Elon Musk declares war on Apple. Gobekli WEF. Haifa bombed. Nuclear Cuba. Drone tanks. Swamp show
Elon Musk arg på Apple. Gobekli WEF. Haifa bombat. Atom-Kuba. Drönar-pansar. Blix mot DCA. Träskshow
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Elon Musk declared war on Apple
If Apple integrates OpenAI at the OS level, then Apple devices will be banned at my companies. That is an unacceptable security violation.
And visitors will have to check their Apple devices at the door, where they will be stored in a Faraday cage
Here is a tip from Otto von Bismarck: Make a good deal with Elon Musk.
Seems to work for Jensen Huang who is signing breasts all day long.
I rather have Mossad as my enemy than Elon Musk. Well aware that Mossad might kill me, but Elon Musk would never do that.
Elon Musk: It is neither Apple nor intelligent!
Apple Intelligence is yet again showing the superiority of the Teutonic race that managed to have not just 2, but 3 words in Holy Roman Empire, all wrong. To be fair, only 2 crazy looking eagle heads, so Apple might catch up with a triple rotten apple with cancer on top.
Sean Kelly: Elon Musk fired 80% of Twitter (6500 people) and everyone thought that Twitter was doomed. He was right. Everyone was wrong
Small, strong and highly technical teams. Parkinson’s law states that the work will expand to fill all the available time.
Vibrant workplace, people pacing around, coding and prioritizing getting real work done.
No large meetings. Anyone can walk out of a meeting.
No layers, and instead the CEO talks directly to the person doing the project.
Search for and remove bottlenecks.
WTF is WEF so interested in stopping excavation of Gobekli Tepe?
There is an argument to be maid that we should wait to excavate more because future excavating technology will be better, but is that the reason?
Hezbollah has started to attack the Haifa port with missiles
Hezbollah is able to shut down all civilian shipping to Israel, but the Zionists only have escalation in their minds, so I expect this to get worse. This was just a tiny attack, but just the risk of getting attacked will keep ships away.
Russia has now deployed nuclear weapons and supersonic missiles on Cuba
The escalating clowns in the White House are still waiting for new orders from Henry Kissinger and Lord Jacob Rothschild.
The Russian military has begun converting thousands of it's old Soviet tanks into remote control drones! Video.
Can Biden or a baby say it better?
You already know the answer.
Video: David Attenborough comments on the clown party in the swamp
Sean Kelly: Elon Musk sparkade 80% av Twitter (6500 personer) och alla trodde att Twitter var dödsdömt. Han hade rätt. Alla hade fel
Små, starka och mycket tekniska team. Parkinsons lag säger att arbetet kommer att expandera för att fylla all tillgänglig tid.
Levande arbetsplats, människor som går runt, kodar och prioriterar för att få verkligt arbete gjort.
Inga stora möten. Vem som helst kan gå från ett möte.
Inga lager, istället pratar VD direkt med den som driver projektet.
Sök efter och ta bort flaskhalsar.
Hans Blix varnar för att godkänna DCA-avtalet
Hans Blix lyckades få in debattartikeln i SvD.