Elon vs Alexandre. Moon, Mars, space lasers. Mediterranean human traffickers. Zionist Muslims
Elon vs Alexandre. Månen, Mars, rymdlasrar. Medelhavets människosmugglare. DCA = Könsbytarlagen
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video. (Bitchute, Rumble, 𝕏)
🇸🇪 På svenska längst ner 👇
Today’s English video on Rumble, 𝕏, Bitchute
𝕏 vs Brazil
Who would win in a fight between a rocket, AI, tunnel drilling guy and a State Department infested Bolshevik government? We will find out pretty soon:
Elon Musk writes:
Coming shortly, 𝕏 will publish everything demanded by Alexandre and how those requests violate Brazilian law. This judge has brazenly and repeatedly betrayed the constitution and people of Brazil. He should resign or be impeached.
Shame Alexandre, shame.
Brazil Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes has opened an inquiry into Elon Musk and 𝕏 for “obstruction of Justice” and “incitement to crime”
Elon Musk then posts a link on how to install a VPN app
With a VPN you can access all sites that are either blocking your country or are blocked by your country.
Starlink has over 10.000 space lasers in operation
My tinfoil hat friend Mjaudi wants to know how many of the lasers that are Jewish. 🙀
Elon Musk: The Moon sucks! Too close to Earth and lacks resources and too low gravity (why is that a problem, just rotate the gym).

In 20 years:
Just some useless parts of the jet engine falling off
So you think this is a Space-X, Airbus or an engine from another company?
Fake news guy can’t even report his own insanity correct:
But who knows what batch they give him? Might be almost nothing in that shot.
Mediterranean NGO steals illegal immigrants from Libyan coast guard who had just saved them and they were safe. It is clear that it is not a rescue but rather a business: zero illegal immigrants, zero money.
This can easily be stopped, but not one single government in Europe wants to. Even Hungary could take its mighty fleet and and just arrest these JONGOs.
'Death to America', 'Death to Israel'
If they just used different wording, most Americans would agree with these Muslims!
Why not shout "Stop spending taxpayer money on foreign wars!"?
Because these Muslim organizations are funded by the Jewish mafia, that also funds the illegal immigration
Uberboyo: Antifa thugs in Ireland working for the Bolshevik media
You see the pattern of the Blob and the Jewish mafia? I can’t go into details into Ireland, but Uberboyo can explain, so a good follow for the Irish.
Spawn of CIA-bitch posts Satanism
Anna Ardin, the evil accuser of Julian Assange (the younger woman didn’t do anything wrong, and didn’t lie to the court), approve of the sex change law for 16 year olds, but also want to chemically castrate pre-puberty children.
I think the Blob is using this transsexualism to distract from (for example) the DCA treaty that is giving away Sweden’s sovereignty to criminals in the US military.
Nayib Bukele invites a few foreign experts
We're offering 5,000 free passports (equivalent to $5 billion in our passport program) to highly skilled scientists, engineers, doctors, artists, and philosophers from abroad. This represents less than 0.1% of our population, so granting them full citizen status, including voting rights, poses no issue. Despite the small number, their contributions will have a huge impact on our society and the future of our country. Plus, we will facilitate their relocation by ensuring 0% taxes and tariffs on moving families and assets. This includes commercial value items like equipment, software, and intellectual property.
11.1 million views now… He has a reach far beyond El Salvador
To REALLY understand HOW sick Sweden is...?
So there were people walking around with fake equipment, SCARING people to pay a TV license(!).
This in the country with the highest taxes in the world!
Martin has translated another skit from the episode, and this one is about the Swedish oligarch Jacob Wallenberg. 2 minutes video.
Not Begin’s quote
“Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best."
— Menahem Begin, 6th Prime Minister of Israel did not say this though. The quote is from here, written by Texe Marrs, and it isn’t attributed to any Jew in particular. A longer debunk.
In Sweden we have this tradition called “ollning”, which is when a man wants to honour something, he takes his penis, pulls back the foreskin that is isn’t removed by a pervert, and then put the forehead of the penis against the object to be honoured. For example, I saw Peter Wahlbeck getting his shoe ollad on stage by a big fan (no, we didn't see how big it was) some 20 years ago.
My friend did this to the freedom monument in Riga, and then we got hunted by guards with machine guns because they thought he was pissing while he was doing the opposite, but running was better than trying to explain Swedish traditions to heavily armed Latvians.
When women do the same, it’s called “snigling” (snailing).
I don’t think I’ll be invited to Jerusalem even if I become the King of NATO and they really need my support…
Satanist Kerry
These Bolshevik narcissists are good at networking, but they aren't even good at propaganda anymore. 𝕏 just fired 80%, and soon Argentina and many other organizations will do the same, and all these masters of networking, climate change, ESG, DEI and covid 2.0 will have a network of very poor people.
Do you care if the image below is actually true or just taken out of context? I don’t. But I’ll change my mind if this parasite shows her work to improve humanity, but she can’t:
The Scottish Bolshevik system is being spammed
This is really terrible. If there's one thing you should NOT do, it's spam Scottish police with vexatious reports of hate crimes using their anonymous online system that can be accessed from anywhere in the world. Do NOT do this.
If you see yourself as a victim, you'll be convinced that the world views you that way too.
The Dartmouth Scar Experiment reveals that. Participants thought they'd be interviewed for jobs with a fake scar on their face, which they saw being applied by a makeup artist. However, during the touch up phase, unbeknownst to them the scar was removed.
