.
Local report from my area
They tried to get Ukrainians to go to Sweden, but they didn’t want to come here due to all the crime, rapes and gang violence. So in both my neighbouring suburb in Linköping, and in the neighbouring town Norrköping, it looked like this:
Swedish state media didn’t directly blame “right wing extremists”, but some Danish party “Stram kurs” that I never heard of was there, and they didn’t do anything bad and didn’t even start their manifestation of burning a Koran, and instead the deep state immigrants and their gangs started to attack the police as they felt “provoked” by their presence.
3 wounded police officers, and 2 arrested and 5 people “taken into custody” what ever that means. So a limited riot after all.
More to come as anti-free-speech rioters will continue to show that they belong in a penal colony together with the medical bureaucrats.
Some Easter flowers:
OK, it’s hard to see the flowers, but they are white, yellow and blue:
🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪
Elon Musk, Twitter och idioterna
De censurälskande skribenterna gör sig till åtlöje. De kräver att miljardärer inte ska få äga medier samtidigt som de skriver i medier som ägs av miljardärer. Frihetens bastion Saudiarabien vill naturligtvis också skydda sin censurfrihet.
Jag förväntar mig att slutresultatet blir att Musk förstör Twitter genom att visa att det är en giftig plattform för fascistiska skitstövlar. Trump har också sagt att han inte är så intresserad av att komma tillbaka till Twitter, och jag tror att det är mångas uppfattning.
Ledningen i Twitter har nu gjort det giftigt att försöka ta över företaget, så de förstör hellre sig själva än att släppa censurmakten.
“Evaluation” of science advice during the COVID-19 pandemic in Sweden
“Utvärdering” av “vetenskap” under covid-19 i Sverige av följande stolpskott:
Nele Brusselaers, David Steadson, Kelly Bjorklund, Sofia Breland,
Jens Stilhoff Sörensen, Andrew Ewing, Sigurd Bergmann & Gunnar Steineck
Sammanfattning: Ett gäng värdelösa ätare (Ja, jag är ett stort fan av Klaus Schwab; få folk som studieförfattarna att läsa hans böcker!) utan kunskap om hur virus fungerar, sprids eller diagnostiseras tillämpar sina obefintliga färdigheter i att titta på manipulerade data för att titta på manipulerade data, propaganda och medicinska felbehandlingar. Sedan använder de sina färdigheter i att skriva skitsnack för att skriva om sina påhittade resultat på ett sätt som bara en skrivartillverkare kan älska.
Författarna tror på "asymptomatisk spridning" och nerstängningar, har ingen förståelse för behandling av luftvägsproblem och spikproteiner, bryr sig inte om demografin i Skandinavien, tar inte upp hypotesen om “torrt fnöske” (att jättefå dog under 2019 i Sverige) och de talar om "vetenskap" som Fauci som säger sig vara vetenskapen själv.
Demokrat storbidragsgivare Ed Buck dömd för att lustmörda unga svarta män med injektioner
De som fortfarande tvivlar på att det finns “människor” som tänder på att injicera folk till döds bör läsa denna dom. Vi kan anta att de som vill injicera barn med covid-sprutor har liknande fetisher, fast jag kan förstås ha fel och det finns någon data som säger att barnen blir allmänt friskare av sprutorna (spoiler: Det finns det inte).
Och tänk er så pinsamt det vore för mig om det visar sig att de bara mördar barn för att att göra vinster och inte alls tänder på det! Risken att de ska erkänna detta är nära nog obefintlig, så jag känner mig säker…