Those participants who believed that they still had a visible scar, reported a massively increased level of discrimination. They also "displayed heightened feelings of powerlessness, self-pity, and an increased tendency to blame others for their failures." (source: Medium).
They believed that they were discriminated against and thus internalized it in a negative way. The study essentially revealed that regardless of whether there's actual discrimination or not, when one believes themselves to be a victim it results in negative consequences.
En icke-statlig organisation i Medelhavsområdet stjäl illegala invandrare från den libyska kustbevakningen som just hade räddat dem och de var i säkerhet. Det är tydligt att det inte handlar om någon räddning utan snarare om en affärsverksamhet: noll olagliga invandrare, noll pengar.
Detta kan lätt stoppas, men inte en enda regering i Europa vill göra det. Till och med Ungern skulle kunna ta sin mäktiga flotta och bara arrestera dessa JONGOs.
'Death to America', 'Death to Israel'
Om de bara använde andra formuleringar skulle de flesta amerikaner hålla med dessa muslimer!
Varför inte skandera "Sluta spendera skattebetalarnas pengar på utländska krig!"?
Därför att dessa muslimska organisationer finansieras av den judiska maffian, som också finansierar den illegala invandringen
Uberboyo: Antifa-banditer i Irland arbetar för bolsjevikisk media
Ser du mönstret med Blob och den judiska maffian? Jag kan inte gå in på detaljer om Irland, men Uberboyo kan förklara, så han är bra att följa för irländarna.
Satkärring tycker satkärring-saker
Jag syftar såklart på Anna Ardin, inte jättetrevliga Cecilia:
Är könsbyteslagen en distraktion ifrån DCA-avtalet?
Om alla som beter sig som de är köpta av CIA, så som Anna Ardin, är för könsbyte på barn, så…
Nayib Bukele bjuder in utländska experter
Vi erbjuder 5 000 gratis pass (motsvarande 5 miljarder dollar i vårt passprogram) till högkvalificerade forskare, ingenjörer, läkare, konstnärer och filosofer från utlandet. Detta motsvarar mindre än 0,1 % av vår befolkning, så att ge dem full medborgarstatus, inklusive rösträtt, är inget problem. Trots det lilla antalet kommer deras bidrag att ha en enorm inverkan på vårt samhälle och vårt lands framtid. Dessutom kommer vi att underlätta deras flytt genom att garantera 0 % i skatter och tullar på flytt av familjer och tillgångar. Detta gäller även kommersiellt värdefulla föremål som utrustning, programvara och immateriella rättigheter.
11,1 miljoner visningar nu... Han har en räckvidd långt bortom El Salvador.
Man kanske får betala hutlöst mycket för en bra VD, men…
Anna Borg, vd för energijätten Vattenfall, med i snitt 1 450 000 kronor i månaden under 2023. Vattenfall är helägt av svenska staten.
Sedan faller lönen till tvåan Postnord, som ägs gemensamt av Sverige och Danmark, vars vd Annemarie Gardshol tjänar 935 000 kronor i månaden.
Vad exakt är det Anna Borg gör så himla bra att ingen annan kan göra det bättre?
För att RIKTIGT förstå HUR sjukt Sverige är..
Det gick alltså runt personer med låtsasutrustning, som SKRÄMDE folk till att betala Tv-licens(!)
Detta i landet med högst skatter i världen!
Martin has translated another skit from the episode, and this one is about Jacob Wallenberg. 2 minutes video.
Inte ett citat ifrån Begin!
“Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best."
— Menahem Begin, 6th Prime Minister of Israel did not say this though. The quote is from here, written by Texe Marrs, and it isn’t attributed to any Jew in particular. A longer debunk.
Satanisten Kerry
Dessa bolsjevikiska narcissister är bra på nätverkande, men de är inte ens bra på propaganda längre. 𝕏 sparkade just 80%, och snart kommer Argentina och många andra organisationer att göra detsamma, och alla dessa mästare på nätverkande, klimatförändringar, ESG, DEI och covid 2.0 kommer att ha ett nätverk av mycket fattiga människor.
Bryr du dig om bilden nedan faktiskt är sann eller bara tagen ur sitt sammanhang? Nej, det gör jag inte. Men jag kommer att ändra mig om denna parasit visar sitt arbete för att förbättra mänskligheten, men det kan hon inte:
Skottar spammar sin polis med hatbrottsanmälningar
Det här är verkligen fruktansvärt. Om det är något du INTE ska göra så är det att skicka spam till den skotska polisen med besvärande rapporter om hatbrott med hjälp av deras anonyma onlinesystem som kan nås från var som helst i världen. Gör INTE detta.
Om du ser dig själv som ett offer kommer du att övertygas om att världen också ser dig på det sättet.
Det visar Dartmouth Scar Experiment. Deltagarna trodde att de skulle bli intervjuade för jobb med ett falskt ärr i ansiktet, som de såg appliceras av en makeupartist. Under efterbehandlingsfasen togs dock ärret bort utan att de visste om det.
De deltagare som trodde att de fortfarande hade ett synligt ärr rapporterade en kraftigt ökad grad av diskriminering. De "visade också ökade känslor av maktlöshet, självömkan och en ökad tendens att skylla sina misslyckanden på andra." (källa: Medium).
De trodde att de var diskriminerade och internaliserade därför detta på ett negativt sätt. Studien visade i huvudsak att oavsett om det finns faktisk diskriminering eller inte, när man tror sig vara ett offer resulterar det i negativa konsekvenser.